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Balkan Flatbread (Lepinja) Recipe From Scratch

Balkan Flatbread (Lepinja) Recipe From Scratch

  • 24 Jun, 2022
  • Posted By : Content

If you've ever tried Balkan food, you've likely stumbled upon a lepinja. It's a homemade flatbread that goes well with everything. 

In the Balkan part of Europe, you'll find lepinja bread at the table no matter which type of meal is served. It goes amazingly with all meats, like cevapi, but people also enjoy having it with something simple like a kaymak spread.

Using a lepinja for sandwiches is also quite popular. It's just as tasty, though. Luckily, we're here to teach you how to make the original recipe and become a master baker in no time.

Keep reading to see the full flatbread recipe - we'll explain it from scratch.

And, if you're looking to order Balkan food online, visit the BalkanFresh website and start your first purchase.


  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp of dry yeast (active)
  • 1 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tbsp canola oil
  • 2 tbsp flour (for dusting)
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt


Our flatbread recipe isn't difficult to make. But, to make sure anyone can follow the instructions, we've separated them into simple steps that anyone can follow. So don't worry if you're a beginner chef. You're still about to have your first homemade flatbread.

Step 1 - Starting the Lepinja Bread Dough

There aren't many flatbread ideas that start otherwise. So, we'll do the same thing and make the dough first.

Add four cups of flour into a large bowl. Then, create a well in the center. Next, you should add the yeast and pour 1 1/2 cups of water into it.

Let everything rest for 5-10 minutes. It will take that long for the yeast to activate.

Step 2 - Kneading

Chef Neading the Dough

Once the yeast has activated, you'll have to do some kneading. First, combine the ingredients in your bowl.

Now, add the salt and knead for another five minutes. Our advice is to use your hands when making lepinja bread. It's the authentic way, and no machine can keep up.

Next, add the canola oil and knead for another few minutes, or until the dough becomes smooth.

Once you've done that, you and the dough will have to rest for a while. 

Cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and leave it at room temperature for about 45 minutes. You can occasionally check if the dough has doubled in size; if the answer is yes, it's time for step 3.

Step 3 - Shaping the Dough

Now it's time to create dough balls that will end up as your lepinja flatbreads. Dust your working surface with two tablespoons of flour and place the dough on top.

Shape it into a long log, which you should cut into six equal parts. Now it's time to shape each of those pieces into a ball. 

Once you've done that, leave the balls on the powdered surface, cover them with a kitchen towel, and let them rest for another ten minutes.

Step 4 - Shaping

Now you have to shape the balls into 6-inch-long flatbreads. After that, place them on a floured baking sheet and let them rest for another ten minutes. 

To make the lepinjas look authentic, create a mesh pattern on their tops using the back side of a knife. And the only thing left to do is bake!

Step 5 - Baking 

Before placing the flatbreads inside, preheat the oven to 475 degrees F. Let the dough bake for eight to ten minutes, or until it becomes golden brown.

Then, take your homemade bread outside, splash it with a bit of water, cover, and try after a few minutes. There aren't many flatbread ideas that taste that well, right?

Order Balkan Food Online

If you're looking for Balkan food in the United States, then BalkanFresh is the website for you. Check out what we offer and start making your first purchase.

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