
Marco Polo Homestyle ljut ajvar sa namazom od pečenih paprika 550gr


Napravljen od kvalitetnih, svježih patlidžana i pečenih paprika, začinjen mješavinom ljutih začina. Ukusna poslastica vašim receptima, ovaj vrući ajvar može se koristiti za kuhanje različitih recepata kako biste dodali ukuse. Možete ga koristiti i kao namaz na hrskavi...
Marco Polo Hot Ajvar is made with roasted peppers, seasoned with a blend of hot spices. A savoury treat to your recipes, this hot Ajvar can be used to cook different recipes in order to add flavours. You can also have it as a spread on crusty toast or bread. It’s an on-the-go meal for those who run with busy schedules. Try this delicious Marco Polo Homestyle Hot Ajvar w/Roasted Peppers Spread once and you will order it again.

Marco Polo Homestyle ljut ajvar sa namazom...

from $11.11 from 1088207552555
Vava Fergesa 490GR


Pripremite nevjerovatne recepte za svoje goste uz ovu ukusnu kombinaciju mješavine povrća i sira. Možete ga jesti i uz kruh ili ga namazati na otvorene sendviče. Ova makedonska poslastica učiniće vaše recepte ukusnim i toplim. Stavite ga na...
Prepare amazing recipes for your guests with this delicious combination of vegetable mix and farmer’s cheese. You can also have it with bread or spread it on open sandwiches. This Macedonian delicacy will make your recipes savoury and heartwarming. Put it on your breakfast table and your kids will want this yummy vegetable spread with every meal. Order Vava Fergesa today and make a permanent place for it in the pantry.

Vava Fergesa 490GR

from $12.99 from 1648605790251
Vava kućna lutenica 550GR

Sold Out

Dodajte ukus svojim redovnim jelima uz ovu ukusnu domaću lutenicu. Možete napraviti dirljive recepte od mesa ili piletine, ili možete kuhati gotova jela za svoje goste s njima. Vava Home Made Lutenica je napravljena od potpuno prirodnih...
Add flavour to your regular meals with this savoury homemade lutenica. You can make heartwarming recipes of meat or chicken, or you can cook out-of-box dishes for your guests with it. Vava Home Made Lutenica is made of all-natural ingredients like fefferoni, garlic, tomato and carrot. This yummy preparation has nutritional benefits too. Order Vava Home Made Lutenica soon and enjoy making amazing recipes!

Vava kućna lutenica 550GR

from $11.99 from 1648494542891
Vava Home Made Pinjur 550GR


Ovaj domaći tradicionalni recept ne samo da će vaše recepte učiniti ukusnim, već će vam omogućiti da doživite ukus svog doma. Vava Home Made Pinjur se može koristiti za pripremu receptura kobasica od pečenog mesa ili povrća. Takođe,...
This homemade traditional recipe will not only make your recipes delicious but it will also let you experience the taste of your home. Vava Home Made Pinjur can be used to prepare the recipes of roasted meat or vegetable sausages. Also, try this with bread and cheese. This savoury preparation is made of fresh tomatoes, parsley, garlic and 100% natural roasted red peppers. Order Vava Home Made Pinjur right now and surprise your friends with out-of-box recipes!

Vava Home Made Pinjur 550GR

from $12.99 from 1648491135019
Vava Balkan Zakuska 480GR


Istražite svoje kulinarske vještine uz ovu ukusnu poslasticu iz zemlje Makedonije. Namažite ga na kruh ili ga koristite kao umak za grickalice. Sa ovom ukusnom Vava Balkan Zakuskom možete napraviti i slane mesne recepte. Napravljen je od...
Explore your culinary skills with this delicious delicacy from the land of Macedonia. Have it spread on bread or use it as a dip for your snacks. You can also make savoury meat recipes with this yummy Vava Balkan Zakuska. It is made of 100% natural and premium quality ingredients, with zero added flavours or preservatives. It does not contain artificial colour or gluten.

Vava Balkan Zakuska 480GR

from $14.99 from 4662397009995
Krusha Domaci Ajvar Namaz od pecene paprike (Kosovo) 720GR

Sold Out

Odličan recept za glavno jelo sa Kosova. Ovaj ukusni blagi ajvar napravljen je od svježih patlidžana i paprika, začinjen prepoznatljivom mješavinom ljutih začina. Jednostavan obrok u pokretu, ovaj ukusan recept bez hemikalija možete jesti kao glavno jelo ili...
Mouthwatering main course recipe from the land of Kosovo. This delicious mild Ajvar is made of fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with a signature blend of hot spices. Easy on-the-go meal, you can have this chemical-free, yummy recipe as a main course or as a side dish, at any time from morning to evening. Flavourful Krusha Ajvar is nutritious too. To enjoy alone or with your friends, order soon!

Krusha Domaci Ajvar Namaz od pecene paprik...

from $14.00 from 7530516578546
Krusha Domaci Ajvar Namaz od ljute pecene paprike (Kosovo) 720GR

Sold Out

Odličan recept za glavno jelo sa Kosova. Ovaj ukusni ljuti ajvar napravljen je od svježih patlidžana i paprika, začinjen prepoznatljivom mješavinom ljutih začina. Jednostavan obrok u pokretu, ovaj ukusan recept bez hemikalija možete jesti kao glavno jelo...
Mouthwatering main course recipe from the land of Kosovo. This delicious Hot Ajvar is made of fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with a signature blend of hot spices. Easy on-the-go meal, you can have this chemical-free, yummy recipe as a main course or as a side dish, at any time from morning to evening. Flavourful Krusha Ajvar is nutritious too. To enjoy alone or with your friends, order soon!

Krusha Domaci Ajvar Namaz od ljute pecene ...

from $14.00 from 7530528637170
Pitajte Domaći blagi ajvar 300GR

Sold Out

Divno glavno jelo iz zemlje Makedonije učiniće vaš dan ukusnijim nego ikad. Ovo ukusno jelo je napravljeno od svježih paprika i patlidžana, pečenih i pečenih na roštilju, pasteriziranih. To je domaći recept i apsolutno bez hemikalija. Možete...
A wonderful main course dish from the land of Macedonia will make your day yummier than ever. This delicious dish is made of fresh bell peppers and eggplants, roasted and grilled, pasteurized. It is a homemade recipe and absolutely chemical-free. You can have it for your lunch, easy on-the-go meal, take it as a main dish or a side one, nutritious food. So, why waiting? Order Ask Homemade Mild Ajvar and add flavour to your meals!

Pitajte Domaći blagi ajvar 300GR

from $6.88 from 7563936891122
Pitajte Domaći vrući ajvar 300GR

Sold Out

Ovo ukusno jelo je napravljeno od svježih paprika i patlidžana, pečenih i pečenih na roštilju, pasteriziranih. To je domaći recept i apsolutno bez hemikalija. Možete ga jesti za ručak, lagan obrok u pokretu, uzeti ga kao glavno...
This delicious dish is made of fresh bell peppers and eggplants, roasted and grilled, pasteurized. It is a homemade recipe and absolutely chemical-free. You can have it for your lunch, easy on-the-go meal, take it as a main dish or a side one, nutritious food. So, why waiting? Order Ask Homemade Hot Ajvar and add flavor to your meals!

Pitajte Domaći vrući ajvar 300GR

from $6.88 from 7563942134002
Bash Domaći EXTRA Ljuti Ajvar 680GR

Sold Out

Bash Domaći EXTRA vrući ajvar je divan užitak iz zemlje Makedonije. Ovo možete imati za ručak, lagan obrok u pokretu, posebno koristan za one koji imaju zauzet raspored. Uzmite ovu namirnicu samostalno ili kao prilog prema receptu. Hranljiva...
Bash Homemade EXTRA Hot Ajvar is a wonderful delight from the land of Macedonia. You can have this for your lunch, an easy on-the-go meal, especially useful for those who have busy schedules. Have this staple on its own or as a side dish recipe. A chemical-free, nutritious food that you have ever dreamed of. Order this EXTRA Hot Ajvar soon and enjoy it with your family and friends.

Bash Domaći EXTRA Ljuti Ajvar 680GR

from $12.22 from 7625578873074
Vava Original Pinjur 530GR


Klasični namaz za tost i krekere, Vava Original Pinjur može se koristiti za pripremu kobasica od pečenog mesa ili povrća. Možete ga jesti i uz hleb i sir, omiljeni recept na Balkanu. Napravljen je od svježeg...
A classic spread for toast and crackers, Vava Original Pinjur can be used to make roasted meat or vegetable sausages. You can also have it with bread and cheese, a favorite recipe of the Balkans. It is made of fresh tomatoes, sunflower oil, onion, carrots and 100% natural roasted red peppers. Order Vava Original Pinjur right now and prepare mouthwatering recipes!

Vava Original Pinjur 530GR

from $12.49 from 7707729461490
Vava Spicy Original Pinjur 530GR


Klasični namaz za tost i krekere, Vava Spicy Original Pinjur može se koristiti za pripremu kobasica od pečenog mesa ili povrća. Možete ga jesti i uz hleb i sir, omiljeni recept na Balkanu. Napravljen je od...
A classic spread for toast and crackers, Vava Spicy Original Pinjur can be used to make roasted meat or vegetable sausages. You can also have it with bread and cheese, a favorite recipe of the Balkans. It is made of fresh tomatoes, sunflower oil, onion, carrots and 100% natural roasted red peppers. Order Vava Spicy Original Pinjur right now and prepare mouthwatering recipes!

Vava Spicy Original Pinjur 530GR

from $12.99 from 7707733197042