
Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch 133GR

Sold Out

U potrazi za slatkim poslasticama? Ako jeste, ovo je najbolji slatki užitak o kojem ste ikada sanjali! Probajte ovaj ukusni Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch, dupli keksići čokoladni sloj spolja i mekani marshmallow sa orasima i susamom iznutra daće...
In search of sweet treats? If yes, this is the best sweet delight you have ever dreamed of! Try this yummy Crvenka Munchmallow Duo, double biscuits chocolate layer outside and soft marshmallow with nuts and sesame inside will give the sweetest taste on the earth. Don’t forget to share. Crvenka Munchmallow Duo is a perfect match with your morning or evening coffee.

Jaffa Munchmallow Double Munch 133GR

from $2.22 from 4443192721483
Bash domaći vrući ajvar 680GR

Sold Out

Ukusan recept, napravljen od svježih patlidžana i paprika, začinjen ljutom mješavinom začina. Bash domaći ljuti ajvar je divan užitak iz zemlje Makedonije. Ovo možete imati za ručak, lagan obrok u pokretu, posebno koristan za one koji imaju zauzet...
Delicious recipe, made with fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with a hot spicy blend. Bash Homemade Hot Ajvar is a wonderful delight from the land of Macedonia. You can have this for your lunch, an easy on-the-go meal, especially useful for those who have busy schedules. Have this staple on its own or as a side dish recipe. A chemical-free, nutritious food that you have ever dreamed of. Order this Hot Ajvar soon and enjoy it with your family and friends.

Bash domaći vrući ajvar 680GR

from $12.22 from 4426959323211
Podravka pileća pašteta 95GR

Sold Out

Piletina vrhunskog kvaliteta, začinjena mješavinom začina, ova ukusna pileća pašteta je ono o čemu ste ikada sanjali za svoje tostove ili sendviče. Ovaj namaz od piletine u konzervi korisniji je kada morate imati zauzet raspored. Jednostavan obrok...
Premium quality chicken, seasoned with a spicy blend, this mouthwatering chicken pate is what you have ever dreamed of for your toasts or sandwiches. This canned chicken spread is more useful when you have to maintain a busy schedule. Easy on-the-go meal, you can also have it as an appetizer. Zero added preservatives and without flavour enhancers. Order this delicious Podravka Chicken Pate today and spread happiness in your meals!

Podravka pileća pašteta 95GR

from $3.99 from 1647965110315
Jami Phyllo plahte (jufka za baklavu) 450GR-**NY, NJ, CT, MA SAMO DOSTAVA**

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Istražite svoje kulinarske vještine uz Jami Phyllo Sheets. Ovi filo...
Explore your culinary skills with Jami Phyllo Sheets. These phyllo sheets are thin and made of dough, without raising agent or yeast, specially prepared for baklava. You can also make delicious and sweet dishes with jufka. You can fill these dough sheets with chopped pistachios and walnuts, pour honey on them, then fold or roll, make yummy desserts for your friends and family.

Jami Phyllo plahte (jufka za baklavu) 450G...

from $4.44 from 1225977004075
Vincinni Štrudla Fig 240G Box

Sold Out

Ako volite slatko, probajte ovu ukusnu štrudlu od smokava. Ovi mekani kolačići nalik na tortu punjeni su bogatom kremom od smokava. Savršeno se uklapa uz šoljicu tople kafe ili možete uživati ​​uz omiljeni napitak. Vincinni savijača od...
If you have sweet tooth, try this yummy strudel fig. These soft cake-like cookies are filled with rich fig cream. A perfect match for a cup of hot coffee or you can relish it with your favourite beverage. Vincinni Strudel Fig is prepared with the finest quality ingredients. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. Don’t forget to share its sweet experience or have it alone!

Vincinni Štrudla Fig 240G Box

from $3.99 from 1687347396651
Podravka namaz od šljiva 350g

Sold Out

Hrvatski užitak, Podravka namaz s maslacem od šljiva uvijek je favorit za sve dobne skupine. Namažite ga na kruh ili napravite puding, pite i razne slatke recepte koji će vaš obrok upotpuniti slatkom notom. Ovaj ukusni namaz...
A Croatian delight, Podravka Plum Butter Spread is an all-time favourite for any age group. Spread it on bread or make pudding, pies and different sweet recipes that will complete your meal with a sweet note. This delicious plum butter spread is made of fresh fruit and no added preservatives. Have it alone or enjoy it with your friends and family. Podravka Plum Butter Spread is a storehouse of carbohydrates.

Podravka namaz od šljiva 350g

from $6.99 from 4537408061515
Takovo Eurokrem Namaz od lešnika 1KG


Pripremite ukusan doručak sa ovom kremastom čokoladom sa ukusom lešnika i vanile. Premažite ga na hrskavi tost ili napravite sendviče koji se tope u ustima sa ovim Takovo Eurocrem namazom od lešnika. Savršen je i slatkiš sa oblatnama...
Prepare a mouthwatering breakfast with this creamy chocolate with hazelnut and vanilla flavour. Spread it on crusty toast or make melt-in-mouth sandwiches with this Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread. It is also a perfect confectionary with wafers or crunchy biscuits. Explore this exotic chocolate cream’s taste with different kinds of dessert. Order Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread today and experience the taste.

Takovo Eurokrem Namaz od lešnika 1KG

from $16.99 from 1048555159595
Podravka Slag Pjena (šlag) 36GR


Od sada će vaši recepti za deserte biti ukusniji, samo dodajte Slag Pjena svom desertu kao preljev. Podravka predstavlja kremu u prahu, samo pomiješajte s mlijekom i promiješajte, umutite dok ne dobijete pravu teksturu kreme. Pripremite slatka jela...
Podravka Slag Pjena (Whipped Cream) 42GR - BalkanFresh

Podravka Slag Pjena (šlag) 36GR

from $1.99 from 1254901317675
Grand Kafe Gold 500GR


Ako volite jaku kafu, obavezno probajte Grand Kafe Gold. Napravljen je od svježih, biranih zrna kafe i klasičnog je jakog mirisa. Oduševite svoje goste ovom kafom! Naručite Grand Kafe Gold da uživate u prohladnim zimskim večerima uz lagane...
If you like strong flavoured coffee, you must try Grand Kafe Gold. It is made of fresh, selected coffee beans and has a classic strong aroma. Amaze your guests with this coffee! Order Grand Kafe Gold to enjoy chilly winter evenings with light snacks.

Grand Kafe Gold 500GR

from $13.33 from 1025972273195
Brat i sestra dimljena govedina (Suho Meso) 2LB


** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Da li više volite meso od povrća? Ako da, to je upravo ono što tražite! Suho Meso...
Do you prefer meat over veggies? If yes, this is exactly what you are searching for! Suho Meso is a delicious, juicy meat, made of premium quality beef, seasoned and hickory-smoked with a blend of spices. Have it with cheese toppings or prepare your favourite dishes. Brother & Sister Smoked Beef is a great source of proteins. It is a traditional recipe of Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia.

Brat i sestra dimljena govedina (Suho Meso...

from $44.44 from 6570729177268
Jupi Cockta 1.5LT


Slovenačko bezalkoholno piće koje možete koristiti za pravljenje različitih koktela. Jupi Cockta je napravljena od 11 različitih vrsta bilja, šipka, narandže i limuna. Stalno piće za vašu kućnu zabavu. I vaši gosti će uživati ​​u ovom slatkom...
Slovenian soft drink that you can use to make different cocktails. Jupi Cockta is made of 11 different kinds of herbs, dog rosehip, orange and lemon. A constant drink for your house party. Your guests will enjoy this sweet and fizzy drink too. Jupi Cockta does not contain caffeine. It will satisfy your thirst and leave a sweet aftertaste. Order it right now and refrigerate to enjoy a chilly drink with your favourite snacks!

Jupi Cockta 1.5LT

from $5.00 from 1281199177771
B52 Energetski napitak 250ML

Sold Out

Odličan pojačivač energije, piće vrhunskog kvaliteta, najbolje se servira kada se ohladi sa jednom kriškom narandže. B52 Energetski napitak pomaže vam da radite cijeli dan. Ako ste fitnes entuzijasta, pomaže u povećanju fizičke snage, stimulira brzinu metabolizma. Ovo...
Excellent quality drink, best served when chilled with a single slice of orange. B52 Energy Drink will become your got to drink. Keep some at work, in your bag and even at home. Serve some up at your next party. Order B52 Energy Drink today and boost your energy to bring out the best performance of yours!

B52 Energetski napitak 250ML

from $3.00 from 4484373938251