Balkan Drinks

Balkan Drinks

Ako ste probali pravu tursku kafu ili turski čaj, onda znate da nema osvrtanja. Bogat, karakterističan okus i intenzivna aroma govore sami za sebe.

Jeste li ikada probali bosansku kafu? To je isti slučaj. Jedini problem je što je do ovih proizvoda možda teško doći. Nabaviti čaj na mreži i naručiti kafu putem interneta možda i nije tako teško, ali pronalaženje ovih balkanskih pića može biti problematično ako ne znate gdje da tražite.

Ako ste ljubitelj evropskih brendova kafe, BalkanFresh se može udvostručiti kao vaša najbolja internet prodavnica kafe u kojoj možete pretraživati ​​najbolja bezalkoholna pića, čaj i kafu koje Balkan nudi.

Samo naručite kafu online, sačekajte da vam paket stigne i prepustite se karakterističnom i bogatom ukusu ovih balkanskih brendova koji će vas u tren oka vratiti na Stari kontinent.

Fanta Shokata 500ML


Osvježavajući napitak bez kofeina, napravljen od 100% cvijeta bazge i limuna savršena je osnova za jutarnje smutije ili mikser za koktele. Fanta Šokata je popularna na Balkanu i slatkog je ukusa. Savršen je užitak za ljetne večeri...
Caffeine-free refreshing drink, made of 100% elderflower and lemon is a perfect base for your morning smoothies or cocktail mixer. Fanta Shokata is popular in the Balkans and has a sweet taste. It is a perfect delight for the summer evenings with light snacks. Carbonated drink that can be enjoyed on any occasion.

Fanta Shokata 500ML

from $3.33 from 1065229942827
Sale Amita nektar breskve 1L
Amita nektar breskve 1L

$5.55 $6.99

Zaista užitak za ljubitelje sokova, ovaj ukusni nektar breskve napravljen je od zrelih breskvi iz zemlje Grčke. Možete ga koristiti kao slanu bazu za jutarnji smoothie od jogurta ili voćni smoothie. Amita...
Indeed a delight for juice lovers, this delicious peach nectar is made of ripened peaches from the land of Greece. You can use it as the savory base for your morning yogurt smoothie or fruit smoothie. Its sweetness adds a different piquancy to the juice that you will love.

Amita nektar breskve 1L

from $5.55 from 1086079926315
Fanta Exotic (Limenka) 330ML

Sold Out

Pravi užitak za ljubitelje sokova! Fanta Exotic Can Vam nudi savršeno osvježenje u bilo koje vrijeme i bilo gdje. Ima više od 180 ukusa širom sveta. Riječ je o voćnoj gaziranoj soci koja će utažiti žeđ i...
A true delight for the juice-lovers! Fanta Exotic Can offers you perfect refreshment at any time and anywhere. It has more than 180 flavours all over the world. It is a fruit-based soda that will quench your thirst and refresh you within a moment! Order Fanta Exotic Can and make your house parties extra refreshing!

Fanta Exotic (Limenka) 330ML

from $3.33 from 4643887448139
Energetski napitak Zlatni orao (limenka) 250ML

Sold Out

Oživite energiju uz ovaj slatko-kiseli, zdravi energetski napitak. Ako ste fitnes entuzijasta ili sportista, to će vam pružiti dovoljno energije za održavanje na terenu. Energetski napitak Zlatni orao napravljen je od vode i šećera sa raznim vitalnim nutrijentima kao što...
Enjoy this energy drink today.Golden Eagle Energy Drink will become the drink you always reach for. Enjoy it chilled for an even better experience. Your guests will be asking for more at your next gathering. Order today because we sell out quick!

Energetski napitak Zlatni orao (limenka) 2...

from $2.22 from 4350554570827
Ivi pjenušavi sok od kajsije 330ML

Sold Out

Utažite žeđ sa ovim ukusnim Ivi sokom od marelice. Odmah će vas osvježiti. Imajte ga bilo kada, bilo gdje. Možete ga koristiti kao podlogu za vaš mikser za koktele. Ovaj divni umirujući napitak napravljen je od svježe...
Quench your thirst with this delicious Ivi Apricot Sparkling Juice. It will refresh you instantly. Have it any time, anywhere. You can use it as a base for your cocktail mixer. This wonderful soothing drink is made with fresh apricot and sparkling water.

Ivi pjenušavi sok od kajsije 330ML

from $2.00 from 1741208322091
Amita Višnja 1L


Zdrav sok se sastoji od vitalnih nutrijenata, poput vitamina C i antioksidansa. Amita višnja također pomaže u sprječavanju upale i poznata je kao pojačivač sna. Ovo je hranljivi užitak od trešanja sa mediteranskog tla...
Amita sour cherry will become your new favorite drink. This delight from the cherries of the Mediterranean soil of Greece. You can have it on its own and it is also delightful with a splash of sparkling water or in iced tea or lemonade or as a base of the cocktail mixer. You can offer this sweet happiness to your guests on any occasion.

Amita Višnja 1L

from $5.55 from 1086085234731
ATC Mountain Tea 40GR


Ovaj odličan planinski čaj izuzetno je hranljiv. Ima nekoliko ljekovitih svojstava i održava vas zdravim. Ako ste ljubitelj čaja, probajte ovaj ukusni, aromatični čaj. 100% organski, bez dodanih hemikalija, ovaj planinski čaj pomaže u regulaciji metabolizma vašeg...
If you are a tea-lover, try this delicious, aromatic tea. Premium quality, ATC mountain tea is popular in the Mediterranean countries. Enjoy it on a cold evening or serve it to your guests. Just boil some hot water and enjoy. So, order this tea today and taste the flavour of the mountain!

ATC Mountain Tea 40GR

from $4.00 from 1432693342251
Bravo Breskva (Limenka) - 250ML

Sold Out

Savršena poslastica za ljubitelje sokova, ovaj slatki i ljuti sok od breskve napravljen je od svježih breskvi vrhunskog kvaliteta. Ovaj sok možete pojesti za doručak ili uz večernje užitke. Ovaj Bravo sok od breskve nije samo ukusan,...
A perfect treat for juice lovers, this sweet and tangy peach juice is made of fresh premium-quality peaches. You can have this juice at your breakfast or you can have it with your evening delights. This Bravo Peach juice is not only delicious but it has several nutrients like vitamins and fibre. External chemicals are not added to it. So order this Bravo Peach (Can) today and enjoy it with your friends.

Bravo Breskva (Limenka) - 250ML

from $2.00 from 1412684611627
Fanta Shokata 1.75LT


Dosadila vam je obična soda? Želite probati nešto novo? Naručite Fanta Shokatu, cvjetnog je i gorkog okusa, napravljena od prirodnog cvijeta bazge sa limunom, utažit će vašu žeđ i potpuno vas osvježiti! Koristite ovu šokatu kao osnovu vašeg...
Bored of regular soda? Want to try something new? Order Fanta Shokata, it has a floral and tangy taste, made of natural elderflower with lemon, will quench your thirst, and absolutely refresh you! Use this shokata as the base of your cocktail mixer. You can have this for your evening delights.

Fanta Shokata 1.75LT

from $6.00 from 1027218047019
Bravo zelena jabuka (limenka) - 250 ml

Sold Out

Ako ste ljubitelj sokova i brinete za svoje zdravlje, ovo je najbolji sok na koji ste ikada pomislili. Ovaj ukusni sok od zelene jabuke napravljen je od svježih, visokokvalitetnih zelenih jabuka slatkog i oštrog okusa. Ovaj sok možete...
If you are a juice-lover and concerned about your health, this is the best juice you have ever thought of. This delicious green apple juice is made of fresh, high-quality green apples which have a sweet and tangy flavour. You can have this juice at your breakfast or have it with your evening snacks. It will not only relieve your stress but will also provide you with the needful energy to work through a long day.

Bravo zelena jabuka (limenka) - 250 ml

from $2.22 from 1412685627435
Fructal Borovnica Aron Superior 1L


Doživite ovaj slatki užitak uz jutarnji doručak. Fructal Blueberry Aron Superior je napravljen od 100% prirodnih svježih borovnica i odličnog je okusa. Uzmite ga za svoju večernju poslasticu uz lagane zalogaje i osvježite se. Fructal Blueberry Aron Superior...
Experience this sweet delight with your morning breakfast. Fructal Blueberry Aron Superior is made of 100% natural fresh blueberries and has a delicious taste. Have it for your evening treat with light snacks and refresh yourself. Fructal Blueberry Aron Superior will quench your thirst instantly. It has several nutritional benefits too, like vitamins and minerals. You can also use it as the base of your morning smoothie.

Fructal Borovnica Aron Superior 1L

from $6.67 from 1026066382891
Cedevita narandža vitaminski napitak 200g


Neophodan snabdjevač vitaminima, slatkog i pikantnog okusa Cedevita vitaminski napitak od pomorandže vraća vam energiju nakon dugog stresnog dana. Ovaj ukusni napitak sadrži više vitamina i nadoknađuje oko 50% vitamina potrebnih vašem tijelu. Ovo je korisno za one koji...
An essential vitamin supplier, sweet and tangy flavoured Cedevita Orange Vitamin Drink recovers your energy after a long stressful day. This delicious drink contains multiple vitamins and compensates for about 50% of the vitamins your body needs. This is useful for those who run with a busy schedule and lack vitamin-containing food.

Cedevita narandža vitaminski napitak 200g

from $4.00 from 1861789941803