Halal Meats

Halal Meats

Naručite halal meso online sa BalkanFresh

Uživajte u kvalitetu i ukusu halal mesa uz BalkanFresh-ov izbor lokalnog, visokokvalitetnog mesa. Naručite sada i istražite naše uvezene evropske i mediteranske proizvode za još ukusnijih opcija

Brat i sestra Halal dimljena govedina (Suho Meso) 1.3LB

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** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Tradicionalni recept za glavno jelo Hrvatske, Srbije i Bosne, dimljena junetina ili...
A traditional main course recipe of Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia, smoked beef or Suho Meso is a delicious dish that can be served with cheese sandwiches or you can have this juicy beef with stew. This dried, cured, high-quality smoked beef is a rich source of proteins, seasoned with a signature blend of spices. You can also make yummy recipes with this Brother & Sister Halal Smoked Beef, so order this now and have mouthwatering dishes with your friends and family.

Brat i sestra Halal dimljena govedina (Suh...

from $28.88 from 4511414485067
Brat i sestra Halal dimljena govedina (Suho Meso) 1.8LB

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** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Odličan izvor proteina, užitak iz zemlje Srbije, Bosne i Hrvatske,...
An excellent source of proteins, a delight from the land of Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia, Brother & Sister Halal Smoked Beef is made of high-quality cured and dried, hickory-smoked beef with a special blend of spices. You can have this juicy beef with sandwich and cheese, also make various dishes with your favourite ingredients. Order this Brother & Sister Halal Smoked Beef now and enjoy different recipes with your family.

Brat i sestra Halal dimljena govedina (Suh...

from $39.99 from 4387133784139
Apikoglou Soujouk Mild 1LB (Halal)

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** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Soujouk je sušena goveđa kobasica, napravljena od mesa vrhunskog kvaliteta, a okus joj...
Soujouk is dried beef sausage, made of premium quality meat and it's taste is enhanced because of garlic and hot red pepper seasonings. You will be amazed by experiencing the delicious culinary possibilities of soujouk! You can have it in different styles like pan sauté or grilled dish. But the traditional stew, made with tomatoes and navy beans is one of the best delicacies from Turkey which will give you an experience of taste!

Apikoglou Soujouk Mild 1LB (Halal)

from $20.00 from 1076295630891
Merve Butcher Dried Beef Sausage 1LB (Halal)

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**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS GROUND DELIVERY ONLY** All Other States PLEASE CHOOSE EXPEDITED SHIPPING. WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPOILED PRODUCTS** Soujouk is dried beef sausage, made of premium quality meat and its taste...
Soujouk is dried beef sausage, made of premium quality meat and its taste is enhanced because of garlic and red pepper seasonings. You will be amazed by experiencing the delicious culinary possibilities of Merve Beef Soujouk Butcher Style ! You can have it in different styles like pan sauté or grilled dish. But the traditional stew, made with tomatoes and navy beans is one of the best delicacies from Turkey which will give you an experience of taste!

Merve Butcher Dried Beef Sausage 1LB (Halal)

from $17.99 from 8039354138866
Merve Beef Soujouk Mild 1LB (Halal)


**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Soujouk je sušena goveđa kobasica, napravljena od mesa vrhunskog kvaliteta, a njen ukus...
Soujouk is dried beef sausage, made of premium quality meat and its taste is enhanced because of garlic and red pepper seasonings. You will be amazed by experiencing the delicious culinary possibilities of Merve Beef Soujouk Mild! You can have it in different styles like pan sauté or grilled dish. But the traditional stew, made with tomatoes and navy beans is one of the best delicacies from Turkey which will give you an experience of taste!

Merve Beef Soujouk Mild 1LB (Halal)

from $17.99 from 4465662165067
Kofte mediteranske ćufte (halal) 680G- **NY, NJ, CT, MA SAMO DOSTAVA**

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**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Ukusno sočno meso od junećeg mesa vrhunskog kvaliteta. Odličan izvor proteina, ove smrznute...
Mouthwatering juicy meat of premium-quality beef. An excellent source of proteins, this frozen Kofte Mediterranean Meatballs is made of beef, seasoned with a signature blend of spices. Have them for your lunch or prepare evening snacks with it by topping sprinkled cheese. Order this Kofte Mediterranean Meatballs today and enjoy it with your friends and family.

Kofte mediteranske ćufte (halal) 680G- **N...

from $23.33 from 7881988866290
Sale Argeta Halal Pileća pašteta 95GR
Argeta Halal Pileća pašteta 95GR

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Argeta Halal pileći namaz širi ukusno iskustvo od 1967. Ovaj ukusni pileći namaz napravljen je od vrhunskog halal pilećeg mesa, mlijeka, sojinih proteina i začinjen posebnom mješavinom začina, bez dodanih konzervansa i bez pojačivača okusa. Od jutra do...
Argeta Halal chicken spread has been spreading a delicious experience since 1967. This mouthwatering chicken spread is made of premium quality halal chicken meat, milk, soy protein and seasoned with a distinct blend of spices, zero added preservatives and without flavor enhancers. From morning to evening, you can have this yummy halal chicken pate for a different course of meals, especially purposeful for your busy schedule.

Argeta Halal Pileća pašteta 95GR

from $3.50 from 7779081355506
Brat i sestra goveđi ručak (halal) 200GR


Prava pomoć za one koji imaju zauzet raspored i moraju da preskaču obroke, tako da ne brinite, od sada pa nadalje, ne morate da preskačete sastanke ili obroke! Ovaj ukusni goveđi ručak za brat i sestru je jednostavan obrok...
A true utility to those who have busy schedules and have to skip meals, so don’t worry, from now on, you don’t have to skip your meetings or meals! This delicious Brother & Sister Beef Luncheon is an easy on-the-go meal, have it for your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. You can have it on its own or try it with your favorite cheese sandwiches. An excellent source of proteins will keep you work all day long!

Brat i sestra goveđi ručak (halal) 200GR

from $6.00 from 7698204721394
Brat i sestra Halal goveđi gulaš 300GR


Goveđi gulaš se pravi od pravih zrnastih junećih komada pripremljenih u ukusnom sosu, koristeći samo najfinije začinsko bilje i začine. Razmišljate šta da pripremite za večeru? Ovaj goveđi gulaš je odlično rješenje za brz i ukusan obrok.
Beef Goulash is made with real chunky beef pieces prepared in a delicious sauce, using only the finest herbs and spices. Thinking of what to prepare for dinner? This beef goulash is a great solution for a quick and delicious meal.

Brat i sestra Halal goveđi gulaš 300GR

from $7.77 from 7510120628466