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Biljana Gamba Paprika 540GR


Ako tražite pojačivače okusa, ovo je savršeni prirodni modifikator okusa koji ćete ikada pronaći. Ove gamba paprike su apsolutno savršene uz vašu glavnu hranu. Probajte ovo kao preljev na sendvič sa roštilja ili ga uzmite uz ručak....
If you are searching for flavor enhancers, this is the perfect natural flavor modifier you will ever find. These gamba peppers are absolutely perfect with your main staple. Try this as a topping on your grilled sandwich or have it beside your lunch. You will experience an amazing change of taste in your regular meals. So hurry and order these Biljana Gamba Peppers  now and prepare yummier meals for your family.

Biljana Gamba Paprika 540GR

from $4.44 from 7640992678130
Jami djelomično pečeni filo listovi 450GR-**NY, NJ, CT, MA SAMO DOSTAVA**

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Vašoj djeci će se svidjeti ovi filo listići, punjeni sirom...
Your kids will love these phyllo sheets, filled with cheese and groundnuts, and drenched in honey! You can also make pies and pastries, or crispy bureks with these thin sheets of unleavened dough. With Jami Partially Baked Phyllo Sheets the possibilities are endless. Order today to explore your culinary skills and surprise your guests with savory and yummy dishes!

Jami djelomično pečeni filo listovi 450GR-...

from $4.44 from 7648858046706
Jaffa Napolitanke čokoladne vafle 187GR

Sold Out

Jaffa Napolitanke Chocolate Creme vafle savršeno se uklapaju u vašu večernju kafu napravljene su od pšeničnog brašna, surutke u prahu, sojinog lecitina i kakaa. Ova hranjiva grickalica sadrži vlakna, proteine ​​i ugljikohidrate. Možete uživati ​​sami ili podijeliti sa...
A perfect match for your evening coffee, Jaffa Napolitanke Chocolate Creme Wafers are made of wheat flour, whey powder, soya lecithin, and cocoa. This nutritious snack contains fibre, proteins, and carbohydrates. You can enjoy it alone or share it with your friends. These delicious wafers will satisfy your hunger instantly. Order this once and it will definitely get a permanent place in your pantry!

Jaffa Napolitanke čokoladne vafle 187GR

from $2.22 from 7648860766450
Jaffa Napolitanke Creme & Coconut Wafers 187GR


Jaffa Napolitanke Creme & Coconut vafle savršeno se uklapaju u vašu večernju kafu napravljene od pšeničnog brašna, surutke u prahu, sojinog lecitina i kakaa. Ova hranjiva grickalica sadrži vlakna, proteine ​​i ugljikohidrate. Možete uživati ​​sami ili podijeliti...
A perfect match for your evening coffee, Jaffa Napolitanke Creme & Coconut Wafers  are made of wheat flour, whey powder, soya lecithin, and cocoa. This nutritious snack contains fibre, proteins, and carbohydrates. You can enjoy it alone or share it with your friends. These delicious wafers will satisfy your hunger instantly. Order this once and it will definitely get a permanent place in your pantry!

Jaffa Napolitanke Creme & Coconut Wafe...

from $2.22 from 7648863420658
Ivi pjenušavi sok od bobica i lubenice 330ML


Utažite žeđ ovim ukusnim sokom od Ivi bobica i pjenušavog soka od lubenice. Odmah će vas osvježiti. Imajte ga bilo kada, bilo gdje. Možete ga koristiti kao podlogu za vaš mikser za koktele. Ovaj divni umirujući napitak...
Quench your thirst with this delicious Ivi Berries & Watermelon Soda. Have it any time, anywhere. You can use it as a base for your cocktail mixer. This wonderful soothing drink is made with fresh fruit and sparkling water. **For higher quantities, use the chat to contact us**

Ivi pjenušavi sok od bobica i lubenice 330ML

from $2.00 from 7653633884402
Kras Mini Bananko 120GR

Sold Out

Ukusna čokolada, punjena kremom od banane. U svakom zalogaju ovoga, imat ćete prasak čokolade i banane u ustima! Kras Mini Bananko će vam obezbediti veliku količinu kalorija. Uzmite jedan kad god ste gladni. Možete ga koristiti i za...
Delicious chocolate, filled with banana cream. In every bite of this, you will have a burst of chocolate and banana inside your mouth! Kras Mini Bananko will provide you a high amount of calories. Grab one whenever you are hungry. You can also use it to prepare sweet desserts. A perfect yum-yum for midnight cravings. Order Kras Mini Bananko and get a package of sweetness!

Kras Mini Bananko 120GR

from $1.70 from 7653716918514
Klara Marić Pasutice Tjestenina 500GR


Doživite ukusne recepte spravljene sa tjesteninom Klara Marić Pasutice. Pripremite ukusne delicije za svoje goste. Možete ga skuhati i u tiganju i poslužiti uz meso, povrće i sir. Tjestenina Klara Marić Pasutice je odličan izvor vlakana...
Experience delicious recipes made with Klara Maric Pasutice Pasta. Prepare mouthwatering delicacies for your guests. You can also cook it in a frying pan and serve it with meat, veggies and cheese. Order soon and enjoy savory dishes with your family This premium quality pasta is delicious and can be served on specific occasions to your guests.

Klara Marić Pasutice Tjestenina 500GR

from $8.88 from 7653739823346
Pasta Marco Polo Grande Tagliatelle 400GR


Dugi rezanci, napravljeni od kukuruznog brašna, odličan su izvor ugljikohidrata. Kuhajte kako god želite. Možete ga skuvati u vodi ili pržiti u dubokom ulju, jesti ove rezance sa povrćem ili mesom, Marco Polo Grande Tagliatelle je ukusan...
Long noodles, excellent for your next meal. Cook it however you like. You can boil it in water or deep fry in cooking oil, have these noodles with veggies or meat, Marco Polo Grande Tagliatelle is delicious and mouthwatering after the dish is ready. You can refrigerate them to make them dry. Order Marco Polo Grande Tagliatelle now and make exciting dishes.

Pasta Marco Polo Grande Tagliatelle 400GR

from $3.33 from 7654625247474
Krinos Dolmadakia (punjeni listovi grožđa) 400GR Limenka


Ovi punjeni listovi grožđa tradicionalno se pripremaju u zemlji Grčke. Uzmite ga samostalno ili uživajte uz omiljenu hranu. Također možete istražiti svoje kulinarske vještine uz ovaj ukusan Krinos Dolmadakia. Ovaj hranjivi preparat pun je vitalnih nutrijenata poput vitamina, vlakana i...
These stuffed grape leaves are traditionally prepared in the land of Greece. Have it on its own or enjoy it with your favorite staple. You can also explore your culinary skills with this flavorsome Krinos Dolmadakia. This nutritious preparation is full of vital nutrients like vitamins, fiber and minerals. Krinos Dolmadakia also contains antioxidants that reduce free radicals from your body.

Krinos Dolmadakia (punjeni listovi grožđa)...

from $4.00 from 7654628360434
Krinos grčki organski feta sir 400GR

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Klasični užitak sa planina Grčke, ovaj mlečni sir je napravljen...
Krinos grčki organski feta sir 400GR

Krinos grčki organski feta sir 400GR

from $13.13 from 7654629769458
Teuta pšenično brašno (Miell) 1kg


Ako volite da pravite torte i kolače, ovo je najkvalitetniji sastojak koji trenutno gledate. Teuta pšenično brašno je napravljeno od najkvalitetnijeg pšeničnog brašna, amilaze, folne kiseline i riboflavina. Od ovog višenamenskog pšeničnog brašna možete praviti ukusne kolače,...
If you like to make cakes and cookies, this is the best quality ingredient you are looking at right now. Teuta Wheat Flour is made of the finest quality wheat flour, amylase, folic acid and riboflavin. You can make yummy cakes, pie crust, delicious cookies and various recipes with this all-purpose-use wheat flour. So hurry, order it right now and make sweet desserts with Teuta Wheat Flour.

Teuta pšenično brašno (Miell) 1kg

from $4.49 from 7660901531890
Teuta Arborio riža 1kg


Odličan izvor ugljikohidrata i drugih esencijalnih nutrijenata, Teuta Arborio riža je savršena za pripremu ukusnih jela za vaše goste. Možete pripremiti birijani ili svoje omiljene recepte za pirinač sa ovim aromatičnim i ukusnim pirinčem dugog zrna. Sa ovim zdravim...
An excellent source of carbohydrates and other essential nutrients, Teuta Arborio Rice is perfect to make delicious cuisines for your guests. You can prepare biriyani or your favorite recipes of rice with this aromatic and flavorsome long grain rice. You can also make puffed rice and prepare heartwarming desserts with this healthy grain. Order Teuta Long Grain Rice today and explore your culinary skills.

Teuta Arborio riža 1kg

from $9.49 from 7660911329522