A perfect salad to relish beside grilled meat or fish saute. Vava Winter Salad is made of 100% natural and the best quality ingredients. It contains fresh vegetables like carrots, cauliflower and peppers. This mixed vegetable salad is full of vital nutrients like proteins, fibre and minerals. You can have it on its own or try making out-of-box recipes with this mouthwatering delight. Order today and add flavour to your regular meals.

Vava zimska salata 1000gr


Vava zimska salata 1000gr Vava zimska salata 1000gr becomes available.

Savršena salata za uživanje uz meso ili riblji sot sa roštilja. Vava zimska salata je napravljena od 100% prirodnih i najkvalitetnijih sastojaka. Sadrži svježe povrće poput šargarepe, karfiola i paprike. Ova salata od miješanog povrća puna je vitalnih hranjivih tvari poput proteina, vlakana i minerala. Možete ga uzeti samostalno ili probati napraviti recepte izvan kutije sa ovim ukusnim užitkom. Naručite danas i dodajte ukus svojim redovnim jelima. Težina: 1000g Svježe povrće Pun hranljivih materija


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Podravka krastavci kopar 670GR


Slani kiseli krastavci slatkog i kiselog ukusa čine vaše recepte još ukusnijima. Podravka kiseli krastavci od kopra su bogati izvori vlakana i sadrže malo kalorija. Uzmite ovaj kiseli krastavčić uz sendvič sa mesom ili probajte sa bliskoistočnim...
A savoury pickle that tastes sweet and sour, makes your recipes more flavourful. Podravka Dill Pickles are delicious. Have this pickle with a meat sandwich or try with Middle Eastern recipes. This yummy pickle will add flavours to every recipe. Also, have this wrapped in prosciutto and surprise your kids in their lunchbox. Order Podravka Dill Pickles now and enjoy with your close ones!

Podravka krastavci kopar 670GR

from $6.67 from 1027253305387
Alb aroma žute paprike sa svježim sirom 540GR

Sold Out

Uživajte u ovom klasičnom užitku samostalno ili ga kušajte kao prilog mesu sa roštilja. Žuta paprika sa svježim sirom je puna esencijalnih nutrijenata poput proteina, vitamina i minerala. Ove punjene paprike također sadrže antioksidanse i smanjuju slobodne...
Enjoy this classic delight on its own or relish it as a side dish of grilled meat. Yellow Peppers With Cottage Cheese is full of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals. These stuffed peppers also contain antioxidants and reduce free radicals from your body. If you have a busy lifestyle, it is a perfect recipe to save your precious time. Order Yellow Peppers With Cottage Cheese right now to enjoy its delicious flavour.

Alb aroma žute paprike sa svježim sirom 540GR

from $10.10 from 2179803316267
Marco Polo domaći listovi kupusa 1500G- **SAMO DOSTAVA NYC**

Sold Out

Ako volite tradicionalne recepte, probajte Marco Polo domaće listove kupusa, marinirane u salamuri. Tačno odgovarajuća količina aromatiziranih listova kupusa učinit će vaša jela još ukusnijima. Ove listove kupusa možete puniti mesom i lukom, ili...
If you like traditional recipes, try Marco Polo Homemade Cabbage Leaves, marinated in brine. The exactly right amount of flavoured cabbage leaves will make your dishes more delicious. You can fill these cabbage leaves with meat and onion, or you can make vegetarian dishes, with quinoa and tomato paste. So, give a classic surprise to your friends and family with these savoury cabbage leaves!

Marco Polo domaći listovi kupusa 1500G- **...

from $12.00 from 1088215154731
Brian's pečene crvene paprike 580GR


Ovo je prekrasan pojačivač okusa kada ga dodate u recepte za kuhanje s mesom i sirom. Možete ga koristiti i kao preljev za omiljenu picu ili sendviče sa sirom na žaru. Brian's Roasted Red Peppers su napravljene...
This is a wonderful flavour enhancer when you add it to cook recipes with meat and cheese. You can also use it as toppings on your favourite pizza or grilled cheese sandwiches. Brian's Roasted Red Peppers are made of fresh red peppers, seasoned with a blend of spices before roasting them. 100% natural and delicious Brian's Roasted Red Peppers will make your meals yummier than ever.

Brian's pečene crvene paprike 580GR

from $6.77 from 1780663779371
Vava crvena trešnja paprika sa sirom 540GR

Sold Out

Istražite kulinarske mogućnosti ove Vavine ponude. Ovaj ukusni recept za crvene paprike od trešnje sa sirom će napraviti ekstra slana jela kremaste teksture. Koristite ga kao preljev na vašoj omiljenoj pizzi ili skuvajte različite recepte s njim kako...
Explore the culinary possibilities of this offering of Vava. This mouthwatering recipe of red cherry peppers with cheese will make extra savoury meals with a creamy texture. Use it as the toppings on your favourite pizza or cook different recipes with it to add flavour to your meals.  Vava Red Cherry Peppers With Cheese is full of essential nutrients. Order it today and prepare heartwarming recipes for your guests.

Vava crvena trešnja paprika sa sirom 540GR

from $13.99 from 1648586948651
Vava pečene crvene paprike sa belim lukom 550GR


Oduševite svoje goste pripremajući slane recepte sa Vava pečenim crvenim paprikama sa belim lukom! Ova ukusna ponuda Vave je odličan izvor antioksidansa. Ove paprike sadrže prirodne pojačivače ukusa i čine vašu hranu izuzetno ukusnom. Pečene paprike sadrže vitamine,...
Amaze your guests by preparing savoury recipes with Vava Roasted Red Peppers w/ Garlic! This delicious offering of Vava is an excellent source of antioxidants. These peppers contain natural flavour enhancers and make your food extra delicious. Roasted peppers contain vitamins, fibre, calcium and potassium. Explore your culinary creativity with this amazing preparation.

Vava pečene crvene paprike sa belim lukom ...

from $7.99 from 4528764158027