Kiselo povrće

Kiselo povrće
Vava paradajz paprika punjena kupusom 900GR

Sold Out

Ovaj začinjeni recept će ionako dodati ukus vašim jelima. Vava predstavlja ukusan preparat, napravljen od svježe paprike paradajza, punjen listovima kupusa i začinjen jedinstvenom mješavinom začina. Pođite u obilazak ove ukusne ponude Vave. Možete pripremiti nevjerovatne recepte sa...
This spicy recipe will add flavour to your meals anyway. Vava presents a yummy preparation, made with fresh tomato peppers, filled with cabbage leaves and seasoned with a unique mix of spices. Take a tour of taste with this mouthwatering offering of Vava. You can prepare amazing recipes with these stuffed peppers or relish them with salads. Vava Tomato Peppers are full of antioxidants and essential nutrients.

Vava paradajz paprika punjena kupusom 900GR

from $8.39 from 6106557939892
Mechaalany kiselo mešano povrće 1000GR


Doživite ovu ukusnu mješavinu povrća i učinite svoj dan zdravim. Ova ukusna ponuda Mechaalanya predstavlja kombinaciju svježeg povrća, mariniranog i salamurenog u octu. Ova mješavina povrća sadrži širok izbor povrća. Mechaalany kiselo miješano povrće je odličan izvor...
Experience this yummy vegetable mix and make your day healthy. This delicious offering of Mechaalany presents a combination of fresh vegetables, marinated and brined in vinegar. This vegetable mix contains a wide variety of vegetables. Mechaalany Pickled Mixed Vegetables is a great source of essential nutrients like proteins, fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Mechaalany kiselo mešano povrće 1000GR

from $8.00 from 7806548410610
Vava koktel od povrća 1000GR

Sold Out

Doživite ovo ukusno koktel jelo od povrća i učinite svoj dan zdravim. Ova ukusna ponuda Vave predstavlja kombinaciju svježeg povrća, mariniranog i salamurenog u octu. Ova mešavina povrća sadrži šargarepu, paradajz, karfiol, paprike i kornišone. Vava koktel od...
Experience this yummy cocktail vegetable dish and make your day healthy. This delicious offering of Vava presents a combination of fresh vegetables, marinated and brined in vinegar. This vegetable mix contains carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, peppers and gherkins. Vava Vegetable Cocktail is a great source of essential nutrients like proteins, fibre, minerals and vitamins.

Vava koktel od povrća 1000GR

from $7.99 from 4454657589323
Vava zimska salata 1000gr

Sold Out

Savršena salata za uživanje uz meso ili riblji sot sa roštilja. Vava zimska salata je napravljena od 100% prirodnih i najkvalitetnijih sastojaka. Sadrži svježe povrće poput šargarepe, karfiola i paprike. Ova salata od miješanog povrća puna je...
A perfect salad to relish beside grilled meat or fish saute. Vava Winter Salad is made of 100% natural and the best quality ingredients. It contains fresh vegetables like carrots, cauliflower and peppers. This mixed vegetable salad is full of vital nutrients like proteins, fibre and minerals. You can have it on its own or try making out-of-box recipes with this mouthwatering delight. Order today and add flavour to your regular meals.

Vava zimska salata 1000gr

from $8.99 from 4454658048075
VG pečeni blagi feferoni 580GR


Dodajte ukuse svojim receptima sa ovim začinjenim pečenim feferonom. Možete istražiti kulinarske mogućnosti ovog VG pečenog blagog feferona. Takođe je odličan izvor esencijalnih nutrijenata za ljudski organizam. Ovaj blagi feferoni sadrži vitamine, minerale i vlakna. Pripremite ukusna jela...
Add flavours to your recipes with this spicy roasted fefferoni. You can explore the culinary possibilities of this VG Roasted Mild Fefferoni. It is also a great source of essential nutrients for the human body. This mild fefferoni contains vitamins, minerals and fibre. Prepare savoury dishes for your friends and family. Order VG Roasted Mild Fefferoni today and take a tour of taste with it.

VG pečeni blagi feferoni 580GR

from $4.49 from 6894895759540
Cosmo's Imported Greek Golden Pepperoncini 340GR


Istražite svoje kulinarske vještine uz ove 100% prirodne i svježe zlatne feferone. Sa ovim paprikama možete pripremiti ukusna jela ili ih dodati u sendviče kako biste poboljšali okus. Ovi zlatni feferoncini su odlični izvori vitamina A, B, C i...
Explore your culinary skills with these 100% natural and fresh Golden Pepperoncini. You can prepare mouthwatering meals with these peppers, or add them to sandwiches to enhance the flavor. These Golden Pepperoncini are excellent sources of vitamins A, B, C, and E; they also contain a fair amount of minerals. Order Cosmo's Imported Greek Golden Pepperoncini once and you will definitely arrange a permanent space for it in the pantry!

Cosmo's Imported Greek Golden Pepperoncini...

from $4.00 from 7672862900466
Penguen Jalapeno paprike narezane 350GR


Jalapeno paprika je skladište kalijuma, vitamina A, B, C i K. Ove paprike su zdrave i poboljšavaju ukuse vaših recepata. Penguen Jalapeno paprike ukiseljene možete koristiti da napravite ukusne sendviče sa mesom i sirom. Takođe, pripremite ukusna...
Jalapeno peppers are a storehouse of potassium, vitamins A, B, C and K. These peppers are healthy and enhance the flavours of your recipes. You can use Penguen Jalapeno Peppers Pickled to make delicious sandwiches with meat and cheese. Also, prepare yummy dishes with these peppers and surprise your guests. Jalapeno peppers are also excellent sources of antioxidants.

Penguen Jalapeno paprike narezane 350GR

from $2.89 from 6884777885876
Orlando Vine Leaves 1LB (veliki)


Napravite tradicionalne turske i grčke recepte sa listovima vinove loze Orlanda. Ovi listovi grožđa beru se sa svježe i organske loze. Možete ga jesti kao predjelo ili ga puniti mljevenim mesom, bijelim lukom i mješavinom začina. Također,...
Make traditional Turkish and Greek recipes with Orlando Vine Leaves. These grape leaves are picked from fresh and organic vines. You can have it as an appetizer or stuff it with ground meat, garlic and a blend of spices. Also, boil it with herbs and veggies and serve with a drizzle of pepper and olive oil. Order Orlando Vine Leaves and make new recipes for your family.

Orlando Vine Leaves 1LB (veliki)

from $11.49 from 1086172364843
Zergut prženi patlidžan 340GR


Uživajte u ukusnom obroku uz ovaj dirljivi užitak, napravljen od prženih patlidžana. Ovaj ukusni patlidžan napravljen je od svježih patlidžana i najkvalitetnijih sastojaka poput suncokretovog ulja, peršina i posebne mješavine začina. Naručite svoj Zergut prženi patlidžan i pripremite ukusne...
Zergut prženi patlidžan 340GR

Zergut prženi patlidžan 340GR

from $3.99 from 7806492016882
Vava Green Tomatoes 1400GR- **SAMO DOSTAVA NYC**


Kuhajte ukusne recepte sa ovim 100% prirodnim i svježim zelenim paradajzom. Vava Green Tomatoes dodaju ukusan ukus vašim jelima. Sadrži nekoliko vitalnih nutrijenata poput vitamina C i minerala. Vava Green Tomatoes napravljeni su od sastojaka vrhunskog kvaliteta. Isprobajte ove...
Cook yummy recipes with these Brian's Green Tomatoes . They add a savory flavor to your meals. Brian's Green Tomatoes are perfect as a side salad dishe or for heartwarming meat recipes. Add them into your favorite soups. Order these delicious green tomatoes today and make your food yummier!

Vava Green Tomatoes 1400GR- **SAMO DOSTAVA...

from $12.12 from 7921374560498
Alb Flavor Hot Yellow Feferoni With Cheese 540GR


Enjoy this classic delight on its own or relish it as a side dish of grilled meat. Alb Flavor Hot Yellow Feferoni With Cheese will be the newest favorite side dish. If you have a busy lifestyle, it...
Enjoy this classic delight on its own or relish it as a side dish of grilled meat. Alb Flavor Hot Yellow Feferoni With Cheese will be the newest favorite side dish. If you have a busy lifestyle, it is a perfect recipe to save your precious time. Order Alb Flavor Hot Yellow Feferoni With Cheese  right now to enjoy its delicious flavour.

Alb Flavor Hot Yellow Feferoni With Cheese...

from $10.10 from 7967263260914