

Ako ste ih probali, onda znate da su bosanski i srpski zalogaji jednostavno ukusni! Isto vrijedi i za turske grickalice i neke dobro poznate hrvatske grickalice. Jedini problem je što do njih može biti teško doći čak i ako želite da kupujete grickalice na mreži. Istina je da u SAD-u nema toliko proizvoda – osim ako ne naručite grickalice putem interneta preko BalkanFresh platforme.

S tim u vezi, jeste li probali turske slatkiše? Ako želite da naručite slatkiše preko interneta, morate ih probati! I srećom, možete ih nabaviti ovdje, s naše web stranice.

Uživajte u bogatom ukusu i ukusnoj teksturi ovih evropskih grickalica – nabavite ih uz pomoć samo nekoliko klikova na našim platformama. Online kupovina grickalica nikada nije bila lakša.

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A ako želite da ugodite svojim sladokuscima, imamo širok izbor ukusnih evropskih slatkiša sa Balkana koje jednostavno morate s vremena na vrijeme. Tako su dobri!

BalkanFresh je vaš najbolji izbor za autentične slatkiše kada je u pitanju onlajn dostava slatkiša u SAD.

Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 500GR

Sold Out

Ako volite hrskave vafle, probajte ove ukusne Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke. To je najbolja užina, punjena ukusnim nugatom, savršena za vašu večernju kafu. Možete ga napraviti i kao preljev na vašem omiljenom sladoledu. Ne zaboravite podijeliti ovaj...
If you like crunchy wafers, try this yummy Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke. It is the best snack, filled with delicious nougat, a perfect match for your evening coffee. You can also make it a topping on your favourite ice cream. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight with your friends. Order Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke once and you will definitely make a space in your pantry for it forever!

Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 500GR

from $7.00 from 1026761687083
Kras Dorina cokolada za pecenje (kuhanje) 200GR

Sold Out

Pripremite slatke slastice uz ovu Kras Dorina Cooking Chocolate Bar. Istražite svoje kulinarske vještine uz nju, napravite puding, kolače ili kremu, vaši gosti će biti oduševljeni nakon ovih ukusnih recepata spravljenih sa Kras Dorina Cooking Chocolate Bar. Ova...
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with this Kras Dorina Cooking Chocolate Bar. Explore your culinary skills with it, make pudding, brownie or custard, your guests will be amazed after having these delicious recipes made with Kras Dorina Cooking Chocolate Bar. This dark chocolate bar is made of rich cocoa, cocoa butter and vanilla extract. Order today to make special dessert items for your friends and family.

Kras Dorina cokolada za pecenje (kuhanje) ...

from $3.33 from 1079413571627
Kras Lilly Čajni keksići od vanile 220GR


Popijte šoljicu kafe ili čaja uz ove Kras Lilly vanila kekse. Ovi keksi su apsolutno savršeni da zadovolje vašu želju za grickalicama. Možete ga imati i sa različitim ukusima sladoleda. Hrskavi keksići sa ukusom vanilije napravljeni su od...
Have a cup of coffee or tea with these Kras Lilly Vanilla Biscuits. These biscuits are absolutely perfect to satisfy your cravings for snacks. You can also have it with different flavours of ice cream. Crunchy vanilla-flavoured biscuits are made with the finest quality ingredients. You can have it alone or share it with your close ones. A sweet delight that will add flavours to the conversations with your friends.

Kras Lilly Čajni keksići od vanile 220GR

from $3.33 from 1780181958699
Nutella čokoladni namaz od lješnjaka 950GR


Ukusni namaz na kruh ili sendviče. Nutella čokoladni namaz od lješnjaka ima ukusnu aromu lješnjaka. Umočite u njega svoje omiljene kolačiće ili napravite slatka jela za desert, vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u ovaj nevjerovatni čokoladni namaz....
A yummy spread on your bread or sandwiches. Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread has a delicious hazelnut flavour. Dip your favourite cookies in it or make sweet dessert dishes, your kids will fall in love with this amazing chocolate spread. You can also have it with your preferred ice cream or simply have it on its own! Order Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and explore its culinary possibilities.

Nutella čokoladni namaz od lješnjaka 950GR

from $14.44 from 1266800066603
Kras Limun Narandža Napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR


Žudite za slatkim jelom nakon svakog obroka? Držite Kras napolitanke napolitanke od limuna/narandže uvijek u svojoj ostavi i doživite njihov ukusan ukus uz sladoled ili jednostavno takve kakve jesu. Ove napolitanke se prave od pšeničnog brašna, voćnog...
Craving a sweet dish after every meal? Keep Kras Lemon/Orange Napolitanke Wafers always in your pantry and experience its delicious taste with ice cream or simply as it is. These wafers are made of wheat flour, fruit powder, natural flavours and sugar. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight! Order Kras Lemon/Orange Napolitanke Wafers and get a package of crunchy happiness!

Kras Limun Narandža Napolitanke Napolitank...

from $4.44 from 4512231260235
Kras čokoladna krema Napolitanke vafle 500GR

Sold Out

Ako želite dodatnu slatkoću uz omiljena pića, naručite Kras čokoladnu kremu Napolitanke već danas i uživajte u ovim hrskavim vaflama, punjenim bogatom kremastom čokoladom. Možete ga umočiti u sir ili ga uzeti kad god ste gladni. Ove ukusne...
If you want extra sweetness with your favourite drinks, order Kras Chocolate Cream Napolitanke today and enjoy these crunchy wafers, filled with rich creamy chocolate. You can have it dipped in cheese or grab it whenever you are hungry. These delicious wafers will make you feel delightful! Don’t forget to share this package of happiness. Order today and enjoy anytime, anywhere!

Kras čokoladna krema Napolitanke vafle 500GR

from $6.00 from 1048518983723
Kras Frondi Maxi čokoladna vafla 250GR

Sold Out

Ovaj ukusni hrskavi užitak zadovoljit će vašu glad dodatnom slatkoćom! Kras Frondi Maxi čokoladna vafla pripremljena je od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, kakao praha i pojačivača okusa. Naći ćete hrskavi sloj čokolade izvana i bogatu čokoladnu kremu iznutra,...
This delicious crunchy delight will satisfy your hunger with extra sweetness! Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate Wafer is prepared with wheat flour, sugar, cocoa powder and flavour enhancer. You will find a crunchy layer of chocolate outside and rich chocolate cream inside, a sweet treat after every meal. Order Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate Wafer and get a dual flavour of happiness!

Kras Frondi Maxi čokoladna vafla 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734108557492
Kras Zele Bomboni voćni žele bombon 200GR

Sold Out

Ovi bomboni za žvakanje učiniće vam dan slađim! Sveukupni favorit za bilo koju starosnu grupu. Ovi ukusni bomboni su spolja punjeni želeom i šećerom. Iznenadite svoje mališane paketom Kras slatkiša obloženih želeom. Ima različite okuse i savršen...
These chewy candies will make your day sweeter! An all-time favourite for any age group. These delicious candies are filled with jelly and sugar coating outside. Surprise your kids with a package of Kras Jelly Sugar Coated Candy. It has different flavours and is a perfect delight after a meal. You can use these candies to prepare yummy desserts. Order today and enjoy this sweet pleasure.

Kras Zele Bomboni voćni žele bombon 200GR

from $3.33 from 1144307482667
Milka namaz od lješnjaka 600GR

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Napravite ukusan doručak sa ovom kremastom čokoladom sa ukusom lešnika. Možete ga namazati na hrskavi tost ili napraviti ukusne sendviče sa ovim Milka namazom od lješnjaka. Savršen je i slatkiš sa oblatnama ili hrskavim keksima. Istražite ukus...
Make a delicious breakfast with this creamy chocolate with hazelnut flavour. You can spread it on crusty toast or make yummy sandwiches with this Milka Hazelnut Spread. It is also a perfect confectionary with wafers or crunchy biscuits. Explore this sumptuous chocolate cream’s taste with different kinds of dessert. Order Milka Hazelnut Spread today and enjoy the experience.

Milka namaz od lješnjaka 600GR

from $11.11 from 4670917738571
Chupa Chups Mega lizalica (10kom unutra)

Sold Out

Pravi užitak za ljubitelje slatkiša. Ove lizalice su ono o čemu ste ikada sanjali! Slatka poslastica za svako dijete i uvijek omiljena za sve starosne grupe. Možete ih imati u pokretu kada poželite nešto slatko. Naručite ove Chupa Chups...
A true delight for candy-lovers. These lollipops are what you have ever dreamed of! A sweet treat for every kid and an all-time favourite for any age group. You can have these on the go when your craving something sweet. Order these Chupa Chups Mega Lollipop today and make your kid’s smile sweeter!

Chupa Chups Mega lizalica (10kom unutra)

from $18.00 from 1687294738475
Ulker Halley keks 300GR


Sada širite sreću među svojim bliskima sa ovom slatkom poslasticom koja grije srce! Ulker Halley keks punjen je mekim marshmallowima i preliven bogatom čokoladnom kremom. Predivan užitak uz šoljicu tople kafe ili vaš omiljeni napitak. Turski luksuz...
Now, spread happiness among your close ones with this heartwarming sweet treat! Ulker Halley Biscuit is filled with soft marshmallows and covered with rich chocolate cream. A wonderful delight with a cup of hot coffee or your favourite beverage. A Turkish luxury satisfies your hunger whenever you want. Also, prepare ice cream or different sweet desserts with this delicious biscuit.

Ulker Halley keks 300GR

from $5.00 from 1730727280683
Evropa Zele Bonboni 500GR

Sold Out

Raširite slatke osmijehe ovim slatkim slatkim bombonima! Ovi bomboni za žvakanje punjeni su želeom i odličnog su ukusa. Evropa Zele Bonboni ima različite ukuse bombona, preferencija za sve starosne grupe. Možete napraviti ukusne deserte sa ovim aromatizovanim bombonima...
Spread sweet smiles with these yummy sweet candies! These chewy candies are filled with jelly and have a delicious taste. Evropa Zele Bonboni has different flavours of candies, a preference for all age groups. You can make tasty desserts with these flavoured candies or have your evening delight with a cup of hot coffee. Don’t forget to share! Order Evropa Zele Bonboni today.

Evropa Zele Bonboni 500GR

from $10.00 from 1687342153771