Finding snacks for your evening cravings? Order Karolina Jadro Wafer right now and experience its delicious sweetness! Jadro is a premium quality product and it will satisfy your hunger instantly. Crunchy outside, milk and cocoa filling inside, in every bite, there will be a burst of chocolate inside your mouth. You can have these yummy wafers anytime, anywhere. Try Karolina Jadro Wafer once and it will be a constant in your pantry!

Karolina Jadro vafla 430GR


Karolina Jadro vafla 430GR Karolina Jadro vafla 430GR becomes available.

Pronalazite grickalice za svoju večernju žudnju? Naručite Karolina Jadro Wafer odmah i doživite njegovu slasnu slatkoću! Jadro je proizvod vrhunske kvalitete i trenutno će utažiti vašu glad. Hrskavo spolja, fil od mleka i kakaa iznutra, u svakom zalogaju, u ustima će vam biti prasak čokolade. Ove ukusne napolitanke možete imati bilo kada i bilo gdje. Probajte Karolina Jadro Wafer jednom i bit će konstanta u vašoj ostavi! Težina: 430g Hrskavi snack Punjeno mlekom i kakaom


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Srodni proizvodi

Kras Napolitanke napolitanke s lješnjacima 330GR

Sold Out

Razveselite se ovim ukusnim Kras lješnjacima napolitanke napolitankama. Napravljena je od pšeničnog brašna, kakao praha i lešnika, idealan užitak uz šoljicu tople kafe. Možete ga jesti i sa sladoledom ili samostalno. Dodajte ga u lanč paket svoje djece...
Make yourself extra happy with these delicious Kras Hazelnut Napolitanke Wafers. It is made of wheat flour, cocoa powder and hazelnuts, an ideal delight with a cup of hot coffee. You can also have it with ice cream or on its own. Add it to your kids’ lunch pack and surprise them. Kras Hazelnut Napolitanke Wafers will satisfy your hunger quickly. Order today and enjoy this package of sweetness!

Kras Napolitanke napolitanke s lješnjacima...

from $4.44 from 1026742288427
Kras čokoladne napolitanke napolitanke 500GR

Sold Out

Neverovatna poslastica za vas, čokoladne napolitanke punjene bogatom kremastom čokoladom učiniće vam dvostruko zadovoljstvo! Uzmite ga samostalno ili uz svoje omiljeno piće, ove ukusne napolitanke vas nikada neće razočarati. Možete ga koristiti i da dodate dodatnu slatkoću...
An amazing treat for you, chocolate wafers filled with rich creamy chocolate will make your pleasure twice! Have it on its own or with your favourite drink, these yummy wafers will never disappoint you. You can also use it to add extra sweetness to your preferred ice cream. Enjoy this delicious creamy Kras Chocolate Napolitanke with your friends or all alone. Once you have it, it will be a constant favourite of yours!

Kras čokoladne napolitanke napolitanke 500GR

from $8.88 from 1026744483883
Karolina oblatne tort (listovi oblatne) 150GR

Sold Out

Naručite ovaj hrvatski užitak kako biste pripremili ukusne recepte za deserte koji će oduševiti vaše goste! Oblatne torte se prave od pšeničnog brašna, kukuruznog škroba, biljnog ulja i soli. Svako pakovanje sadrži 5 listova. Možete napraviti hrskave i...
Order this Croatian delight to prepare delicious dessert recipes that will amaze your guests! Oblatne Tort is made of wheat flour, corn starch, vegetable oil and salt. Every package contains 5 sheets. You can make crispy and yummy wafer cakes by filling these sheets with suitable and your favourite ingredients. Oblatne Tort contains peanuts and hazelnuts. Order it today and explore your culinary skills.

Karolina oblatne tort (listovi oblatne) 150GR

from $3.33 from 1026767814699
Takovo Eurovafel 180g

Sold Out

Hrskavi i slatki užitak za djecu, a možete ga popiti uz večernju kafu. Takovo Eurovafel je napravljen od napolitanki i spojen sa bogatom čokoladnom kremom sa ukusom lešnika. Možete ga staviti i kao preljev na sladoled po...
A crunchy and sweet delight for kids, or you can have it with your evening coffee. Takovo Eurovafel is made of wafers and joined with rich hazelnut flavoured chocolate cream. You can also put it as a topping on your preferred ice cream. These crunchy wafers are the perfect treat whenever you feel hungry. Order Takovo Eurovafel today and garnish dessert recipes however you like!

Takovo Eurovafel 180g

from $2.49 from 1624959156267
Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 500GR

Sold Out

Ako volite hrskave vafle, probajte ove ukusne Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke. To je najbolja užina, punjena ukusnim nugatom, savršena za vašu večernju kafu. Možete ga napraviti i kao preljev na vašem omiljenom sladoledu. Ne zaboravite podijeliti ovaj...
If you like crunchy wafers, try this yummy Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke. It is the best snack, filled with delicious nougat, a perfect match for your evening coffee. You can also make it a topping on your favourite ice cream. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight with your friends. Order Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke once and you will definitely make a space in your pantry for it forever!

Kras Nougat Napolitanke Oblatne 500GR

from $7.00 from 1026761687083
Kras Limun Narandža Napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

Sold Out

Žudite za slatkim jelom nakon svakog obroka? Držite Kras napolitanke napolitanke od limuna/narandže uvijek u svojoj ostavi i doživite njihov ukusan ukus uz sladoled ili jednostavno takve kakve jesu. Ove napolitanke se prave od pšeničnog brašna, voćnog...
Craving a sweet dish after every meal? Keep Kras Lemon/Orange Napolitanke Wafers always in your pantry and experience its delicious taste with ice cream or simply as it is. These wafers are made of wheat flour, fruit powder, natural flavours and sugar. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight! Order Kras Lemon/Orange Napolitanke Wafers and get a package of crunchy happiness!

Kras Limun Narandža Napolitanke Napolitank...

from $4.44 from 4512231260235