
Podravka Lino Chocolino 200GR

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Hranjivi obrok za vaše mališane, Podravka Lino Chocolino izvrstan je izvor vitamina B1, B2, B6, C i E. Ne samo da su ove pšenične pahuljice zdrave, već im je ukusan i kada se poslužuju s mlijekom. Lino Chocolino sadrži priličnu...
A nutritious meal for your kids, Podravka Lino Chocolino is an excellent source of vitamin B1, B2, B6, C and E. Not only these wheat flakes are healthy but it tastes delicious when served with milk. Lino Chocolino contains a fair amount of starch, chocolate powder and sugar. Yummy breakfast that consists of essential nutrients for your children’s development. Order Podravka Lino Chocolino today and prepare a tasty meal for your kids.

Podravka Lino Chocolino 200GR

from $6.49 from 1225990275115
Kraš Vic slani pereci 230GR

Sold Out

Nalazite li se u stalnoj potrazi za zdravim zalogajima koji su zaista dobrog okusa? Kras Vic štapići slanih pereca savršena su poslastica za vaše potrebe za grickanjem. Napravljen od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka, možete vjerovati da dobivate zdrav međuobrok bez žrtvovanja okusa.
Looking for healthy snacks? Order Kras Vic Salted Pretzel Sticks today. It is made with the finest quality ingredients and a perfect treat with melted cheese or chocolate cream. You can also prepare mouthwatering recipes with these pretzel sticks. It has a sweet and salty taste. A wonderful delight for your evening snacks. Pack it in your kids’ lunch box and surprise them with crunchy happiness!

Kraš Vic slani pereci 230GR

from $2.22 from 1144287232043
Karolina Jadro Wafer 430GR

Sold Out

Pronalazite grickalice za svoje večernje želje? Naručite Karolina Jadro napolitanku odmah i doživite njenu slast! Jadro je proizvod vrhunske kvalitete koji će u trenutku utažiti vašu glad. Hrskavo izvana, punjenje od mlijeka i kakaa iznutra, u svakom zalogaju, u ustima...
Finding snacks for your evening cravings? Order Karolina Jadro Wafer right now and experience its delicious sweetness! Jadro is a premium quality product and it will satisfy your hunger instantly. Crunchy outside, milk and cocoa filling inside, in every bite, there will be a burst of chocolate inside your mouth. You can have these yummy wafers anytime, anywhere. Try Karolina Jadro Wafer once and it will be a constant in your pantry!

Karolina Jadro Wafer 430GR

from $6.00 from 1026779316267
Ivi Soda marelica (Ricoco) 330ML

Sold Out

Utažite žeđ ovim ukusnim Ivi gaziranim sokom od marelice. Trenutačno će vas osvježiti. Imajte ga bilo kada, bilo gdje. Možete ga koristiti kao bazu za mikser za koktele. Ovaj prekrasan umirujući napitak priprema se od svježe marelice i gazirane vode....
Quench your thirst with this delicious Ivi Apricot Sparkling Juice. It will refresh you instantly. Have it any time, anywhere. You can use it as a base for your cocktail mixer. This wonderful soothing drink is made with fresh apricot and sparkling water.

Ivi Soda marelica (Ricoco) 330ML

from $2.00 from 1741208322091
Krinos Bugarski kaškaval sir 500GR


**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS DOSTAVA SAMO KRENU** Sve ostale države ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE** Ako tražite sir s oštrim okusom, ovo je najbolji koji ćete ikada imati! Bugarski kaškavalski sir Krinos poznat...
If you are searching for a tangy flavoured cheese, this is the best one you will ever have! Krinos Bulgarian Kashkaval Cheese is also known as The Balkans’ Cheddar. You can use it for garnishing your favourite salad or making yummy pizzas with it. It has a tangy, nut-like flavour with a delightful aroma. Order Krinos Bulgarian Kashkaval Cheese today and have a delicious time with your friends and family.

Krinos Bugarski kaškaval sir 500GR

from $14.00 from 1000595423275
Brother & Sister Dimljena govedina (Suho Meso) 4,6 LB


** **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države MOLIMO ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Izvrstan izvor proteina, ovaj ukusni recept iz kuhinja Bosne, Hrvatske i Srbije napravljen je od vrhunske kvalitete...
An excellent source of proteins, this delicious recipe from the kitchens of Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia is made of premium quality beef, seasoned with a special blend of spices and hickory smoked. Try this mouthwatering beef with stew or prepare your favourite recipes with it. A perfect delight for any occasion. Order this yummy smoked beef today and enjoy with your family.

Brother & Sister Dimljena govedina (Suho M...

from $102.22 from 1689043501099
Krinos Bugarski sir 400GR

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Klasični užitak iz bugarskih planina, ovaj mliječni sir napravljen je od svježeg ovčjeg mlijeka. Ovaj kremasti sir će dodati...
A classic delight from the mountains of Bulgaria, this milk cheese is made of the sheeps’ fresh milk. This creamy cheese will add extra taste to your dishes. A nutritious food that will take care of your kids’ health too. You can make various recipes of pasta or try something different with it to enjoy with your family. So, don’t wait, order Krinos Bulgarian Cheese today!

Krinos Bugarski sir 400GR

from $8.00 from 1072356065323
Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 200GR


Ako ste u potrazi za slatkim užitkom uz napolitanke ili kekse, odmah naručite Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lješnjaka. Ovaj ukusni namaz od mliječne čokolade ima dvostruki okus lješnjaka i vanilije. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili pripremiti ukusne deserte. Istražite...
If you are searching for a sweet treat with wafers or biscuits, order Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread immediately. This yummy milk chocolate spread has a dual flavour of hazelnut and vanilla. You can spread it on bread or prepare mouthwatering dessert recipes. Explore your culinary abilities with this delicious sweet delight. Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread is also a rich source of calories.

Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 200GR

from $3.59 from 1636833329195
Žute paprike sa svježim sirom sa okusom Alb 540GR

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Uživajte u ovom klasičnom užitku samostalno ili ga poslužite kao prilog mesu s roštilja. Žuta paprika sa svježim sirom puna je esencijalnih nutrijenata poput proteina, vitamina i minerala. Ove punjene paprike također sadrže antioksidanse i smanjuju slobodne radikale iz vašeg...
Enjoy this classic delight on its own or relish it as a side dish of grilled meat. Yellow Peppers With Cottage Cheese is full of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals. These stuffed peppers also contain antioxidants and reduce free radicals from your body. If you have a busy lifestyle, it is a perfect recipe to save your precious time. Order Yellow Peppers With Cottage Cheese right now to enjoy its delicious flavour.

Žute paprike sa svježim sirom sa okusom Al...

from $10.10 from 2179803316267
Zvecevo Mikado 300GR

Sold Out

Doživite okus ovog hrvatskog užitka sami ili u krugu svojih najbližih. Ova mliječna čokolada koja se topi u ustima bogat je izvor ugljikohidrata, minerala, vitamina i proteina. Napravljen je od najkvalitetnijih sirovih sastojaka poput mlijeka i čokolade. Možete ga jesti...
Experience the taste of this Croatian delight alone, or with your close ones. This melt-in-mouth milk chocolate is a rich source of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and proteins. It is made of the finest quality raw ingredients like milk and chocolate. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. You can also prepare yummy desserts with Svecevo Mikado.

Zvecevo Mikado 300GR

from $8.00 from 1027147890731
Gjirofarm ovčji sir 360GR

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Ako volite malo oštriji okus sira, naručite Gjirofarm ovčji feta sir. Ukusan je i ima izraženu aromu. Ovaj sir...
If you like a little tangy flavor in cheese, order Gjirofarm Sheep Feta Cheese. It is delicious and has a distinct aroma. This cheese is derived from the fresh and 100% natural milk of sheep in Gjirokastra region. Prepare yummy Albanian recipes and your favorite dishes with Gjirofarm Sheep Feta Cheese.

Gjirofarm ovčji sir 360GR

from $11.11 from 2179801972779
Baš Domaći Blagi Ajvar 680GR

Sold Out

Ukusan makedonski recept, domaći i apsolutno bez kemikalija. Bash domaći blagi ajvar učinit će vaš dan ukusnijim. Uzmite ga za ručak ili večeru, lagani obrok u pokretu, posebno koristan za one koji imaju užurban način života. Od svježih patlidžana i...
Yummy Macedonian recipe, homemade and absolutely chemical-free. Bash Homemade Mild Ajvar will make your day tastier. Have it for lunch or dinner, easy on-the-go meal, especially useful for those who have a busy lifestyle. Made of fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with mild spicy blend, pasteurized. This delicious Homemade Mild Ajvar can be taken as a main dish or a side one. Order it today and make your meals special!

Baš Domaći Blagi Ajvar 680GR

from $12.22 from 1866808262699