Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Konzervirana i Jared hrana
Ponekad jednostavno nemamo vremena otići do supermarketa po ono što nam je potrebno, a ponekad nam je raspored čak prenatrpan da pripremimo svježe namirnice.

Konzervirana hrana, u ovim slučajevima, može biti pravi spas. Zapravo, postoji i nekoliko recepata koji zahtijevaju upotrebu konzervirane i pakirane robe za najbolji rezultat.

S druge strane, ako tražite balkanski konzervirani grah i konzervirano povrće, BalkanFresh je najbolja internetska platforma za nabavku dobrih balkanskih konzerviranih proizvoda za rekreaciju autentičnog recepta uz autentični balkanski osjećaj.

Ako tražite ukusna balkanska jela u konzervama, povrće u teglama i konzerviranu robu, onda nema drugog mjesta osim BalkanFreshovog internetskog tržišta za opskrbu svime što vam treba.
Podravka Fant mješavina začina za grah 60GR


Pripremite recepte za meksički grah, sada i kod kuće! Mješavina začina za grah napravljena je od visokokvalitetnih sastojaka i biranih začina. Dodajte ovu ljutu mješavinu svojim receptima za grah i osjetite pikantan okus svojih jela. Također možete istražiti kulinarske mogućnosti...
Prepare Mexican beans recipes, now at your home! Seasoning Mix for Beans is made with high-quality ingredients and selected spices. Add this spicy blend to your beans recipes and experience the savory flavor of your dishes. You can also explore the culinary possibilities of this seasoning mix. So, order Seasoning Mix for Beans right now and get ready to cook heartwarming recipes for your family.

Podravka Fant mješavina začina za grah 60GR

from $1.99 from 1780654669867
Marco Polo Višnje bez koštica 680g


Pobrinite se za svoj zdrav život uz Marco Polo višnje bez koštica. Ove trešnje su svježe i 100% prirodne. Sadrži mnoge esencijalne hranjive tvari poput vitamina i minerala, a također je izvrstan izvor antioksidansa. Trešnje štite vaše tijelo od upala...
The possibilitie are endless with these Marco Polo Pitted Sour Cherries. Add them to your dinner recipes, dessert and beverages. You will amaze your guests when you garnish your salad with these cherries. Marco Polo Pitted Sour Cherries, order today before run out!

Marco Polo Višnje bez koštica 680g

from $5.99 from 4575912001611
Brian's Red Cherry Peppers sa sirom 550GR


Ukusan uz mesne namirnice, Brian's Red Cherry Peppers w/ Cheese napravljen je od svježe i 100% prirodne crvene paprike trešnje koja mu daje ljuti okus uz kremasti okus sira. Koristite ga kao nadjev na svojoj omiljenoj pizzi ili skuhajte različite...
Delicious with meat staple, Brian's Red Cherry Peppers w/ Cheese is made of fresh and 100% natural red cherry peppers which add a hot taste to it beside creamy flavour of the cheese. Use it as the toppings on your favourite pizza or cook different recipes with it to add flavour to your meals. You can enjoy it alone or with your friends. Order today to have a happy meal!

Brian's Red Cherry Peppers sa sirom 550GR

from $12.12 from 1780664598571
Podravka juha od povrća sa zvjezdicama od tjestenine 52GR


Ukusan doručak za vaše mališane, Podravka juha od povrća sa zvjezdicama od tjestenine napravljena je od zdravog povrća, tjestenine, jaja u prahu i pojačivača okusa. Podravka predstavlja ukusnu i zdravu juhu koju možete pojesti za ručak ili večeru. Možete dodati...
Delicious breakfast for your kids, Podravka Vegetable Soup With Pasta Stars is made with healthy vegetables, pasta, egg powder and flavour enhancers. Podravka is presenting a delicious and healthy soup that you can have for lunch or dinner. You can add cream or your favourite ingredients to enhance its flavour. Order this savoury Vegetable Soup With Pasta Stars today and enjoy it with your close ones!

Podravka juha od povrća sa zvjezdicama od ...

from $2.79 from 6919104266420
Brian's Yellow Banana Paprike (Tetovka) 1KG

Sold Out

Ukusan pojačivač okusa žuta banana paprika ili popularna tetovka koristi se za pripremu raznih salata. Također ih možete koristiti za izradu salsi. Iznimno hranjive Brian's Yellow Banana Peppers (Tetovka) napravljene su od svježe i 100% prirodne žute banana paprike. Dobar...
A delicious flavour enhancer yellow banana peppers or popular as Tetovka are used to make a variety of salads. You can also use them to make salsas. Extremely nutritious Brian's Yellow Banana Peppers (Tetovka) are made of fresh and 100% natural yellow banana peppers. It is good for the digestive system and prevents ulceration in the stomach. It also increases the rate of metabolism in your body.

Brian's Yellow Banana Paprike (Tetovka) 1KG

from $7.00 from 4399629697099
Bakina tajna ekstra džem marelica 375GR


Sada učinite svoj doručak slasnijim uz ovaj ukusni ekstra džem od marelice Granny Secret. Napravljen je od 100% prirodne i svježe marelice, bez dodanog glutena. Vaša će djeca obožavati ovaj slatki džem na stolu za doručak. Možete ga namazati na...
Now, make your breakfast yummier with this delicious Granny Secret Extra Jam Apricot. It is made of 100% natural and fresh apricot, with zero added gluten. Your kids will love this sweet jam on their breakfast table. You can spread it on bread, pancakes or croissant, you can also try to prepare some mouthwatering desserts with it. Granny Secret Extra Jam Apricot is a homemade jam that you can relish with different snacks

Bakina tajna ekstra džem marelica 375GR

from $7.00 from 4332024922187
Vava Fergesa 490GR


Pripremite nevjerojatne recepte za svoje goste s ovom ukusnom kombinacijom mješavine povrća i domaćeg sira. Možete ga jesti i s kruhom ili mazati na otvorene sendviče. Ova makedonska poslastica učinit će vaše recepte slasnima i toplima. Stavite ga na stol...
Prepare amazing recipes for your guests with this delicious combination of vegetable mix and farmer’s cheese. You can also have it with bread or spread it on open sandwiches. This Macedonian delicacy will make your recipes savoury and heartwarming. Put it on your breakfast table and your kids will want this yummy vegetable spread with every meal. Order Vava Fergesa today and make a permanent place for it in the pantry.

Vava Fergesa 490GR

from $12.99 from 1648605790251
Bakina tajna ekstra džem od smokava 375GR


Ovaj tradicionalni recept za džem razveselit će vaš stol za doručak. Vaša će djeca biti oduševljena Granny Secret ekstra džemom od smokava na svom kruhu ili sladoledu. Ovaj ukusni džem napravljen je od 100% prirodnih i svježih sastojaka. S ovime...
This traditional recipe of jam will bring happiness to your breakfast table. Your kids will be delighted of having Granny Secret Extra Jam Fig on their bread or icecream. This delicious jam is made of 100% natural and fresh ingredients. You can prepare mouthwatering dessert dishes with this and make your snacks sweeter. It is made of fig, ascorbic acid, lemon juice and water. Order today and enjoy with your family.

Bakina tajna ekstra džem od smokava 375GR

from $7.00 from 4332021612619
Solana Sol (Krupna) 1KG

Sold Out

Sol sadrži vitalne hranjive tvari za vaše tijelo, a sol Solana najčišća je sol koju ćete uvijek pronaći. Sastoji se od esencijalnih minerala poput natrija, kalija i kalcija. Točna količina soli pomaže tijelu da pravilno funkcionira. Također je važno da...
Salt contains vital nutrients for your body and Solana Salt is the purest one you will always find. It consists of essential minerals like sodium, potassium, and calcium. The exact right amount of salt helps the body to function properly. It is also important to make your recipes flavoursome, salt also aids the human body to maintain electrolyte balance and protects from malfunctions. Order Solana Salt to provide your body with proper nutrients.

Solana Sol (Krupna) 1KG

from $2.99 from 1674899816491
Listovi kupusa Vava 1550G- **SAMO NYC dostava**

Sold Out

Ako ste ljubitelj tradicionalnih recepata, isprobajte ove ukusne listove kupusa u salamuri. Ti se listovi mariniraju kako bi se iz njih dobio točan okus. Ove listove kupusa možete puniti mesom i lukom ili možete napraviti vegetarijanska jela, s kvinojom i...
If you are fond of traditional recipes, try these delicious brined cabbage leaves. These leaves are marinated to derive the exact flavour from them. You can fill these cabbage leaves with meat and onion, or you can make vegetarian dishes, with quinoa and tomato paste. Explore your culinary skills and make amazing dishes for your family! Order Vava Cabbage Leaves today and enjoy them in different cuisine.

Listovi kupusa Vava 1550G- **SAMO NYC dost...

from $12.99 from 4502285647947
Krinos grčke crne masline 454 g (16 oz)

Sold Out

Dodajte okuse svojim receptima s Krinos grčkim crnim maslinama. Ovo je savršena pratnja koju ste oduvijek tražili. Ove grčke crne masline služe kao ukusan prilog. Ove masline postat će glavna namirnica u vašem domu. Naručite danas prije nego što ih...
Add flavors to your recipes with Krinos Greek Black Olives. This is the perfect accompaniment you have always searched for. These greek black olives work as a delicious side dish. These olives will become a staple in your home. Order today before we run out!

Krinos grčke crne masline 454 g (16 oz)

from $5.55 from 1088228229163
Vava Green Tomatoes 1400GR- **SAMO NYC Dostava**

Sold Out

Kuhajte ukusne recepte s ovim 100% prirodnim i svježim zelenim rajčicama. Zelene rajčice Vava dodaju pikantan okus vašim jelima. Sadrži nekoliko vitalnih nutrijenata poput vitamina C i minerala. Zelene rajčice Vava napravljene su od sastojaka vrhunske kvalitete. Isprobajte ove rajčice...
Cook yummy recipes with these 100% natural and fresh green tomatoes. Vava Green Tomatoes add a savory flavor to your meals. It contains several vital nutrients like vitamin C and minerals. Vava Green Tomatoes are made of premium quality ingredients. Try these tomatoes on salad dishes or make heartwarming meat recipes. Order these delicious green tomatoes today and make your food yummier!

Vava Green Tomatoes 1400GR- **SAMO NYC Dos...

from $12.99 from 1701217828907