Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Konzervirana i Jared hrana
Ponekad jednostavno nemamo vremena otići do supermarketa po ono što nam je potrebno, a ponekad nam je raspored čak prenatrpan da pripremimo svježe namirnice.

Konzervirana hrana, u ovim slučajevima, može biti pravi spas. Zapravo, postoji i nekoliko recepata koji zahtijevaju upotrebu konzervirane i pakirane robe za najbolji rezultat.

S druge strane, ako tražite balkanski konzervirani grah i konzervirano povrće, BalkanFresh je najbolja internetska platforma za nabavku dobrih balkanskih konzerviranih proizvoda za rekreaciju autentičnog recepta uz autentični balkanski osjećaj.

Ako tražite ukusna balkanska jela u konzervama, povrće u teglama i konzerviranu robu, onda nema drugog mjesta osim BalkanFreshovog internetskog tržišta za opskrbu svime što vam treba.
Podravka namaz od šipka 360GR

Sold Out

Naručite ovaj ukusni namaz već danas i napravite omiljena slatka jela s Podravka pekmezom od šipka. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili pripremiti biskvit za svoje goste. Ovaj ukusni voćni namaz ne samo da će vaše recepte učiniti slasnijim, već...
Order this delicious spread today and make your favorite sweet dishes with Podravka Rose Hip Jam. You can also have it spreading on bread or prepare sponge cake for your guests. This yummy fruity spread will not only make your recipes yummier but is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Podravka Rose Hip Jam is made of natural and fresh fruits with zero added flavors and colors.

Podravka namaz od šipka 360GR

from $4.99 from 7698187485426
Vitaminka Ljuti Kečap 300GR

Sold Out

Vitaminka predstavlja ukusan ljuti kečap, napravljen od svježe rajčice, čili papričice i prepoznatljive mješavine začina. Pripremite slane recepte s ovim toplim užitkom. Namažite ga na sendvič ili uživajte u omiljenom krumpiriću umočenom u njega. S ovim ljutim umakom možete istražiti...
Vitaminka presents delicious hot ketchup, made with fresh tomatoes, chilli peppers and a signature blend of spices. Prepare savoury recipes with this hot delight. Spread it on a sandwich or relish your favourite fries dipping in it. You can also explore your culinary skills with this hot sauce. Order Vitaminka Hot Ketchup today and make grilled meat or fish recipes with it.

Vitaminka Ljuti Kečap 300GR

from $3.29 from 4455322517579
Brian's paradajz paprike punjene kupusom 1 kg

Sold Out

Ovo je izuzetno hranjiv i ukusan recept koji možete koristiti za kuhanje raznih jela. Ove paprike rajčice punjene kupusom možete imati i same. Bogat izvor vitamina i vlakana. I vaša će djeca voljeti ovo u svojim obrocima. Možete ga imati...
This is an extremely nutritious and mouthwatering recipe that you can use to cook various recipes. You can also have these tomato peppers stuffed with cabbage on their own. A rich source of vitamins and fibre. Your kids will love this in their meals too. You can have it at any time of the day. Order this Brian’s Tomato Peppers Stuffed with Cabbage today to add flavours to your favourite recipes.

Brian's paradajz paprike punjene kupusom 1 kg

from $8.00 from 6558967333044
Gavrilović Svinjska štruca za ručak 150GR

Sold Out

Otkrijte svoje kulinarske vještine uz ovu ukusnu svinjsku štrucu Gavrilović. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili uz sendviče, uz povrće i meso ili preljev na salate, možete isprobati neke ukusne recepte s njim. Naručite Gavrilovic Pork Luncheon Loaf već danas...
Discover your culinary skills with this mouthwatering Gavrilovic Pork Luncheon Loaf. You can spread it on bread or have it with sandwiches, also have it with veggies and meats or topping on salads, you can try some delicious recipes with it. Order Gavrilovic Pork Luncheon Loaf today and make your meal yummier!

Gavrilović Svinjska štruca za ručak 150GR

from $5.55 from 4503477026891
Džem od divljih borovnica Granny Secret 375GR


Okusite toplinu bakine ljubavi s ovim slatkim džemom od divljih borovnica Granny Secret. Napravljen je od 100% prirodnih i svježih šumskih borovnica bez dodanih konzervansa. Namažite ga na kruh ili umočite svoje omiljene grickalice u njega i doživite provalu ukusa...
Taste the warmth of grandmother’s love with this sweet Granny Secret Wild Blueberry Jam. It is made with 100% natural and fresh wild blueberries with zero added preservatives. Spread it on your bread or dip your favourite snacks in it and experience a burst of yumminess inside your mouth. You can also make sweet dessert recipes with it. Order Granny Secret Wild Blueberry Jam today and enjoy your breakfast!

Džem od divljih borovnica Granny Secret 375GR

from $7.00 from 4668992454731
Aneta pašteta od maslina 100GR

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Savršeno predjelo, iskusite ovu paštetu od maslina s krekerima ili je namažite na omiljeno jelo. Vegetarijanska pašteta od maslina mesnate je teksture i začinjena najkvalitetnijim sastojcima. Pokušajte pripremiti gotove recepte s ovim ukusnim pripravkom. Pun je vitalnih nutrijenata poput vlakana,...
A perfect appetizer, experience this olive pate with crackers or spread it on your favourite dish. Vegetarian Olive Pate has a meaty texture and is seasoned with the finest quality ingredients. Try making out-of-box recipes with this delicious preparation. Also, this olive pate is easy to take on the go. Order Vegetarian Olive Pate and take a tour of taste with it!

Aneta pašteta od maslina 100GR

from $3.00 from 6613912682676
Gavrilović Čajna Svinjska Pašteta (Cajna) 100GR

Sold Out

Ugodite svojim nepcima ukusnom Gavrilović čajnom svinjskom paštetom! Sadrži 30% svinjetine, vodu, kuhinjsku sol i savršenu mješavinu začina. Namažite ga na kruh ili istražite svoje kulinarsko umijeće i napravite ukusne recepte za svoje goste. Odličan izvor proteina, ova svinjska pašteta...
Indulge your tastebuds with mouthwatering Gavrilovic Tea Pork Pate! It contains 30% pork, water, table salt and a perfect blend of spices. Spread it on bread or explore your culinary skills and make delicious recipes for your guests. A great source of protein, this pork pate will make your dishes yummier! Order Gavrilovic Tea Pork Pate today and enjoy your meals.

Gavrilović Čajna Svinjska Pašteta (Cajna) ...

from $3.33 from 7563838095602
Podravka svinjska štruca za ručak 200GR


Istražite kulinarske mogućnosti ove ukusne štruce sa svinjskim ručkom. Namažite ga na kruh ili uz sendviče, također uz povrće i meso ili preljev na salate, možete isprobati neke ukusne recepte s njim. Ovaj ukusni namaz napravljen je od prvoklasne svinjetine,...
Explore the culinary possibilities of this mouthwatering Pork Luncheon Patty Loaf. Spread it on bread or have it with sandwiches, also have it with veggies and meats or topping on salads, you can try some delicious recipes with it. This yummy spread is made of premium quality pork, corn starch, pork skin, milk, and a special blend of spices. Order Pork Luncheon Patty Loaf today and make your meal yummier!

Podravka svinjska štruca za ručak 200GR

from $4.99 from 4487229767755
Podravka Fant mješavina začina za mesne okruglice (cufte) 60GR


Priprema ukusnih mesnih okruglica sada je lakša uz Podravka Fant mješavinu začina! Samo razrijedite u mlakoj vodi i pomiješajte s mesom, skuhajte u umaku od rajčice i poslužite ovaj ukusni recept svojim gostima! Možete ga jesti s rižom ili samog....
Preparing delicious meatballs is easier now with Podravka Fant Seasoning Mix! Just dilute in lukewarm water and mix with the meat, cook in tomato sauce and serve this mouthwatering recipe to your guests! You can have it with rice or on its own. Podravka Fant Seasoning Mix is made with corn starch, wheat flour, garlic, dried onions, a special blend of spices and flavour enhancer. Order today to enjoy heartwarming recipes with your friends and family.

Podravka Fant mješavina začina za mesne ok...

from $1.99 from 6685624434868
BalkanFresh mljevena crvena paprika 30GR


Ova mljevena crvena paprika dodat će pikantan okus vašim receptima s ukusnom aromom. Možete ih dodati tijekom kuhanja ili ih posipati po vrhu tijekom ukrašavanja. Crvena paprika vrhunske kvalitete ručno se bere i suši dugim procesom. Ove paprike sadrže dosta...
This crushed red pepper will add a spicy flavour to your recipes with a mouthwatering aroma. You can add them while cooking or sprinkle them on top while garnishing. The premium quality red peppers are handpicked and dried through a long process. These peppers contain a fair amount of protein and regulate the level of sugar in the blood. Also, these are natural sources of iron and nourishes the immune system of the body.

BalkanFresh mljevena crvena paprika 30GR

from $1.11 from 6097704059060
Vegeta Natur Pileća bujon kocka 120GR


Od sada će vaši domaći recepti imati okus klasične kuhinje iz tradicionalnog restorana! Svojim omiljenim jelima dodajte Podravka pileće kocke i učinite ih ukusnijima. Možete posipati svoje recepte tijekom kuhanja i to će poboljšati okus recepata. Također, s njim pripremajte...
From now on, your homemade recipes will taste like classic cuisines from a traditional restaurant! Add Podravka Chicken Bullion Cubes to your favourite dishes and make them more delicious. You can sprinkle on your recipes while cooking and it will enhance the flavour of the recipes. Also, prepare soups and stews with it, Podravka Chicken Bullion Cubes will never disappoint you. Order to experience the taste!

Vegeta Natur Pileća bujon kocka 120GR

from $3.33 from 6640267886772
Marco Polo Pečene paprike s češnjakom 19.3OZ


Ako volite kuhati ljutu hranu, ovo je najbolji sastojak koji ste ikada smislili! Marco Polo pečene paprike s češnjakom će dodati pikantan okus i crvenu boju vašim receptima. Ove paprike nisu samo pojačivači okusa, već imaju i nutritivne prednosti. Pečene...
If you like to cook spicy foods, this is the best ingredient you have ever thought of! Marco Polo Roasted Peppers w/Garlic will add a spicy taste and red colour to your recipes. These peppers are not only flavour enhancers but they have nutritious benefits too. Roasted peppers contain vitamins, fibre, calcium and potassium. You can have them in different foods, like toppings on pizza or fill them in burgers.

Marco Polo Pečene paprike s češnjakom 19.3OZ

from $6.49 from 1086191140907