

Otkrijte više o Balkanu uz BalkanFreshove ostale proizvode

Proširite svoje kulinarske horizonte BalkanFreshovim izborom drugih balkanskih proizvoda, napravljenih tradicionalnim metodama i autentičnim sastojcima.
Naš izbor uključuje niz opcija koje možete odabrati, od sredstava za čišćenje i proizvoda za bebe do kućanskih predmeta i kuhinjskih setova! Izbor proizvoda za bebe kreće se od maramica i šampona do krema za bebe i sapuna. Osim proizvoda za čišćenje, prodajemo i razne mirise kako bi vaša kuća stalno mirisala!
U BalkanFreshu, naš glavni prioritet je osigurati da pružamo najvišu kvalitetu s proizvodima iz cijelog Balkana. Osim toga, naši proizvodi zadovoljavaju visoke standarde kvalitete i autentičnosti. Osim vrhunske usluge, iskusit ćete i balkansku kulturu kroz naše brojne proizvode!
Kupujte sada i istražite naše uvezene europske i mediteranske proizvode za više ukusnih opcija.

Čarape od balkanske ovčje vune (Unisex 1 veličina)

Sold Out

Zaštitite svoja osjetljiva stopala ovim udobnim čarapama od ovčje vune. Pronaći ćete autentičnu ovčju vunu koja će vam pružiti toplinu u večerima prohladne zime. Čarape od balkanske ovčije vune izrađuju se i za muškarce i za žene. Ove čarape su...
Protect your sensitive feet with these cozy sheep wool socks. You will find authentic sheep wool that will give you warmth in the evenings of the chilly winter season. Balkan sheep wool socks are made for both men and women. These socks are comfortable and free in size. Try these soft sheep wool socks and walk with confidence. Hurry up, because winter is already here!

Čarape od balkanske ovčje vune (Unisex 1 v...

from $29.95 from 7487148130546
Gural set za kavu (Topkapi) (kompletan set od 6)


Volite li razgovarati s prijateljima uz šalicu kave, ovo je najljepši set za kavu o kojem ste sanjali! Gural Coffee Set je set od 6 šalica i tanjurića, izrađen od porculana. Turski dizajn izvan šalica čini ih elegantnima. Pripremite različite...
If you like to have a conversation with your friends over a cup of coffee, this is the most beautiful coffee set you have ever dreamed of! Gural Coffee Set is a set of 6 cups and saucers, made of porcelain. Turkish design outside the cups makes them look elegant. Prepare different kinds of coffee and enjoy with your friends with this exquisite Gural Coffee Set (Topkapi). Hurry and order soon!

Gural set za kavu (Topkapi) (kompletan set...

from $50.00 from 6884741808308
Nivea Baby Pure & Sensitive maramice 63 KOM


Dermatološki preporučene maramice za bebe sadrže aloe veru za bolju njegu osjetljive kože beba. Ne sadrži alkohol, što štiti bebinu kožu od iritacija i sprječava širenje crvenila. Nivea Baby Pure & Sensitive maramice održavaju bebinu kožu zdravom i čistom. Nemojte...
Dermatologically recommended baby wipes contains aloe vera to take better care of the sensitive skin of babies. It has zero amount of alcohol, which protects the baby skin from irritation and prevents the spread of redness. Nivea Baby Pure & Sensitive Wipes keep the baby’s skin healthy and clean. Don’t compromise with your baby’s skin anymore, order Nivea Baby Pure & Sensitive Wipes right now!

Nivea Baby Pure & Sensitive maramice 63 KOM

from $4.49 from 6896117711028
Papadimitriou balzamična krema 250 ml


Ovom aromatičnom kremom prelijte salate ili miksajte voćni sladoled, obogatit će okuse vaših jela i oduševit ćete se! Papadimitriou balzamična krema ima slatko-kiseli okus koji vaše recepte čini ukusnijima! Također ga možete koristiti za ukrašavanje sendviča i drugih recepata. Gust...
Pour this aromatic cream on salads or mix fruit ice cream, it will enhance the flavours of your food and you will feel amazed! Papadimitriou Balsamic Cream has a sweet and sour flavour that makes your recipes more delicious! You can also use it to garnish sandwiches and other recipes. It is thick and free of gluten. You must keep Papadimitriou Balsamic Cream in the refrigerator after opening the seal.

Papadimitriou balzamična krema 250 ml

from $7.29 from 6713071993012
Nivea Baby Pure and Sensitive Cream 150ML

Sold Out

Do not compromise with your baby’s sensitive skin. Use Nivea Baby Pure and Sensitive Cream and give your baby’s skin ultimate protection. This cream contains several essential compounds that keep baby skin healthy. Order Nivea Baby Pure and Sensitive...
Do not compromise with your baby’s sensitive skin. Use Nivea Baby Pure and Sensitive Cream and give your baby’s skin ultimate protection. This cream contains several essential compounds that keep baby skin healthy. Order Nivea Baby Pure and Sensitive Cream now and use it on baby skin every day.

Nivea Baby Pure and Sensitive Cream 150ML

from $11.49 from 8038267977970
Emo Enamel Deep Baking Tray 36CM

Sold Out

Now show your culinary skills by making delicious cakes and souffles in this amazing round deep baking tray. This tray cooks faster as it is made of enamel and spreads the mixture equally on its surface. Prepare yummy...
Now show your culinary skills by making delicious cakes and souffles in this amazing round deep baking tray. This tray cooks faster as it is made of enamel and spreads the mixture equally on its surface. Prepare yummy recipes like pies and cakes in it and amaze your guests. Emo Enamel Deep Baking Tray is perfect to make lasagna too, so don’t wait, order it soon!

Emo Enamel Deep Baking Tray 36CM

from $33.33 from 8035238379762
Metalac emajlirana posuda za kavu (bež) 4in


Naručite ovu posebnu emajliranu posudu kako biste u njoj kuhali isključivo kavu! Emajlirana posuda METALAC priprema kavu brže od ostalih posuda zbog svog oblika i materijala. Možete kuhati različite vrste kave, posebno kavu na turski način. Ovaj lonac omogućit će...
Order this special enamel pot to make exclusively coffee in it! METALAC Enamel Coffee Pot prepares coffee faster than other pots because of its shape and material. You can make different kinds of coffee, especially Turkish style coffee. This pot will let you have the original flavor and taste of your favorite coffee. Hurry! Order soon and enjoy with your friends over a cup of hot coffee!

Metalac emajlirana posuda za kavu (bež) 4in

from $15.99 from 7635008258290
Metalac crveni emajlirani pleh 34cm

Sold Out

Pečenje po vašem omiljenom receptu sada je mnogo lakše, uz ovu tepsiju. Mala težina, Metalac crvena emajlirana posuda za pečenje ravnomjerno raspoređuje tijesto svugdje u posudi. Brže se peče jer je od emajla. Pripremite svoje omiljene bureke, kolače i torte...
Metalac crveni emajlirani pleh 34cm

Metalac crveni emajlirani pleh 34cm

from $50.99 from 7742927995122
Ariel Originalni tekući deterdžent 1.1LT


Teško je ukloniti teške mrlje s vaše omiljene haljine? Isprobajte ovaj tekući deterdžent Ariel, posebno razvijen za uklanjanje tvrdih mrlja u samo jednom pranju. Ovaj deterdžent možete koristiti u poluautomatskoj perilici. Snažan je, štiti boju haljine i ostavlja prekrasan miris...
Hard to remove tough stains from your favourite dress? Try thisAriel Color Protection Detergent, especially developed to protect the color in your clothes. You can use this detergent in a semi and automatic washer. It is powerful, protects colour of the dress and leaves a beautiful fragrance in your clothes after washing. Now, say bye-bye to tough stains and wear whatever, whenever you like!

Ariel Originalni tekući deterdžent 1.1LT

from $37.77 from 7920583246066
Metalac okrugla tepsija "Made With Love" 30CM


Od sada pozovite svoje goste i iznenadite ih domaćim jelima, spravljenim u Metalac okrugloj tavi. Ovaj pleh je napravljen od emajla pa se u njemu brže peku kolačići i kolačići. U ovoj tepsiji možete raditi i druge recepte poput malih...
From now on, invite your guests and surprise them with homemade meals, made in Metalac Round Pan. This tray is made of enamel that is why it bakes cookies and brownies faster. You can also make other recipes in this baking tray like small burek rolls or pastries. Metalac Round Pan is a perfect utensil if you have a passion for baking!

Metalac okrugla tepsija "Made With Love" 30CM

from $44.99 from 7878733758706
Metalac emajlirana posuda "Made With Love" 34CM


Pečenje po vašem omiljenom receptu sada je mnogo lakše, uz ovu tepsiju. Mala težina, Metalac emajlirana posuda za pečenje ravnomjerno raspoređuje tijesto svugdje u posudi. Brže se peče jer je od emajla. Pripremite svoje omiljene bureke, kolače i torte u...
Baking your favorite recipe is much easier now, with this baking pan. Light in weight, Metalac Enamel Baking Pan spreads the batter equally, everywhere in the pan. It bakes faster as it is made of enamel. Prepare your favorite bureks, cakes, and pies in this amazing baking pan. Invite your guests and make delicious recipes, only on Metalac Red Enamel Baking Pan, so hurry! Order today!

Metalac emajlirana posuda "Made With Love"...

from $49.99 from 7878730907890
Ariel Alpine tekući deterdžent 1.1L

Sold Out

Teško uklanjate mrlje s odjeće? Isprobajte ovaj tekući deterdžent Ariel, posebno razvijen za uklanjanje tvrdih mrlja u samo jednom pranju. Ovaj deterdžent možete koristiti u poluautomatskoj perilici. Snažan je, ali dovoljno nježan prema vašoj koži. Sada recite zbogom teškim mrljama!
Hard to remove stains from your clothes? Try this Ariel liquid detergent, specially developed to remove tough stain just in a single wash. You can use this detergent in a semi and automatic washer. It is powerful yet gentle enough on your skin. Now, say bye-bye to tough stains!

Ariel Alpine tekući deterdžent 1.1L

from $25.00 from 7873982759154