Gotova jela

Gotova jela
Podravka pileća juha s rezancima 62GR

Sold Out

Pripremite ovu ukusnu juhu prije večere i iznenadite svoje goste, Podravka pileća juha s rezancima sadrži okus mesa, poseban spoj začina, rezanaca i povrća. Za kuhanje je potrebno samo 5 minuta! Možete ga jesti i za doručak ili ručak. Ova...
Prepare this delicious soup before your dinner and surprise your guests, Podravka Chicken Noodle Soup contains a flavour of meat, a special blend of spices, noodles and vegetables. It just takes 5 minutes to cook! You can also have it for your breakfast or lunch. This yummy soup tastes exactly like homemade chicken soup. You can add your favourite condiments to enhance the flavour. Order right now and have a tasty delight.

Podravka pileća juha s rezancima 62GR

from $1.99 from 1026072379435
Podravka goveđa juha s rezancima 62GR


Ukusna juha prije večere, Podravka goveđa juha s rezancima sadrži okus mesa, posebnu mješavinu začina, rezanaca i povrća. Za kuhanje je potrebno samo 5 minuta! Možete ga jesti i za doručak ili ručak. Ova ukusna juha ima okus baš kao...
A delicious soup before your dinner, Podravka Beef Noodle Soup contains a flavour of meat, a special blend of spices, noodles and vegetables. It just takes 5 minutes to cook! You can also have it for your breakfast or lunch. This yummy soup tastes exactly like homemade beef soup. You can add your favourite condiments to enhance the flavour. Order right now and have a tasty delight.

Podravka goveđa juha s rezancima 62GR

from $1.99 from 4415506382923
Podravka bistra juha (Bistra Juha Tjestenino) 45GR

Sold Out

Sada pripremite dirljiv doručak dodajući rezance i piletinu u Podravka bistru juhu. Ova slana juha napravljena je od kukuruznog škroba, peciva, ekstrakta piletine, sušenog povrća i pojačivača okusa. Vaša će djeca voljeti ovu juhu za večernji užitak, a možete je...
Now prepare a heartwarming breakfast adding noodles and chicken to Podravka Clear Soup. This savoury soup is made of corn starch, pastry, chicken extract, dried vegetables and flavour enhancers. Your kids will love this soup for their evening delight, or you can have it before lunch or dinner. Try Podravka Clear Soup once and you cannot resist ordering it again!

Podravka bistra juha (Bistra Juha Tjesteni...

from $2.00 from 6559753666740
Podravka juha od povrća sa zvjezdicama od tjestenine 52GR


Ukusan doručak za vaše mališane, Podravka juha od povrća sa zvjezdicama od tjestenine napravljena je od zdravog povrća, tjestenine, jaja u prahu i pojačivača okusa. Podravka predstavlja ukusnu i zdravu juhu koju možete pojesti za ručak ili večeru. Možete dodati...
Delicious breakfast for your kids, Podravka Vegetable Soup With Pasta Stars is made with healthy vegetables, pasta, egg powder and flavour enhancers. Podravka is presenting a delicious and healthy soup that you can have for lunch or dinner. You can add cream or your favourite ingredients to enhance its flavour. Order this savoury Vegetable Soup With Pasta Stars today and enjoy it with your close ones!

Podravka juha od povrća sa zvjezdicama od ...

from $2.79 from 6919104266420
Podravka proljetna juha 60GR

Sold Out

Ljuti užitak sadrži esencijalne hranjive sastojke, pun je povrća i ukusan je recept za konzumiranje u bilo kojem trenutku! Podravka proljetna juha puna je mrkve, poriluka, celera, češnjaka, crvene paprike, luka i krumpira. Savršena juha za vegetarijance. Za pripremu ove...
A hot delight contains essential nutrients, full of vegetables and is a yummy recipe to consume any time! Podravka Spring Soup is full of, carrot, leek, celeriac, garlic, red pepper, onions, and potato. A perfect soup for vegetarians. It takes only 10 minutes to prepare this delicious soup. A quick recipe and your kids will definitely love this warm treat on their breakfast table.

Podravka proljetna juha 60GR

from $1.99 from 1026100887595
Podravka Dalmatinska Juha 60GR


Dijetalna poslastica u večerima prohladne zime! Ova ukusna juha može se pripremiti za 10 minuta. Ovo možete imati i za doručak. Podravka Dalmatinska juha sadrži rezance, pšenično brašno, češnjak i ekstrakt kvasca. Možete osjetiti ukusan okus zahvaljujući posebnoj mješavini začina...
A heartwarming delicacy in the evenings of the chilly winter season! This delicious soup can be prepared within 10 minutes. You can also have this for your breakfast. Podravka Dalmatian Soup contains noodles, wheat flour, garlic and yeast extracts. You can taste a yummy flavour because of a special blend of spices and noodles. Order Podravka Dalmatian Soup right now and experience the taste of it!

Podravka Dalmatinska Juha 60GR

from $1.99 from 6685621289140
Podravka krem juha od rajčice 60GR


Uživajte u ovom toplom užitku sa svojim prijateljima i obitelji. Podravka krem juha od rajčica napravljena je od pšeničnog brašna, pojačivača okusa, kukuruznog škroba i sušenih rajčica. To je savršena poslastica za vegetarijance. Možete ga imati s različitim receptima poput...
Enjoy this warm delight with your friends and family. Podravka Cream of Tomato Soup is made of wheat flour, flavour enhancers, corn starch and dried tomatoes. It is a perfect treat for vegetarians. You can have it with different recipes like pasta and noodles. It takes only 5 minutes to cook this delicious recipe. Order today and surprise your guests with Podravka Cream of Tomato soup.

Podravka krem juha od rajčice 60GR

from $2.66 from 6081814331572
Podravka krem juha od gljiva (Krem Juha Od Gljiva) 54GR

Sold Out

Ugodna poslastica prije svakog obroka, Podravka krem juha od gljiva sadrži pšenično brašno, pojačivače okusa, sušene gljive i kukuruzni škrob. Za kuhanje je potrebno samo 7 minuta! Možete ga jesti i za doručak ili ručak. Vaša će se djeca zaljubiti...
A delightful treat before any meal, Podravka Cream Of Mushroom Soup contains wheat flour, flavour enhancers, dried mushrooms and corn starch. It just takes 7 minutes to cook! You can also have it for your breakfast or lunch. Your kids will fall in love with this delicious soup. You can add your favourite condiments to enhance the flavour. Order right now and enjoy it with your close ones.

Podravka krem juha od gljiva (Krem Juha Od...

from $2.89 from 1674895458347
Podravka Krem Juha Od 9 Vrsta Povrca 45GR


Gusta juha sadrži esencijalne hranjive sastojke, puna je povrća i slastan je užitak za svako doba! Podravka krem juha od 9 povrća sadrži mrkvu, kelj, poriluk, celer, češnjak, cvjetaču, luk, brokulu i grašak. Savršena juha za vegetarijance. Za pripremu ove...
A thick soup contains essential nutrients, full of vegetables and is a yummy delight for any time! Podravka Cream Of 9 Vegetable Soup contains, carrot, kale, leek, celeriac, garlic, cauliflower, onions, broccoli and peas. A perfect soup for vegetarians. It takes only 15 minutes to prepare this delicious soup. A quick recipe and your kids will definitely love this delight on their breakfast table.

Podravka Krem Juha Od 9 Vrsta Povrca 45GR

from $1.99 from 1675535155243
Podravka Fant riblja juha & riblji paprikaš 65 GR


Ulijte, promiješajte, promiješajte i vaše jelo je spremno za posluživanje! Podravka Fant riblja juha i riblji paprikaš klasična je mješavina začina koja će vaše jelo učiniti slasnijim. Napravljen je od suhe crvene paprike, pojačivača okusa, biljne masti, kukuruznog škroba i...
Pour it, mix it, stir it and your dish is ready to serve! Podravka Fant Fish Soup & Fish Paprikash is a classic blend of spices that will make your dish yummier. It is made of dried red pepper, flavour enhancers, herbal fat, corn starch and dried vegetables. Prepare delicious fish soup and your friends will be amazed! You can also explore your culinary skills with Podravka Fant Fish Soup & Fish Paprikash. Hurry and order soon!

Podravka Fant riblja juha & riblji paprika...

from $1.99 from 4550480986187
Podravka Fant mješavina začina za grah 60GR


Pripremite recepte za meksički grah, sada i kod kuće! Mješavina začina za grah napravljena je od visokokvalitetnih sastojaka i biranih začina. Dodajte ovu ljutu mješavinu svojim receptima za grah i osjetite pikantan okus svojih jela. Također možete istražiti kulinarske mogućnosti...
Prepare Mexican beans recipes, now at your home! Seasoning Mix for Beans is made with high-quality ingredients and selected spices. Add this spicy blend to your beans recipes and experience the savory flavor of your dishes. You can also explore the culinary possibilities of this seasoning mix. So, order Seasoning Mix for Beans right now and get ready to cook heartwarming recipes for your family.

Podravka Fant mješavina začina za grah 60GR

from $1.99 from 1780654669867
Mješavina začina za štapiće od mljevenog mesa Podravka Fant 40GR


Sada je restoran kod vas doma! Fant mješavina začina za mljeveno meso savršena je mješavina za pripremu ukusnih jela poput mesnih štruca i popečaka. S ovom mješavinom začina možete pripremiti ukusne recepte za svaku priliku. Sastoji se od mješavine začina,...
Podravka Fant Minced Meat Sticks Seasoning Mix 40GR - BalkanFresh

Mješavina začina za štapiće od mljevenog m...

from $1.99 from 1780652015659