
Ako ste ih probali, onda znate da su bosanski i srpski zalogaji jednostavno ukusni! Isto vrijedi i za turske i neke poznate hrvatske zalogaje. Jedini je problem što ih je teško pronaći čak i ako grickalice želite kupovati online. Istina je da u SAD-u nema toliko proizvoda - osim ako grickalice ne naručite online putem platforme BalkanFresh.

U tom smislu, jeste li probali turske slatkiše? Ako želite naručiti slatkiše online, morate ih probati! I srećom, možete ih nabaviti upravo ovdje, s naše web stranice.

Uživajte u bogatom okusu i ukusnoj teksturi ovih europskih grickalica – nabavite ih uz pomoć samo nekoliko klikova putem naših platformi. Online kupovina grickalica nikada nije bila jednostavnija.

Naša internetska dostava grickalica je mjesto na kojem možete riješiti slane crteže ako tražite autentične balkanske poslastice.

A ako želite zadovoljiti svoje sladokusce, imamo veliki izbor ukusnih europskih slatkiša s Balkana koje jednostavno morate imati s vremena na vrijeme. Tako su dobri!

BalkanFresh je vaš najbolji izbor za autentične slatkiše kada je u pitanju online dostava slatkiša u SAD.
Kras Dorina mliječna čokolada 250GR


Ako ste u potrazi za ukusnim zalogajima, Kraš Dorina mliječna čokolada bit će najbolji izbor! Ova ukusna mliječna čokolada će vam se topiti u ustima i to je najslađi osjećaj o kojem ste ikada sanjali! S ovom mliječnom čokoladom također...
If you are in search of delicious snacks, Kras Dorina Milk Chocolate will be the best to choose! This yummy milk chocolate will melt in your mouth and it is the sweetest feeling that you have ever dreamed of! You can also prepare mouthwatering recipes with this milk chocolate, make brownie or ice cream, these desserts will amaze your guests. Order Kras Dorina Milk Chocolate and experience the delight.

Kras Dorina mliječna čokolada 250GR

from $4.00 from 1048474976299
Slatkiši od jagoda Kraš 275G (vrećica)


Ukusna sreća zamotana u ovaj sočni Kraš slatkiš od jagode. Zadivite svoju djecu ovim ukusnim slatkišima, napravljenim od prirodnih sastojaka. Ovaj slatkiš je uvijek omiljen za djecu, možete ga i vi kušati i izmamiti si slatki osmijeh na lice. Također,...
Delicious happiness wrapped inside this juicy Kras Strawberry Candy. Amaze your kids with this yummy candy, made with natural ingredients. This candy is an all-time favourite for kids, you can also taste this and bring a sweet smile to your face. Also, you can prepare amazing dessert recipes with these candies. Order Kras Strawberry Candy today and enjoy anytime with this flavoured sweet delight.

Slatkiši od jagoda Kraš 275G (vrećica)

from $3.33 from 1647961636907
Vincinni mekani slojevi za kolače (svijetli) 400 GR


Vincinni predstavlja ukusan makedonski užitak za brzu pripremu omiljenih kolača! Ovi slojevi kolača napravljeni su od pšeničnog brašna, jaja, sredstava za dizanje i glukoznog sirupa. Pripremite različite vrste kolača s ovom ukusnom ponudom Vincinnija. Iznenadite svoje goste gotovim receptima. Imajte...
Vincinni presents delicious Macedonian delight to prepare your favourite cakes quickly! These cake layers are made with wheat flour, eggs, raising agents and glucose syrup. Prepare different types of cakes with this delicious offering of Vincinni. Surprise your guests with out-of-box recipes. Have it on your own or share it with your close ones. To experience the taste of Vincinni Soft Cake Layers, order soon!

Vincinni mekani slojevi za kolače (svijetl...

from $7.99 from 1666798387243
Podravka Lino Frutolino 200GR

Sold Out

Razveselite svoje mališane uz Podravka Lino Frutolino. Samo prokuhajte u vodi i zdrav obrok za vaše dijete je spreman! Podravka Lino Frutolino sadrži vitamine, folnu kiselinu, niacin i kalcij. Sadrži kašu svježeg voća poput jabuke i breskve, punomasno mlijeko u...
Make a happy meal for your kids with Podravka Lino Frutolino. Just boil in water and a healthy meal for your kid is prepared! Podravka Lino Frutolino contains vitamins, folic acid, niacin and calcium. It contains a mash of fresh fruits like apple and peach, whole milk powder and wheat semolina. This yummy and healthy meal is perfect for your kid’s growth and development.

Podravka Lino Frutolino 200GR

from $5.99 from 1225986965547
Spektar Šećer u kocki 750GR (Šećer Kocka Lomljena)


Najkvalitetnije kocke šećera koje ste oduvijek tražili! Spektar šećerne kocke izrađene su tradicionalno i daju prirodne okuse vašim receptima. Naručite ovaj paket Šećer kocke lomljene kako bi vaši napitci bili slađi nego ikad. Pravi je pojačivač okusa kada se koristi...
The finest quality sugar cubes you have always searched for! Spektar Sugar Cubes are made traditionally and provide natural flavours to your recipes. Order this package of Secer Kocka Lomljena to make your beverages sweeter than ever. It is a real taste enhancer when used in sweet recipes. Spektar Sugar Cubes are made of pure saccharose. To enjoy a flavourful drink order it right now.

Spektar Šećer u kocki 750GR (Šećer Kocka L...

from $6.99 from 1144337727531
Cheetos Dracoulinia 100GR

Sold Out

Omiljeni za sva vremena vaše djece, hrskavi čips, ukusan s okusom sira i rajčice. Cheetos Dracoulinia napravljeni su od svježeg krumpira s prepoznatljivom mješavinom okusa sira. Ukusan večernji zalogaj za vas i vašu obitelj. Ovo također možete pojesti kad god...
An all-time favorite of your kids, crunchy potato chips, delicious with cheese and tomato flavor. Cheetos Dracoulinia are made of fresh potatoes with a signature blend of cheesy flavors. A yummy evening snack for you and your family. You can also have this whenever you are hungry, great munchies. Order to enjoy with your family on the movie nights!

Cheetos Dracoulinia 100GR

from $4.44 from 6747924988084
Alb okus krem ​​karamela 500GR

Sold Out

Pripremite ukusne deserte s krem ​​karamelom. Pravi se od različitih vrsta otopljenog šećera. Možete ga jesti samog ili napraviti savršen preljev na sladoledu. Također ga možete koristiti za poboljšanje okusa vašeg ukusnog pudinga. Naručite Krem Caramel kako bi vaše slastice...
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with Krem Caramel. It is made of different kinds of melted sugar. You can have it on its own or make a perfect topping on ice cream. You can also use it to enhance the flavour of your delicious pudding. Order Krem Caramel to make your desserts yummier. This box of sweetness adds flavour to any sweet dish. Make sumptuous recipes and surprise your guests.

Alb okus krem ​​karamela 500GR

from $6.67 from 4535090872395
Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Jagode 300GR


Ako ste u potrazi za ukusnim desertom, to je najbolji slatki užitak na koji ste ikada pomislili! Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll jagoda napravljena je od brašna, jagoda i sastojaka vrhunske kvalitete. Savršen spoj uz kavu ili bilo koje piće koje...
If you are looking for a delicious dessert, it is the best sweet delight that you have ever thought of! Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Strawberry is made of flour, strawberry and premium quality ingredients. A perfect match for coffee or any of your preferred beverages. You can carry it with yourself, easy on-the-go munchies! Order this yummy swiss roll today to enjoy with your friends and family.

Vincinni Jumbo Swiss Roll Jagode 300GR

from $3.99 from 1701221892139
SL Pozdrav slani pereci 200GR


Tražite li zdrave i ukusne grickalice, odmah naručite SL Hello slane perece! Pripremljen je od najboljih sastojaka i savršen je užitak uz kremu od topljenog sira ili čokolade. Ove perece možete staviti i kao preljev na omiljeni sladoled. Slani pereci...
If you are searching fortasty snacks, order SL Hello Salted Pretzels immediately! It is a perfect delight with melted cheese or chocolate cream. You can also put these pretzels as topping on your favourite ice cream. SL Hello Salted Pretzels have a light salty taste. A wonderful treat for your evening snacks. Pack it in your kids’ lunch box and surprise them with crunchy happiness!

SL Pozdrav slani pereci 200GR

from $2.19 from 4455320256587
Karolina Jadro napolitanke kokos i čokolada 430GR


Probajte ukusne Karolina Jadro Wafers Coconut & Chocolate i više nikada nećete moći odoljeti naručivanju! Ove ukusne napolitanke punjene su čokoladom i kokosom. Savršen međuobrok za večer ili ga možete pojesti za lagano žvakanje u pokretu. Ne zaboravite podijeliti! Naručite...
Try delicious Karolina Jadro Wafers Coconut & Chocolate and you will never be able to resist ordering again! These delicious wafers are filled with chocolate and coconut. A perfect snack for the evening, or you can have it for an easy on-the-go munch. Don’t forget to share! Order Karolina Jadro Wafers Coconut & Chocolate today and enjoy it with your friends over a cup of hot coffee.

Karolina Jadro napolitanke kokos i čokolad...

from $6.00 from 1225947152427
Donia Zele Bonboni 300GR

Sold Out

Ukusne slatke gumene bombone, omiljene za sve dobne skupine. Ako imate želju za slatkišima za žvakanje, probajte ove ukusne Donia Zele Bonbone. Ove gumene bombone napravljene su od voćnog soka i aromatiziranih sastojaka. Vaša će se djeca svidjeti ovim gumijastim...
Delicious sweet gummies, a favourite for all age groups. If you have a craving for chewy sweets, try this yummy Donia Zele Bonboni. These gummies are made of fruit juice and flavoured ingredients. Your kids will love these sugar-coated, jelly-filled gummies. Order this package of sweetness today to enjoy with your kids. You can find different flavours inside!

Donia Zele Bonboni 300GR

from $5.55 from 4528800858187
Vipa kečap čips od krumpira 75GR

Sold Out

Počastite svoje večernje želje ovim hrskavim užitkom. Vipa Ketchup čips napravljen je od svježeg krumpira i začinjen posebnom mješavinom začina. Možete ga imati gdje god želite. Spakirajte ovaj čips u kutiju za užinu svoje djece i razveselite ih. Savršen spoj...
Treat your evening cravings with this crunchy delight. Vipa Ketchup Potato Chips are made of fresh potatoes and seasoned with a special blend of spices. You can have it wherever you want. Pack these chips in your kids’ lunchbox and make them happy. A perfect match for your favourite beverage. Try this sweet and spicy offering of Vipa once and you will make a permanent place for it in the pantry!

Vipa kečap čips od krumpira 75GR

from $2.49 from 7530569171186