
Kraš Čokoladne Napolitanke 500GR

Sold Out

Nevjerojatna poslastica za Vas, čokoladne napolitanke punjene bogatom kremastom čokoladom učinit će Vaš užitak dvostruko! Uzmite ih same ili uz omiljeno piće, ove ukusne napolitanke vas nikada neće razočarati. Također ga možete koristiti za dodavanje dodatne slatkoće svom omiljenom sladoledu....
An amazing treat for you, chocolate wafers filled with rich creamy chocolate will make your pleasure twice! Have it on its own or with your favourite drink, these yummy wafers will never disappoint you. You can also use it to add extra sweetness to your preferred ice cream. Enjoy this delicious creamy Kras Chocolate Napolitanke with your friends or all alone. Once you have it, it will be a constant favourite of yours!

Kraš Čokoladne Napolitanke 500GR

from $8.88 from 1026744483883
Kraš Čokoladne Napolitanke 250GR

Sold Out

Dvostruko iznenađenje! Napolitanke prelivene čokoladom, punjene bogatom čokoladnom kremom, slasna poslastica za vas i vaše prijatelje. Uzmite ga samog ili umočite u svoju omiljenu kremu, ovaj hrskavi slatki užitak učinit će vašu sreću dvostrukom u svakom zalogaju! Možete ga koristiti...
Double surprise! Chocolate covered wafers, filled with rich chocolate cream, delicious treat for you and your friends. Have it on its own or dip in your favourite cream, this crunchy sweet delight will make your happiness double in every bite! You can also use this as a topping on your preferred ice cream. Hurry and order soon. Kras Chocolate Napolitanke is an all-time favourite for any age group.

Kraš Čokoladne Napolitanke 250GR

from $4.44 from 6595896836276
Kras čokoladna krema Napolitanke 500GR

Sold Out

Želite li dodatnu slatkoću uz svoje omiljene napitke, naručite Kraš čokoladne krem napolitanke već danas i uživajte u ovim hrskavim napolitankama punjenim bogatom kremastom čokoladom. Možete ga umočiti u sir ili ga zgrabiti kad god ste gladni. Oduševit će vas...
If you want extra sweetness with your favourite drinks, order Kras Chocolate Cream Napolitanke today and enjoy these crunchy wafers, filled with rich creamy chocolate. You can have it dipped in cheese or grab it whenever you are hungry. These delicious wafers will make you feel delightful! Don’t forget to share this package of happiness. Order today and enjoy anytime, anywhere!

Kras čokoladna krema Napolitanke 500GR

from $6.00 from 1048518983723
Kraš čokoladna krema Napolitanke 330GR


Hrskave napolitanke izvana i bogato čokoladno punjenje iznutra, ove Kraševe napolitanke s čokoladnom kremom utažit će vašu glad u svakom trenutku! Također je savršen uz toplu čokoladu ili kavu. Možete ga imati sami ili uživati u njemu sa svojim najbližima....
Crunchy wafers outside and rich chocolate filling inside, this Kras Chocolate Cream Napolitanke will satisfy your hunger anytime! It is also perfect with hot chocolate or coffee. You can have it on your own or enjoy it with your close ones. This yummy sweet delight will make you happy after a single bite! Kras Chocolate Cream Napolitanke is made of wheat flour, chocolate and natural flavour.

Kraš čokoladna krema Napolitanke 330GR

from $4.44 from 1026757427243
Kras Nougat Napolitanke Wafers 500GR

Sold Out

Ako volite hrskave napolitanke, probajte ove ukusne Kras Nougat Napolitanke. To je najbolji međuobrok, punjen ukusnim nugatom, savršen za vašu večernju kavu. Možete ga napraviti i kao preljev na svom omiljenom sladoledu. Ne zaboravite podijeliti ovaj slatki užitak sa svojim...
If you like crunchy wafers, try this yummy Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke. It is the best snack, filled with delicious nougat, a perfect match for your evening coffee. You can also make it a topping on your favourite ice cream. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight with your friends. Order Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke once and you will definitely make a space in your pantry for it forever!

Kras Nougat Napolitanke Wafers 500GR

from $7.00 from 1026761687083
Kras Nougat Napolitanke 330GR

Sold Out

Ovaj slatki užitak savršen je za žvakanje kad god poželite grickalice! Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke rade se od pšeničnog brašna, kakaovog praha, šećera i nugata. Možete ga imati takvog kakvog jest ili probati ovo sa sladoledom koji preferirate. Ove nevjerojatne...
This sweet delight is perfect to munch whenever you are craving snacks! Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke is made with wheat flour, cocoa powder, sugar and nougat. You can have it as it is or try this with your preferred ice cream. These amazing wafers will satisfy your hunger and leave a sweet aftertaste within you! Order Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke today and enjoy the experience.

Kras Nougat Napolitanke 330GR

from $3.33 from 1647903834155
Kraš Limun Naranča Oblatne 330GR


Žudite za slatkim jelom nakon svakog obroka? Kras limun/naranča Napolitan napolitanke uvijek držite u svojoj smočnici i doživite njihov fini okus uz sladoled ili jednostavno takve kakve jesu. Ove napolitanke su napravljene od pšeničnog brašna, voćnog praha, prirodnih aroma i...
Craving a sweet dish after every meal? Keep Kras Lemon/Orange Napolitanke Wafers always in your pantry and experience its delicious taste with ice cream or simply as it is. These wafers are made of wheat flour, fruit powder, natural flavours and sugar. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight! Order Kras Lemon/Orange Napolitanke Wafers and get a package of crunchy happiness!

Kraš Limun Naranča Oblatne 330GR

from $4.44 from 4512231260235
Kraš Mocha napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

Sold Out

Tražite hrskave i slatke zalogaje? Probajte jednom ove Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke i uljepšajte svoju večer uz šalicu kave ili omiljenog napitka. Slojevi oblatni punjeni su ukusnom kremom s okusom čokolade i kave. I vaša će djeca biti zadivljena, spakirajte...
Searching for crunchy and sweet snacks? Try this Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke once and make your evening wonderful with a cup of coffee or your favourite beverage. Layers of wafers are filled with delicious chocolate and coffee flavoured cream. Your kids will be amazed too, pack it in their lunchbox for an after-meal delight. Order Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke right now and put a crunchy topping on your dessert!

Kraš Mocha napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

from $3.33 from 1038564327467
Kraš Rum Napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

Sold Out

Savršen spoj uz večernju kavu, Kras Rum Wafer Napolitanke savršen su užitak nakon svakog obroka. Ovaj hranjivi međuobrok sadrži slojeve napolitanki i bogatu kremu unutra. Možete uživati sami ili podijeliti s prijateljima. Ove ukusne napolitanke u trenu će utažiti vašu...
A perfect match for your evening coffee, Kras Rum Wafer Napolitanke is a perfect delight after every meal. This nutritious snack contains layers of wafers and rich cream inside. You can enjoy it alone or share it with your friends. These delicious wafers will satisfy your hunger instantly. Order this once and it will definitely get a permanent place in your pantry!

Kraš Rum Napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

from $3.99 from 1038560297003
Kras Petit Beurre keks 480GR

Sold Out

Sada uživajte u čaju uz ove Kras čajne kekse. Hrskavi užitak uz užitak slatkog poslastica uz šalicu omiljenog pića! To je kombinacija keksa i keksa, divan zalogaj za bilo koje piće! Savršen zalogaj za večer, a obožavat će ga i...
Now enjoy your tea with these Kras Tea Biscuits. Crunchy delight with the pleasure of sweet treat with a cup of your favorite drink! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage! A perfect snack for the evening and your kids will also love it. Order Kras Tea Biscuits right now to enjoy with your family.

Kras Petit Beurre keks 480GR

from $5.55 from 1079450992683
Kras domacica cajno pecivo 300GR

Sold Out

Sada uživajte u čaju uz ovo Kraš Domaćica čajno pecivo preliveno čokoladom. Pravi se od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, maslaca, lješnjaka i kakaa. Hrskave napolitanke iznutra i kremasta čokolada izvana ponudit će vam prepunu slatkoću! To je kombinacija keksa i keksa,...
Now enjoy your tea with this Kras Chocolate covered Tea Biscuits Domacica. It is made of wheat flour, sugar, butter, hazelnut and cocoa. Crunchy wafers inside and creamy chocolate outside will offer you an overloaded sweetness! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage! Order Kras Chocolate covered Tea Biscuits Domacica today to enjoy with your family.

Kras domacica cajno pecivo 300GR

from $5.00 from 1079474094123
Kras Domacica Tamna Cajni Biskvit Tamna Cokolada 275GR

Sold Out

U potrazi za keksima? Naručite Kraš crni čokoladni biskvit Domačica Tamna, idealan za čaj. Možete ga jesti kad god želite, učinite dane ukusnijim uz ove čokoladne kekse. Ovi keksi se prave od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, maslaca i tamne čokolade. U...
In search of biscuits? Order Kras Dark Chocolate Domacica Tamna Biscuit, an ideal match for tea. You can have it whenever you like, make your days yummier with these chocolate biscuits. These biscuits are made of wheat flour, sugar, butter and dark chocolate. In every bite, you will get a burst of dark chocolate inside your mouth. Order Kras Dark Chocolate Domacica Tamna Biscuit today and enjoy it with your favourite drink.

Kras Domacica Tamna Cajni Biskvit Tamna Co...

from $5.00 from 4678852706379