
Čajno pecivo Kras Lilly vanilija 220GR


Popijte šalicu kave ili čaja uz ove Kras Lilly vanilije kekse. Ovi keksi su apsolutno savršeni da zadovolje vašu želju za grickalicama. Možete ga imati i uz različite okuse sladoleda. Hrskavi keksići s okusom vanilije izrađeni su od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka....
Have a cup of coffee or tea with these Kras Lilly Vanilla Biscuits. These biscuits are absolutely perfect to satisfy your cravings for snacks. You can also have it with different flavours of ice cream. Crunchy vanilla-flavoured biscuits are made with the finest quality ingredients. You can have it alone or share it with your close ones. A sweet delight that will add flavours to the conversations with your friends.

Čajno pecivo Kras Lilly vanilija 220GR

from $3.33 from 1780181958699
Čajno pecivo Kraš Zlatka 220GR


Prekrasna poslastica, slađa s mlijekom, omiljenom hranom vaše djece. Ovaj biskvit možete imati za večernje užine. Napravljen je od pšeničnog brašna, šećera i prirodnih aroma. Ovo hrskavo čajno pecivo Kras bogatog je okusa limuna i anisa, u svakom zalogaju osjetit...
A delightful treat, sweeter when you have it with milk, a favourite food of your kids. You can have this biscuit for your evening snacks. It is made of wheat flour, sugar and natural flavours. This crunchy Kras Tea Biscuits has a rich flavour of lemon and anise, in every bite, you will get a burst of sweetness in your mouth. Order these Kras Tea Biscuits and enjoy with your favourite drink.

Čajno pecivo Kraš Zlatka 220GR

from $3.00 from 1079429726251
Kras Dorina Napolitanke Čokolada100GR

Sold Out

Dvostruko iznenađenje! Napolitanke prelivene čokoladom, punjene bogatom čokoladnom kremom, slasna poslastica za vas i vaše prijatelje. Uzmite ga samog ili umočite u svoju omiljenu kremu, ovaj hrskavi slatki užitak učinit će vašu sreću dvostrukom u svakom zalogaju! Možete ga koristiti...
Double surprise! Chocolate covered wafers, filled with rich chocolate cream, delicious treat for you and your friends. Have it on its own or dip in your favourite cream, this crunchy sweet delight will make your happiness double in every bite! You can also use this as a topping on your preferred ice cream. Hurry and order soon. Kras Chocolate Napolitanke is an all-time favourite for any age group.

Kras Dorina Napolitanke Čokolada100GR

from $3.33 from 7911428260082
Kraš Dorina riža čokolada (Riza) 220GR

Sold Out

Napunite usta bogatom čokoladnom kremom i hrskavim užitkom prepečene riže! Ova ukusna pločica mliječne čokolade savršen je međuobrok, uzmite jednu kad god želite. U njemu možete uživati sami ili podijeliti s prijateljima. Kraš Dorina Rice Riza čokolada napravljena je od...
Fill your mouth with the rich chocolate cream and crunchy pleasure of toasted rice! This delicious milk chocolate bar is a perfect snack, grab one whenever you like. You can enjoy it all alone or share it with your friends. Kras Dorina Rice Riza Chocolate is made of skimmed milk powder, cocoa, puffed rice and vanilla extract. Have it in your home or at work, this chocolate bar will satisfy your hunger anyway!

Kraš Dorina riža čokolada (Riza) 220GR

from $5.00 from 1048473829419
Kras Dorina mliječna čokolada 250GR


Ako ste u potrazi za ukusnim zalogajima, Kraš Dorina mliječna čokolada bit će najbolji izbor! Ova ukusna mliječna čokolada će vam se topiti u ustima i to je najslađi osjećaj o kojem ste ikada sanjali! S ovom mliječnom čokoladom također...
If you are in search of delicious snacks, Kras Dorina Milk Chocolate will be the best to choose! This yummy milk chocolate will melt in your mouth and it is the sweetest feeling that you have ever dreamed of! You can also prepare mouthwatering recipes with this milk chocolate, make brownie or ice cream, these desserts will amaze your guests. Order Kras Dorina Milk Chocolate and experience the delight.

Kras Dorina mliječna čokolada 250GR

from $4.00 from 1048474976299
Kraš Dorina Lješnjaci (Ljesnak) 220GR


Volite li čokoladu više od svega? Ako da, naručite ovu ukusnu mliječnu čokoladu danas i okusite njenu slatkoću. Dorina Ljesnak sadrži priličnu količinu kalorija koje će vam dati energiju. Možete ga imati bilo kada i bilo gdje. Držite ga kod...
Do you love chocolate more than anything? If yes, order this yummy milk chocolate today and taste the sweetness of it. Dorina Ljesnak contains a fair amount of calories which will give you energy. You can have it anytime and anywhere. Keep it with yourself if you have a busy schedule. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight with your close ones. Hurry and order soon!

Kraš Dorina Lješnjaci (Ljesnak) 220GR

from $6.00 from 1647967404075
Kras Dorina Čokolada za pečenje (kuhanje) 200GR

Sold Out

Pripremite ukusne deserte s ovom Kras Dorina čokoladnom pločicom za kuhanje. Istražite svoje kulinarske vještine s njim, napravite puding, brownie ili kremu, vaši će gosti biti oduševljeni nakon ovih ukusnih recepata napravljenih s Kraš Dorina čokoladnom pločicom za kuhanje. Ova...
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with this Kras Dorina Cooking Chocolate Bar. Explore your culinary skills with it, make pudding, brownie or custard, your guests will be amazed after having these delicious recipes made with Kras Dorina Cooking Chocolate Bar. This dark chocolate bar is made of rich cocoa, cocoa butter and vanilla extract. Order today to make special dessert items for your friends and family.

Kras Dorina Čokolada za pečenje (kuhanje) ...

from $3.33 from 1079413571627
Kraš Frondi Maxi čokolada i vanilija vafel 250GR


Hrskava čokoladna vafla izvana i bogata krema od vanilije iznutra, savršen međuobrok za svako doba. Ovu ukusnu oblatnu možete imati kod kuće ili na radnom mjestu. Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate & Vanilla Vafer napravljen je od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, biljnog...
Crunchy chocolate wafer outside and rich vanilla cream inside, a perfect snack for any time. You can have this yummy wafer at home or at your workplace. Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate & Vanilla Wafer is made of wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, cocoa powder and vanilla cream. Share it with your friends or have it alone. Order  Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate & Vanilla Wafer and enjoy this amazing delight.

Kraš Frondi Maxi čokolada i vanilija vafel...

from $3.33 from 6734125334708
Kras Frondi Maxi čokoladne napolitanke 250GR

Sold Out

Ovaj slasni hrskavi užitak zadovoljit će vašu glad dodatnom slatkoćom! Kras Frondi Maxi čokoladne napolitanke pripremaju se od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, kakaovog praha i pojačivača okusa. Naći ćete hrskavi sloj čokolade izvana i bogatu čokoladnu kremu unutra, slatki užitak nakon...
This delicious crunchy delight will satisfy your hunger with extra sweetness! Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate Wafer is prepared with wheat flour, sugar, cocoa powder and flavour enhancer. You will find a crunchy layer of chocolate outside and rich chocolate cream inside, a sweet treat after every meal. Order Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate Wafer and get a dual flavour of happiness!

Kras Frondi Maxi čokoladne napolitanke 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734108557492
Kras Frondi Maxi limun oblatna 250GR

Sold Out

Dodajte dodatnu slatkoću svojim večernjim užicima! Kras Frondi Maxi Lemon Wafer ponudit će vam dvostruki slasni užitak, hrskavu napolitanku s okusom limuna punjenu bogatom kremom od limuna. Možete ga jesti samog ili umočiti u svoju omiljenu kremu, ukusan zalogaj koji...
Add extra sweetness to your evening delights! Kras Frondi Maxi Lemon Wafer will offer you delicious pleasure twice, crunchy lemon flavoured wafer filled with rich lemon cream. You can have it on its own or dip it in your favourite cream, a yummy snack that will satisfy your hunger any time. Don’t forget to share! Order Kras Frondi Maxi Lemon Wafer and enjoy with your friends and family.

Kras Frondi Maxi limun oblatna 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734114488500
Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer 250GR

Sold Out

Uživajte u ovom hrskavom užitku kad god želite, ukusan desert nakon svakog obroka! Hrskava oblatna, punjena nougat kremom, udvostručit će vašu sreću svakim zalogajem. Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer je ukusan užitak i svidjet će ga se i vašoj djeci....
Have this crunchy pleasure whenever you like, a delicious dessert after every meal! Crispy wafer, filled with nougat cream will make your happiness double with every bite. Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer is a yummy delight and your kids will love it too. You can have it topping on ice cream or have it on its own. Order Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer today and enjoy your evening snacks.

Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734116389044
Kras Frondi Maxi napolitanka vanilija 250GR


Ako volite hrskave napolitanke, probajte ovu ukusnu Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla napolitanku. Najbolji je međuobrok, punjen bogatom kremom od vanilije, savršen za večernju kavu. Možete ga napraviti i kao preljev na svom omiljenom sladoledu. Ne zaboravite podijeliti ovaj dvostruki užitak...
If you like crunchy wafers, try this yummy Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla Wafer. It is the best snack, filled with rich vanilla cream, a perfect match for your evening coffee. You can also make it a topping on your favourite ice cream. Don’t forget to share this dual delight with your friends. Order Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla Wafer once and you will definitely make a space in your pantry for it forever!

Kras Frondi Maxi napolitanka vanilija 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734119927988