When hunger bites, treat yourself with this mouthwatering snack. 7 Days chocolate croissant is made of dough and rich chocolate filling. This croissant will melt in your mouth, and guess what happens next! A burst of chocolate inside. A single bite of this chocolate croissant will leave a sweet taste in your mouth. So, make your every day better with 7 Days Chocolate Croissant.

7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR


7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR 7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR becomes available.

Kad vas uhvati glad, počastite se ovim ukusnim zalogajem. 7 Days čokoladni kroasan napravljen je od tijesta i bogatog čokoladnog nadjeva. Ovaj genetski modificirani kroasan bez organizama topit će vam se u ustima, a pogodite što slijedi! Pucanje čokolade unutra. Jedan jedini zalogaj ovog čokoladnog kroasana vratit će vam energiju, a vi ćete biti sposobni za rad cijeli dan. Stoga, uljepšajte svaki svoj dan uz 7 Days Chocolate Croissant. Težina: 2,65 OZ (75 g) Tijesto i čokolada Bez GMO-a


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Povezani proizvodi

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This perfect snack for any age group, especially for kids. Yummy Bambi Lane Plazma is crunchy and yummier when served with milk or juice. Your kids can have this delicious snack at any time of the day. Order this tasty Bambi Lane Plazma and make your kid’s snack sweeter!

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Stark Smoki Flips 50G

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Stark Smoki Flips 50G

from $1.79 from 1027164471339
Старк Смоки Флипс 150ГР

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Старк Смоки Флипс 150ГР

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Bambi Lane Ground (Plazma Mljevena) 300GR

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Bambi Lane Ground (Plazma Mljevena) 300GR

from $4.44 from 1028891934763
Kraš Dorina riža čokolada (Riza) 220GR

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Kraš Dorina riža čokolada (Riza) 220GR

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Evropa Krem Banana Box (35 komada) 595g


Savršen međuobrok za vaše večernje želje! Evropa Krem Banana Box sadrži ukusne marshmallowe. U svakom zalogaju osjetit ćete marshmallowe s okusom banane prelivene čokoladom. Napravljene su od praha pravog voća i 100% prirodne boje. Slatki užitak za sve dobne skupine....
Perfect snack for your evening cravings! Evropa Krem Banana Box contains delicious marshmallows. In every bite, you will taste chocolate-coated banana flavoured marshmallows. These are made of real fruit powder and 100% natural colour. A sweet delight for all age groups. Order this yummy Evropa Krem Banana Box today and share happiness with your friends.

Evropa Krem Banana Box (35 komada) 595g

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