Are you a fitness enthusiast? If yes, try Aneta green peas. This is full of vital nutrients and consists of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K. Green peas are also rich sources of carbohydrates and proteins. Scientific researches have shown that green peas protect you from heart diseases and they also regulate the level of sugar in your blood. So, order Aneta green peas today and keep yourself healthy always!

Aneta zeleni grašak 840GR


Aneta zeleni grašak 840GR Aneta zeleni grašak 840GR becomes available.

Jeste li fitness entuzijast? Ako da, probajte Aneta zeleni grašak. Pun je vitalnih hranjivih tvari i sastoji se od vitamina A, vitamina C i vitamina K. Zeleni grašak također je bogat izvor ugljikohidrata i proteina. Znanstvena istraživanja su pokazala da zeleni grašak štiti od srčanih bolesti, a također regulira razinu šećera u krvi. Stoga, naručite Aneta zeleni grašak već danas i budite uvijek zdravi!Težina: 840 gŠtiti od bolesti srcaBogat izvor ugljikohidrata, proteina i vitamina


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Brian's Tetovac Makedonski bijeli grah 1LB

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Ovaj makedonski bijeli grah je svjež i ukusan. Možete ih imati kao recept za pečeni grah ili možete napraviti juhu s njima. U Srbiji je čorba od bijelog pasulja popularno jelo. Bijeli grah važan je dio balkanskih delicija. Dakle, naručite...
These Macedonian white beans are fresh and delicious. You can have them as a baked bean recipe or can make soup with it. In Serbia, white bean soup is a popular dish. White bean is an important part of the Balkans’ delicacies. So, order these Brians Tetovac Macedonian White Beans today and prepare those delicious meals.

Brian's Tetovac Makedonski bijeli grah 1LB

from $5.55 from 4503493148747
Vava Tetovac Pasulj Grah bijeli 1LB

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Pripremite srdačnu srpsku juhu ili recepte za pečeni grah s ovim hranjivim bijelim grahom. Vava predstavlja 100% prirodan i svjež bijeli grah koji Vama i Vašoj obitelji nudi zdrav život. Ove mahune su pune antioksidansa, prirodni su izvor vitamina B-kompleksa,...
Prepare heartwarming Serbian soup or baked bean recipes with these nutritious white beans. Vava presents 100% natural and fresh white beans to offer you and your family a healthy life. These white beans are full of antioxidants, a natural source of vitamin B-complex, minerals, proteins, fibre and magnesium. Your kids will also love this traditional delight of the Balkans.

Vava Tetovac Pasulj Grah bijeli 1LB

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Reis Dermason bijeli grah 1 kg

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Bijeli grah Reis Dermason svjež je i pun vitalnih nutrijenata. Pripremite recepte za pečeni pasulj ili s njim napravite tradicionalnu srpsku čorbu. Bijeli grah važan je dio balkanskih delicija. Bijeli grah Reis Dermason bogat je izvor magnezija, vitamina B kompleksa,...
Reis Dermason White Beans are fresh and are full of vital nutrients. Prepare baked bean recipes or make traditional Serbian soup with them. White bean is an important part of the Balkans’ delicacies. Reis Dermason White Beans are rich sources of magnesium, vitamin B complex, proteins and fibre. So, order these healthy and tasty white beans today to enjoy a healthy life!

Reis Dermason bijeli grah 1 kg

from $9.99 from 4512862371915
Takovo Mahune Posni Pasulj 300g

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Vegetarijanska poslastica napravljena od mahunarki u umaku od rajčice. Možete ga jesti uz rižu ili recepte za tjesteninu. Ovaj ukusni Takovski grah Posni pašulj bogat je proteinima i vlaknima. Napravljen je od posebne začinske mješavine koja pojačava okus recepta. Vaši...
A vegetarian delicacy made with butter beans in tomato sauce. You can have it with rice or pasta recipes. This delicious Takovo Beans Posni Pasulj is rich in proteins and fibre. It is made of a special spicy blend that enhances the flavour of the recipe. Your guests will be amazed after having this savoury dish at your house party! Order Takovo Beans Posni Pasulj today and explore your culinary skills.

Takovo Mahune Posni Pasulj 300g

from $4.44 from 1780185563179
Reis Crveni Grah (Barbunya) 1KG


Ako ste vegetarijanac, crveni grah Reis savršen je za obroke bogate proteinima. Ove mahune pune su vitamina, minerala poput kalija i fosfora. Također su bogati izvori antioksidansa i vlakana. Crveni grah Reis pomaže u smanjenju tjelesne težine i njezi probavnog...
If you are vegetarian, Reis Red Kidney Beans are perfect to provide you high protein meals. These beans are full of vitamins, minerals like potassium and phosphorus. They are also rich sources of antioxidants and fiber. Reis Red Kidney Beans are helpful to reduce weight and take good care of your digestive tract. Order today and make healthy meals for your family.

Reis Crveni Grah (Barbunya) 1KG

from $12.99 from 4512865714251
Reis slanutak (Kocbasi Nohut) 1KG


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Reis slanutak (Kocbasi Nohut) 1KG

from $5.89 from 6073127502004