Experience this yummy strawberry Tiramisu and you cannot resist ordering it again! A delicious sweet dish that is easy to prepare. Have this on any occasion, with your friends! Your kids will love it too. Mouthwatering creamy dessert or you can have it on chilly winter evenings. Order soon and get a package of sweetness that will make you smile!

MARINI Tiramisu s jagodama Kompletan set 220GR


MARINI Tiramisu s jagodama Kompletan set 220GR MARINI Tiramisu s jagodama Kompletan set 220GR becomes available.

Doživite ovaj ukusni tiramisu od jagoda i nećete moći odoljeti da ga ponovno ne naručite! Ukusno slatko jelo koje se jednostavno priprema. Imajte ovo u svakoj prilici, sa svojim prijateljima! Svidjet će se i vašoj djeci. Ukusni kremasti desert ili ga možete pojesti u hladnim zimskim večerima. Naručite uskoro i dobijte paket slatkiša koji će vam izmamiti osmijeh!Kompletan kompletJednostavan za kuhanje


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Povezani proizvodi

KIM karamel krema - Tres Leches 500GR

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Pripremite ukusne deserte s KIM karamel kremom. Pravi se od različitih vrsta otopljenog šećera, savršen preljev na sladoledu. Također ga možete koristiti za poboljšanje okusa vašeg ukusnog pudinga. Naručite KIM karamel kremu kako bi vaše slastice bile ukusnije. Ova kutija...
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with KIM Caramel Cream. It is made of different kinds of melted sugar, perfect topping on ice cream. You can also use it to enhance the flavour of your delicious pudding. Order KIM Caramel Cream to make your desserts yummier. This box of sweetness adds flavour to any sweet dish. Make sumptuous recipes and surprise your guests.

KIM karamel krema - Tres Leches 500GR

from $6.00 from 4609215791179
Marco Polo domaći listovi kupusa 1500G- **SAMO NYC Dostava**

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Volite li tradicionalne recepte, probajte Marco Polo domaće listove kupusa, marinirane u salamuri. Točno odgovarajuća količina aromatiziranih listova kupusa učinit će vaša jela ukusnijima. Ove listove kupusa možete puniti mesom i lukom ili možete napraviti vegetarijanska jela, s kvinojom i...
If you like traditional recipes, try Marco Polo Homemade Cabbage Leaves, marinated in brine. The exactly right amount of flavoured cabbage leaves will make your dishes more delicious. You can fill these cabbage leaves with meat and onion, or you can make vegetarian dishes, with quinoa and tomato paste. So, give a classic surprise to your friends and family with these savoury cabbage leaves!

Marco Polo domaći listovi kupusa 1500G- **...

from $12.00 from 1088215154731
Marco Polo Futog Kisela glavica kupusa LB Varira

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Sada napravite ukusne sarme sa Marco Polo Futoškom kiselom glavicom kupusa. Mariniran je i ima kiselkast okus. S ovom slanom glavicom kupusa možete pripremiti i druge dirljive recepte. Glavica kiselog kupusa Marco Polo Futog postaće nezaobilazna namirnica u vašem domu....
Now make delicious cabbage rolls with Marco Polo Futog Sour Cabbage Head. It is marinated and tastes sour. You can make other heartwarming recipes with this savoury cabbage head. Marco Polo Futog Sour Cabbage Head will become a staple in your home. Order today to take care of your health with mouthwatering recipes!

Marco Polo Futog Kisela glavica kupusa LB ...

from $12.00 from 1636821893163
Freedea Lemon Soda (Can) 330ML


Osvježite se ovom slatkom i ljutom sodom od limuna nakon dugog stresnog radnog dana! Freedea Lemon Soda u trenu će vas osvježiti, utažiti žeđ i vratiti energiju. Možete ga koristiti kao bazu svoje miješalice za koktele. Ukusno gazirano piće bez...
Refresh yourself with this sweet and tangy lemon soda after a long stressful day of work! Freedea Lemon Soda will instantly refresh you, satisfy your thirst, and bring your energy back. You can use it as the base of your cocktail mixer. A delicious drink that is caffeine-free and carbonated. Enjoy Freedea Lemon Soda on any occasion and share it with your friends at your house parties.

Freedea Lemon Soda (Can) 330ML

from $3.33 from 6062034780340
Marco Polo Domaći Blagi Ajvar sa Pečenom Paprikom 550Gr


Slana poslastica iz zemlje jugoistočne Europe napravljena od svježih patlidžana i pečene paprike, začinjena mješavinom začina. Možete ga jesti samog ili ga namazati na tost ili sendviče. Ukusna hrana bez kemikalija, jednostavan obrok za nošenje, posebno koristan za one koji...
Marco Polo Mild Ajvar is made with roasted peppers, seasoned with a blend spices. A savoury treat to your recipes, this Ajvar can be used to cook different recipes in order to add flavours. You can also have it as a spread on crusty toast or bread. It’s an on-the-go meal for those who run with busy schedules. Try this delicious Marco Polo Homestyle Mild Ajvar once and you will order it again.

Marco Polo Domaći Blagi Ajvar sa Pečenom P...

from $11.11 from 1088207781931
Nutella namaz od čokolade i lješnjaka 950GR


Ukusan namaz na vaš kruh ili sendviče. Nutella čokoladni namaz od lješnjaka ima izvrstan okus lješnjaka. Umočite svoje omiljene kolačiće u njega ili napravite slatka jela za desert, vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u ovaj nevjerojatan čokoladni namaz. Možete ga...
A yummy spread on your bread or sandwiches. Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread has a delicious hazelnut flavour. Dip your favourite cookies in it or make sweet dessert dishes, your kids will fall in love with this amazing chocolate spread. You can also have it with your preferred ice cream or simply have it on its own! Order Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and explore its culinary possibilities.

Nutella namaz od čokolade i lješnjaka 950GR

from $14.44 from 1266800066603