Have this yummy delight as dessert, Pionir Sweet Heart Honey Cakes has a delicious flavor that will leave a sweet aftertaste within you. This melt-in-mouth cake has a sweet honey flavor. A perfect match for your evening treat with a cup of coffee. Order Pionir Sweet Heart Honey Cakes todayand enjoy it with your close ones.

Pioneer Medeni kolači slatka srca 500GR


Pioneer Medeni kolači slatka srca 500GR Pioneer Medeni kolači slatka srca 500GR becomes available.

Pojedite ovaj slatki užitak nakon svakog obroka, Pionir medeni kolači slatkog srca imaju izvrstan okus koji će u vama ostaviti slatki okus. Ovaj kolač koji se topi u ustima s prirodnim okusom meda. Savršen spoj za vašu večernju poslasticu uz šalicu kave ili je možete popiti kad god ogladnite. Naručite Pionir medene torte od srca i uživajte sa svojim najbližima.Težina: 500gMedeni kolačiUkusan zalogaj


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Povezani proizvodi

Pionir karamele sa lješnjacima 100GR


Iznenadite svoje mališane Pionir karamelom s lješnjakom i bit će oduševljeni ovom slatkom poslasticom. Ovaj slatkiš napravljen je od punomasnog mlijeka u prahu, biljne masti, glukoznog sirupa, umjetnih aroma i lješnjaka. Ukusna karamela i lješnjak u sredini pravi su užitak...
Surprise your kids with Pionir Toffee With Hazelnut and they will be overwhelmed with this sweet treat. This candy is made with whole milk powder, vegetable fat, glucose syrup, artificial flavours and hazelnut. Caramel coated tasty toffee and hazelnut in the centre is a true delight after every meal. Order Pionir Toffee With Hazelnut and enjoy it alone or with your friends.

Pionir karamele sa lješnjacima 100GR

from $3.19 from 1027161653291
Kras Kiki Tutti Frutti voćni karamele 400GR

Sold Out

Ponudite ovaj ukusni Kras Kiki Tutti Frutti voćni karamele svojoj djeci i razveselite ih. Ove karamele napravljene su od prirodnog voćnog soka, voćnog praha, glukoznog sirupa i prirodnih aroma. Svako pakiranje sadrži bombone različitih okusa. Svevremenski favorit za sve dobne...
Kras Kiki Tutti Frutti Fruit Toffee

Kras Kiki Tutti Frutti voćni karamele 400GR

from $6.67 from 1144299356203
Pionir Čokoladna Medna Srca 350GR

Sold Out

Pojedite ovaj ukusni užitak nakon svakog obroka, Pionir medena torta prelivena čokoladom ima izvrstan okus koji će u vama ostaviti slatki okus. Ovaj kolač koji se topi u ustima ima sloj čokolade izvana i prirodan okus meda. Savršen spoj za...
Have this yummy delight after every meal, Pionir Chocolate Coated Honey Cake has a delicious flavour that will leave a sweet aftertaste within you. This melt-in-mouth cake has a layer of chocolate outside and a natural honey flavour. A perfect match for your evening treat with a cup of coffee, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Chocolate Coated Honey Cake now and enjoy it with your close ones.

Pionir Čokoladna Medna Srca 350GR

from $7.49 from 1780175011883
Evropa Zele Bonboni 500GR

Sold Out

Raširite slatke osmijehe s ovim ukusnim slatkim bombonima! Ovi bomboni za žvakanje punjeni su želeom i izvrsnog su okusa. Evropa Zele Bonboni ima različite okuse bombona, prednost za sve dobne skupine. Možete napraviti ukusne deserte s ovim aromatiziranim bombonima ili...
Spread sweet smiles with these yummy sweet candies! These chewy candies are filled with jelly and have a delicious taste. Evropa Zele Bonboni has different flavours of candies, a preference for all age groups. You can make tasty desserts with these flavoured candies or have your evening delight with a cup of hot coffee. Don’t forget to share! Order Evropa Zele Bonboni today.

Evropa Zele Bonboni 500GR

from $10.00 from 1687342153771
Kras Bronchi Toffee 100GR


Tražite osvježivače daha? Ako da, Bronhi Toffee je najbolji slatkiš koji tražite. Ima aromu mentola i pomiješan je s mediteranskim biljem. Osvježava dah i podiže samopouzdanje među ljudima. Ovaj toffee također sadrži zaslađeno kondenzirano mlijeko, šećer, karamelu, glukozni sirup i...
Looking for breath fresheners? If yes, Bronhi Toffee is the best candy that you are searching for. It has a menthol aroma and is blended with Mediterranean herbs. It freshens your breath and boosts your confidence among people. This toffee also contains sweetened condensed milk, sugar, caramel, glucose syrup and eggs. Order this yummy candy once and you will never be able to resist ordering again!

Kras Bronchi Toffee 100GR

from $2.00 from 4429286342731
Chupa Chups Mega Lollipop (10 kom unutra)

Sold Out

Pravi užitak za ljubitelje slatkiša. Ove lizalice su ono o čemu ste ikada sanjali! Slatka poslastica za svako dijete i omiljena za sve dobne skupine. Možete ih pojesti dok ste u pokretu kada poželite nešto slatko. Naručite ove Chupa Chups...
A true delight for candy-lovers. These lollipops are what you have ever dreamed of! A sweet treat for every kid and an all-time favourite for any age group. You can have these on the go when your craving something sweet. Order these Chupa Chups Mega Lollipop today and make your kid’s smile sweeter!

Chupa Chups Mega Lollipop (10 kom unutra)

from $18.00 from 1687294738475