Now, spread happiness to your baby with this delicious treat! Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit is soft enough for your baby to enjoy. A wonderful delight with a cup of hot milk. Toss it in your diaper bag for snacks on the go. Serve it in a warm bowl of milk for a afternoon snack.

Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit 400GR


Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit 400GR Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit 400GR becomes available.

Now, spread happiness to your baby with this delicious treat! Ulker Baby Milk Biscuit is soft enough for your baby to enjoy. A wonderful delight with a cup of hot milk. Toss it in your diaper bag for snacks on the go. Serve it in a warm bowl of milk for a afternoon snack.  Milk Biscuit Baby Snacks


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