Све грицкалице

Све грицкалице
Милка Сенсатион 156ГР

Sold Out

Хрскави колачићи споља, прекривени чоколадним комадићима и богатом чоколадном кремом изнутра, чине укусну мешавину среће! Узмите ову Милка Сенсатион за вечерњи ужитак уз шољицу топле кафе и осећаћете се невероватно са сваким залогајем. Ови слатки колачићи су направљени од пшеничног...
Crunchy cookies outside, covered with chocolate chips and rich chocolate cream inside makes a delicious blend of happiness! Have this Milka Sensation for evening delight with a cup of hot coffee and you will feel amazing with every bite of it. These sweet cookies are made of wheat flour, whey powder and cocoa powder. You can also crumble these cookies to make mouth-melting desserts for your guests.

Милка Сенсатион 156ГР

from $4.99 from 6928202399924
Милка Тендер Моо Цакес 140ГР

Sold Out

Савршен спој за млеко или кафу. Милка Моо колачи су укусни и забавни за јело. Наручите ово једном и ваша деца ће се заљубити у то. Лака ужина у покрету и за вашу децу! Ваши гости ће бити задивљени овим...
A perfect match for milk or coffee. Milka Moo Cakes are delicious and fun to eat. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with it. Your guests will be amazed to have these delicious they are with a cup of hot coffee. Easy on the go snack for your kids too!

Милка Тендер Моо Цакес 140ГР

from $5.79 from 7903924060402
Мура сушене смокве 400ГР

Sold Out

Ове укусне смокве су одлични извори калијума и калцијума. Ови хранљиви састојци су неопходни за људско тело, а такође помажу да се добије на тежини. Ове природно сушене смокве можете имати као вечерњу ужину. Смокве штите ваше здравље од остеопорозе...
These delicious figs are excellent for your next gathering. Put they out for your family and watch them all disappear. You can have these dried figs as your lunch or evening snacks. Figs are delicious and a snack everyone can enjoy. Order Murka Dried Figs today and give it a permanent place in your pantry.

Мура сушене смокве 400ГР

from $6.99 from 7625712730354
Oreo Cookie Strawberry Cheesecake 154GR

Sold Out

These Oreo Cookie Strawberry Cheesecake are perfect to satisfy your cravings for snacks! You can also have it with coffee or any of your favourite drinks. These delicious biscuits are filled with creamy Strawberry cheesecake, in every bite, you will find...
These Oreo Cookie Strawberry Cheesecake are perfect to satisfy your cravings for snacks! You can also have it with coffee or any of your favourite drinks. These delicious biscuits are filled with creamy Strawberry cheesecake, in every bite, you will find a burst of sweetness inside your mouth. Enjoy it alone or with your friends, any time, anywhere! Once you have Oreo Cookie Strawberry Cheesecake, you will never resist ordering again.

Oreo Cookie Strawberry Cheesecake 154GR

from $4.00 from 8032348340466
Papadopoulos Digestive Biscuits 200GR


A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Papadopoulos Digestive Biscuits are delicious and tasty. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks, or anywhere at any time. Have it alone...
A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Papadopoulos Digestive Biscuits are delicious and tasty. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks, or anywhere at any time. Have it alone or share it with your friends, these biscuits will satisfy your hunger in a yummy way. Hurry and order these Papadopoulos Digestive Biscuits soon!

Papadopoulos Digestive Biscuits 200GR

from $4.44 from 8006453625074
Papadopoulos Plain Krispies 200GR


A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Papadopoulos Plain Krispies are delicious and tasty. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks, or anywhere at any time. Have it alone...
A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Papadopoulos Plain Krispies are delicious and tasty. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks, or anywhere at any time. Have it alone or share it with your friends, these biscuits will satisfy your hunger in a yummy way. Hurry and order these Papadopoulos Plain Krispies soon!

Papadopoulos Plain Krispies 200GR

from $4.99 from 8006504612082
Пастићери Лика Суџук са орасима 800ГР

Sold Out

Укусан десерт који се прави тако што се локуме напуни орасима, а затим их прекрије шећером. Задивљујући укус употпуниће ваш оброк слатком нотом. Можете га узети и за вечерњу ужину. Да би ваша јела била укуснија, наручите Пастицери Лика Сукхук...
Delicious dessert made by filling llokume with walnuts and then covering them with sugar top. Mouthwatering taste will complete your meal with a sweet note. You can also have it for your evening snack. To make your meals yummier, order Pasticeri Lika Suxhuk with Walnuts today!

Пастићери Лика Суџук са орасима 800ГР

from $13.99 from 7573328691442
Пионир Вишња Мед Срца 350ГР

Sold Out

Слатки десерт након сваког оброка, Пионир Цхерри Хонеи Хеартс има укусан укус који ће оставити пријатан укус у вама. Ова торта која се топи у устима има слој чоколаде споља, природне ароме меда и пуњена је вишњом. Савршено се уклапа...
A sweet dessert after every meal, Pionir Cherry Honey Hearts has a delicious flavor that will leave a nice aftertaste within you. This mouth-melting cake has a layer of chocolate outside, a natural honey flavor and is filled with sour cherry. A perfect match for your evening treat delight, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Cherry Honey Hearts today to enjoy it with your guests.

Пионир Вишња Мед Срца 350ГР

from $7.49 from 6559756091572
Пионир чоколадна медена срца 350гр

Sold Out

Уживајте у овом укусном ужитку после сваког оброка, Пионир чоколадна торта од меда има диван укус који ће оставити сладак укус у вама. Ова торта која се топи у устима има слој чоколаде споља и природну арому меда. Савршено се...
Have this yummy delight after every meal, Pionir Chocolate Coated Honey Cake has a delicious flavour that will leave a sweet aftertaste within you. This melt-in-mouth cake has a layer of chocolate outside and a natural honey flavour. A perfect match for your evening treat with a cup of coffee, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Chocolate Coated Honey Cake now and enjoy it with your close ones.

Пионир чоколадна медена срца 350гр

from $7.49 from 1780175011883
Пионир мед чоколадне вафле 260гр


Слатки десерт након сваког оброка, Пионир Хонеи Цхоцолате Ваферс има одличан укус који ће оставити пријатан укус у вама. Ова обланда која се топи у устима има слој чоколаде споља, природну арому меда и неодољиву хрскавост. Медене облатне су направљене...
A sweet dessert after every meal, Pionir Honey Chocolate Wafers has a delicious flavor that will leave a nice aftertaste within you. This mouth-melting wafer has a layer of chocolate outside, a natural honey flavor and an irresistable crunch. Honey wafers are made to embellish and sweeten every moment of yours.

Пионир мед чоколадне вафле 260гр

from $4.99 from 7878704726258
Пионеер Оранге Хонеи Хеартс 150ГР

Sold Out

Slatki desert nakon svakog obroka, Pionir narančasto medeno srce ima izvrstan okus koji će ostaviti ugodan okus u vama. Ova torta koja se topi u ustima ima sloj čokolade izvana, prirodni okus meda i punjena je narančom. Savršen spoj za...
A sweet dessert after every meal, Pionir Orange Honey Hearts has a delicious flavor that will leave a nice aftertaste within you. This mouth-melting cake has a layer of chocolate outside, a natural honey flavor and is filled with orange. A perfect match for your evening treat delight, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Orange Honey Hearts today to enjoy it with your guests.

Пионеер Оранге Хонеи Хеартс 150ГР

from $3.49 from 7676482879730
Пионеер Стравберри Хонеи Хеартс 150ГР

Sold Out

Слатки десерт након сваког оброка, Пионир Стравберри Хонеи Хеартс има укусан укус који ће оставити пријатан укус у вама. Ова торта која се топи у устима има слој чоколаде споља, природне ароме меда и пуњена је јагодом. Савршено се уклапа...
A sweet dessert after every meal, Pionir Strawberry Honey Hearts has a delicious flavor that will leave a nice aftertaste within you. This mouth-melting cake has a layer of chocolate outside, a natural honey flavor and is filled with strawberry. A perfect match for your evening treat delight, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Strawberry Honey Hearts today to enjoy it with your guests.

Пионеер Стравберри Хонеи Хеартс 150ГР

from $3.29 from 7676484255986