
Анета сојина паштета са црвеном паприком 100гр


Доживите укусно искуство тако што ћете на хлеб намазати паштету од црвене паприке са сојом. Ова укусна паштета од поврћа направљена је од 100% свеже црвене паприке, МСГ-а, сојиних протеина и зачињена посебном мешавином зачина. Од јутра до вечери, ову...
A perfect appetizer, experience this olive pate with crackers or spread it on your favourite dish. Aneta Soy Pate with Red Pepper has a meaty texture and is seasoned with the finest quality ingredients. Try making out-of-box recipes with this delicious preparation. Also, this olive pate is easy to take on the go. Order Aneta Soy Pate with Red Pepper and take a tour of taste with it!

Анета сојина паштета са црвеном паприком 1...

from $3.00 from 6613913796788
Персил Фресхнесс Гел 1000Л

Sold Out

Овај течни гел ће задржати боје ваше нове хаљине нетакнуте. Испробајте овај Персил Фресхнесс Гел, има дивну арому и посебно је развијен за уклањање чврстих мрља са крпа. Такође одржава вашу белу хаљину белом! Лако се користи у полу и...
This liquid gel will keep the colours intact of your new dress. Try this Persil Freshness Gel, it has a wonderful aroma and is specially developed to remove tough stains from the cloths. It also keeps your white dress white! It is easy to use in a semi and automatic washer. Persil Freshness Gel cleans your clothes in a single wash. Hurry and order today!.

Персил Фресхнесс Гел 1000Л

from $25.99 from 6573549748404
Брајанове смокве са орасима 720ГР


Изузетно укусне и пуне укуса, ове смокве са орасима учиниће доручак још укуснијим. Брајанове смокве са орасима навешће ваше госте да траже још! Укусна слаткоћа смокава и хрскавост ораха. Наручите данас и уживајте у Брајановим смоквама са орасима цео дан!
Extremely delicious and full of taste, this figs with walnut will make breakfast even more delicious. Brian's Figs with Walnuts will have your guests asking for more! The delicious sweetness of the figs and crunch of the walnuts. Order today and enjoy Brian's Figs with Walnuts all day long!

Брајанове смокве са орасима 720ГР

from $12.22 from 6558954782900
Nescafe Cappuccino (Can) 250ML

Sold Out

Never miss your morning coffee with this Nescafe Cappuccino ! From now on make your coffee quickly! Serve it with your favorite snacks and make some memorable moments with your friends. Make sure to serve it chilled for...
Never miss your morning coffee with this Nescafe Cappuccino ! From now on make your coffee quickly! Serve it with your favorite snacks and make some memorable moments with your friends. Make sure to serve it chilled for the best flavor! Order before we run out.

Nescafe Cappuccino (Can) 250ML

from $3.00 from 8039062175986
Vipa Classic Potato Chips 75GR

Sold Out

Have these crunchy munchies whenever you feel hungry! Vipa Classic Potato Chips are made of fresh potatoes and a special blend of spices. A perfect snack for your evening delight. Try this once and you cannot resist ordering...
Have these crunchy munchies whenever you feel hungry! Vipa Classic Potato Chips are made of fresh potatoes and a special blend of spices. A perfect snack for your evening delight. Try this once and you cannot resist ordering it again. These potato chips have a sweet and spicy flavour. Munch it with your favourite beverage. Order Vipa Classic Potato Chips soon to experience the best quality chips!

Vipa Classic Potato Chips 75GR

from $2.49 from 8039030128882
Aranxhata Rose (Can) 330ML


A true delight for the juice-lovers! Aranxhata Rose Can offers you perfect refreshment at any time and anywhere. It is a fruit-based soda that will quench your thirst and refresh you within a moment! Order Aranxhata Rose Can and make your...
A true delight for the juice-lovers! Aranxhata Rose Can offers you perfect refreshment at any time and anywhere. It is a fruit-based soda that will quench your thirst and refresh you within a moment! Order Aranxhata Rose Can and make your house parties extra refreshing!

Aranxhata Rose (Can) 330ML

from $3.00 from 7965003546866
Vincinni Tea Biscuits (Cajni Kolaci) 800GR

Sold Out

A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Vincinni Tea Biscuits are delicious and tasty. Ring-shaped biscuits, baked at the exact right temperature. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks,...
A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Vincinni Tea Biscuits are delicious and tasty. Ring-shaped biscuits, baked at the exact right temperature. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks, or anywhere at anytime. Have it alone or share it with your friends, these biscuits will satisfy your hunger in a yummy way. Hurry and order soon!

Vincinni Tea Biscuits (Cajni Kolaci) 800GR

from $6.99 from 7947488526578
Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea 32GR


Are you a tea-lover? If yes, you cannot resist having this delicious tea! In every package of Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea , there are 20 pieces of them. Keep some in your handbag, share with your friends. This...
Are you a tea-lover? If yes, you cannot resist having this delicious tea! In every package of Koro Ginger and Camomile Tea , there are 20 pieces of them. Keep some in your handbag, share with your friends. This is a perfect gift for your friends and family. Order these teabags today and make your days deliciously elegant.

Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea 32GR

from $4.88 from 7947474534642
Цхупа Цхупс Стравберри Лове лизалица (5 ком)


Прави ужитак за љубитеље слаткиша. Ове лизалице од јагода су оно о чему сте икада сањали! Слатка посластица за свако дете и омиљена за све старосне групе. Можете их имати у покрету када пожелите нешто слатко. Наручите ове Цхупа Цхупс...
A true delight for candy-lovers. These Chupa Chups Bubble Gum Lollipops are what you have ever dreamed of! A sweet treat with a fun bubble gum center, for every kid and an all-time favorite for any age group. You can have these on the go when your craving something sweet. Order these Chupa Chups Bubble Gum Lollipops  today and make your kid’s smile sweeter!

Цхупа Цхупс Стравберри Лове лизалица (5 ком)

from $5.00 from 7920292921586
Крас Дорина Наполитанке Чоколада100ГР

Sold Out

Двоструко изненађење! Облатне преливене чоколадом, пуњене богатим чоколадним кремом, укусна посластица за вас и ваше пријатеље. Узмите га самостално или умочите у своју омиљену крему, овај хрскави слатки ужитак учиниће да се ваша срећа удвостручи у сваком залогају! Ово можете...
Double surprise! Chocolate covered wafers, filled with rich chocolate cream, delicious treat for you and your friends. Have it on its own or dip in your favourite cream, this crunchy sweet delight will make your happiness double in every bite! You can also use this as a topping on your preferred ice cream. Hurry and order soon. Kras Chocolate Napolitanke is an all-time favourite for any age group.

Крас Дорина Наполитанке Чоколада100ГР

from $3.33 from 7911428260082
Вава благе жуте феферони паприке 540ГР


Сада, кувајте дирљиве рецепте са Вава благим жутим феферони паприкама. Користи се за кување салсе или са њима можете правити салате. Ове жуте паприке се не користе само као појачивачи укуса, већ су и укусни прилог. Ваша деца ће се...
Now, cook heartwarming recipes with Vava Mild Yellow Fefferoni Peppers. It is used to cook salsas or you can make salads with them. These yellow peppers are not only used as flavor enhancers but they make a delicious side dish.  Your kids will fall in love with them. Order this yummy Vava Mild Yellow Fefferoni Peppers to explore your culinary skills.

Вава благе жуте феферони паприке 540ГР

from $8.49 from 7910857507058
Цродо Лемон Сода Мојито (Конзерва) 330МЛ

Sold Out

Освежите се овом слатком и љутом содом од лимуна након дугог стресног дана на послу! Цродо Лемон Сода Мојито ће вас тренутно освежити, задовољити жеђ и вратити енергију. Можете га користити као основу вашег миксера за коктеле. Укусно пиће без...
Refresh yourself with this sweet and tangy lemon soda after a long stressful day of work! Crodo Lemon Soda Mojito  will instantly refresh you, satisfy your thirst, and bring your energy back. You can use it as the base of your cocktail mixer. A delicious drink that is caffeine-free and carbonated. Enjoy Crodo Lemon Soda Mojito  on any occasion and share it with your friends at your house parties.

Цродо Лемон Сода Мојито (Конзерва) 330МЛ

from $3.00 from 7901157032178