Soujouk is dried beef sausage, made of premium quality meat and its taste is enhanced because of garlic and red pepper seasonings. You will be amazed by experiencing the delicious culinary possibilities of Merve Beef Soujouk Butcher Style ! You can have it in different styles like pan sauté or grilled dish. But the traditional stew, made with tomatoes and navy beans is one of the best delicacies from Turkey which will give you an experience of taste!

Merve Butcher Dried Beef Sausage 1LB (Halal)


Merve Butcher Dried Beef Sausage 1LB (Halal) Merve Butcher Dried Beef Sausage 1LB (Halal) becomes available.

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS GROUND DELIVERY ONLY** All Other States PLEASE CHOOSE EXPEDITED SHIPPING. WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPOILED PRODUCTS** Soujouk is dried beef sausage, made of premium quality meat and its taste is enhanced because of garlic and red pepper seasonings. You will be amazed by experiencing the delicious culinary possibilities of Merve Beef Soujouk Butcher Style ! You can have it in different styles like pan sauté or grilled dish. But the traditional stew, made with tomatoes and navy beans is one of the best delicacies from Turkey which will give you an experience of taste! **NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS GROUND DELIVERY ONLY** All Other States PLEASE CHOOSE EXPEDITED SHIPPING. WE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SPOILED PRODUCTS** Weight: 1lb Beef sausage Premium-quality meat


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