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Георге'с мађарска салама од свињског и говеђег меса 1ЛБ


**НИ, Њ, ЦТ, МА УПС САМО ИСПОРУКА НА ЗЕМЉИ** Све остале државе МОЛИМ ВАС ИЗАБЕРИТЕ УБРЗНУ ДОСТАВУ. НЕЋЕМО БИТИ ОДГОВОРНИ ЗА ПОкварене ПРОИЗВОДЕ**Уживајте у овом традиционалном рецепту са сиром или их узмите као прелив домаће пице. Окусна Георге'с...
Enjoy this traditional recipe with cheese or have them as a side for dinner. Mouthwatering Podravka Tirolska Sausage  is made of the finest quality pork and beef, seasoned with a special blend of spices and Hungarian paprika, then hickory smoked and cured. You can prepare delicious dishes with this juicy sausage. Order Podravka Tirolska Sausage today and make your meals special.

Георге'с мађарска салама од свињског и гов...

from $10.10 from 7931617149170
Ђурђева димљена свињска кобасица (Сремска кобасица) 500Г

Sold Out

** **НИ, Њ, ЦТ, МА УПС САМО ИСПОРУКА НА ЗЕМЉИ** Све остале државе МОЛИМ ВАС ИЗАБЕРИТЕ УБРЗНУ ДОСТАВУ. НЕЋЕМО БИТИ ОДГОВОРНИ ЗА ПОкварене ПРОИЗВОДЕ**Ова сушена свињска кобасица је изузетно укусна за месо врхунског квалитета и зачине од белог...
Ђурђева димљена свињска кобасица (Сремска кобасица) 500Г

Ђурђева димљена свињска кобасица (Сремска ...

from $18.18 from 7931619639538
Крас Петит Беурре кекс 480ГР


Сада уживајте у чају са овим Крас чајним кексима. Хрскави ужитак уз ужитак слатке посластице уз шољицу вашег омиљеног пића! То је комбинација кекса и кекса, дивна ужина за било коју врсту пића! Савршена ужина за вече и ваша деца...
Now enjoy your tea with theseBambi

Крас Петит Беурре кекс 480ГР

from $5.55 from 7931624095986
Блацк Булл Полупецене Коре Филло (делимично печен) 480Г- **НИ, Њ, ЦТ, МА САМО ДОСТАВА**

Sold Out

**НИ, Њ, ЦТ, МА УПС САМО ИСПОРУКА НА ЗЕМЉИ** Све остале државе МОЛИМ ВАС ИЗАБЕРИТЕ УБРЗНУ ДОСТАВУ. НЕЋЕМО БИТИ ОДГОВОРНИ ЗА ПОкварене ПРОИЗВОДЕ**Ови танки листови теста су оно о чему сте икада сањали. Ако волите да правите рецепте...
These thin sheets of dough are what you have dreamed of ever. If you like to make recipes with phyllo but have a busy lifestyle, this Omur Square Jufka is a perfect thing to work on. You can make delicious dishes with it, such as pies and pastries or main course dishes with ground meat and cheese. Your kids will also love your recipes made with Kore. It is a frozen item and popular among the Balkans and the Middle East.

Блацк Булл Полупецене Коре Филло (делимичн...

from $4.99 from 7931625832690
Ђорђева димљена свињска лопатица (Суви Врат) 1лб


**НИ, Њ, ЦТ, МА УПС САМО ИСПОРУКА НА ЗЕМЉИ** Све остале државе МОЛИМ ВАС ИЗАБЕРИТЕ УБРЗНУ ДОСТАВУ. НЕЋЕМО БИТИ ОДГОВОРНИ ЗА ПОкварене ПРОИЗВОДЕ**Трчите са заузетим распоредом? Направите брзе рецепте са овом укусном димљеном свињском лопатицом из куће Тодорића....
Soft and spicy pork, a perfect treat with bread and scallions. This delicious offering from the kitchen of George is traditionally wood smoked, made of pork loin, a mix of spices and sodium nitrate. You can prepare heartwarming recipes with this perfectly smoked pork loin. This juicy meat is an excellent addition for your next party. Order George's Smoked Pork Loin and explore different recipes with it.

Ђорђева димљена свињска лопатица (Суви Вра...

from $18.88 from 7931627077874
Брат и сестра димљена говедина (Сухо Месо) 1,1 ЛБ

Sold Out

** **НИ, Њ, ЦТ, МА УПС САМО ИСПОРУКА НА ЗЕМЉИ** Све остале државе МОЛИМ ВАС ИЗАБЕРИТЕ УБРЗНУ ДОСТАВУ. НЕЋЕМО БИТИ ОДГОВОРНИ ЗА ПОкварене ПРОИЗВОДЕ**Направљена од најквалитетнијег јунећег меса, зачињена посебном мешавином зачина, димљена говедина од хикорија је сочна...
Made of the finest quality beef, seasoned with a special blend of spices, hickory-smoked beef is juicy and mouthwatering. You can have this delicious meat with a grilled cheese sandwich or you can prepare different styles of recipes with it. This results in mouthwatering flavor and juicy texture. Suho Meso offers more than just snacks and sandwiches. You can also use it as an ingredient in a wide variety of recipes. Plus, a topping for pizza adds a tasty touch.

Брат и сестра димљена говедина (Сухо Месо)...

from $20.00 from 7931628355826
Брат и сестра димљена говеђа кобасица (Босански суџук) 1ЛБ

Sold Out

** **НИ, Њ, ЦТ, МА УПС САМО ИСПОРУКА НА ЗЕМЉИ** Све остале државе МОЛИМ ВАС ИЗАБЕРИТЕ УБРЗНУ ДОСТАВУ. НЕЋЕМО БИТИ ОДГОВОРНИ ЗА ПОкварене ПРОИЗВОДЕ**Укусан сочан рецепт из земље Босне. Босански суџук је направљен од најквалитетнијег говеђег меса, сушеног...
A delicious juicy recipe from the land of Bosnia. Sabah Albanian Beef Sausage is made of the finest quality beef meat, cured and dried with a special blend of spices on the layer of sudzuk.  Our Albanski Sudzuk is a delightful. You can serve smoked beef sausage as a snack, with cheese, in a sandwich, or as part of a meal. Order this yummy smoked beef sausage today and prepare mouthwatering recipes with it.

Брат и сестра димљена говеђа кобасица (Бос...

from $18.88 from 7931629109490
Kras Bajadera Chocolate 500GR

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If you find happiness in chocolate, this is the best and finest one you have ever dreamed of! Kras Bajadera Chocolate tastes sweet and delicious, a favorite for all age groups. Treat yourself with it whenever hunger bites! You can also...
If you find happiness in chocolate, this is the best and finest one you have ever dreamed of! Kras Bajadera Chocolate tastes sweet and delicious, a favorite for all age groups. Treat yourself with it whenever hunger bites! You can also make yummy desserts with it. Kras Bajadera Chocolate is full of calories. Hurry and order soon to enjoy it with your friends or alone!

Kras Bajadera Chocolate 500GR

from $19.99 from 7940264100082
Jaffa Champion Green Apple (Can) - 250ML


 This delicious green apple juice is made of fresh green apples which have a sweet and tangy flavour. You can have this juice at your breakfast or have it with your evening snacks. Make sure you order extra of...
 This delicious green apple juice is made of fresh green apples which have a sweet and tangy flavour. You can have this juice at your breakfast or have it with your evening snacks. Make sure you order extra of this Jaffa Champion Green Apple because your kids will love it too!

Jaffa Champion Green Apple (Can) - 250ML

from $2.11 from 7947473486066
Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea 32GR


Are you a tea-lover? If yes, you cannot resist having this delicious tea! In every package of Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea , there are 20 pieces of them. Keep some in your handbag, share with your friends. This...
Are you a tea-lover? If yes, you cannot resist having this delicious tea! In every package of Koro Ginger and Camomile Tea , there are 20 pieces of them. Keep some in your handbag, share with your friends. This is a perfect gift for your friends and family. Order these teabags today and make your days deliciously elegant.

Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea 32GR

from $4.88 from 7947474534642
Koro Loose Chamomile Tea 50GR


Enjoy this Koro Loose Chamomile Tea  every day. Prepare it in advance or make a single cup for yourself. Serve it at your next party and your guests will be asking you for more. Just boil hot water...
Enjoy this Koro Loose Chamomile Tea  every day. Prepare it in advance or make a single cup for yourself. Serve it at your next party and your guests will be asking you for more. Just boil hot water and enjoy. Order Koro Loose Chamomile Tea and have a wonder day!

Koro Loose Chamomile Tea 50GR

from $3.99 from 7947475353842
Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Sarmu) 60GR

Sold Out

Now, prepare amazing recipes like chefs at your home! Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls is there to help you prepare quick meals. Make heartwarming dishes easily and quickly. Mix it with lukewarm water and stir to cook...
Now, prepare amazing recipes like chefs at your home! Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls is there to help you prepare quick meals. Make heartwarming dishes easily and quickly. Mix it with lukewarm water and stir to cook with meat. Your recipe is ready to serve with cabbage rolls. Order Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls today and surprise your guests with your creativity.

Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Sarmu...

from $1.99 from 7947477811442