If you like traditional recipes, try Berrak Cabbage Pickles, marinated in brine. The exactly right amount of flavoured cabbage leaves will make your dishes more delicious. You can fill these cabbage leaves with meat and onion, or you can make vegetarian dishes, with quinoa and tomato paste. So, give a classic surprise to your friends and family with these savoury cabbage leaves!

Berrak Cabbage Pickles 720ML


Berrak Cabbage Pickles 720ML Berrak Cabbage Pickles 720ML becomes available.

If you like traditional recipes, try Berrak Cabbage Pickles, marinated in brine. The exactly right amount of flavoured cabbage leaves will make your dishes more delicious. You can fill these cabbage leaves with meat and onion, or you can make vegetarian dishes, with quinoa and tomato paste. So, give a classic surprise to your friends and family with these savoury cabbage leaves! Weight: 720 Cabbage Pickles


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