
Коро чај од жалфије 50гр


Савршен ужитак за зимске вечери или на столу за доручак, овај ароматизовани растресити чај има неколико лековитих својстава која ће вас одржати здравим. Помаже у смањењу тежине и регулише крвни притисак. Такође, чај од жалфије Коро је богат извор антиоксиданата....
A perfect delight for winter evenings or on the breakfast table, this flavoured loose tea has several medicinal properties that will keep you healthy. It helps to reduce weight and regulates blood pressure. Also, Koro Sage Loose Tea is a rich source of antioxidants. You can have it on its own or have some light snacks with it. Enjoy Koro Sage Loose Tea with your friends and live a healthy life!

Коро чај од жалфије 50гр

from $5.00 from 4370627002443
Коро воћни чај од шипка 70гр


Савршен ужитак за зимске вечери или на столу за доручак, овај ароматизовани растресити чај има невероватну арому и укус. Можете га јести самостално или уз њега узети лагане грицкалице. Само прокувајте воду и спремни сте за гутљаје. Уживајте у Коро...
\A perfect delight for winter evenings or on the breakfast table, this flavored loose tea has an amazing aroma and taste. You can have it on its own or have some light snacks with it. Just boil water and your are ready to sip. Enjoy Koro Loose Rosehip Fruit Tea with your friends.

Коро воћни чај од шипка 70гр

from $5.00 from 7854115913970
Коро растресити чај од нане 50ГР


Овај укусни ароматични чај од нане је невероватан. Има укусан укус који ће вас натерати да се вратите по још. Прокувајте мало топле воде, можда мало слатког меда. Уживајте у хладној вечери. Дакле, наручите Коро Лоосе чај од нане данас...
This delicious aromatic mint tea is amazing. It has a delicious flavor that will have you coming back for more. Boil some hot water, maybe drizzel some sweet honey. Enoy it on a cold enevning. So, order Koro Loose mint tea today and taste the flavour of the mountain!

Коро растресити чај од нане 50ГР

from $5.00 from 7854114439410
АТЦ Лоосе Ред Оригано 40ГР


Ovaj izvrsni čaj postat će neizostavni dio vašeg doma. Samo ga dodajte u vruću vodu i uživajte. Poslužite svojim gostima na hladnom danu. Premium kvalitete, ATC Loose Red Origano popularan je u mediteranskim zemljama. Stoga, naručite ovaj čaj već danas...
This excellent tea will become a staple in your home. Just add it to hot water and enjoy. Serve it to your guest on a cold day. Premium quality, ATC Loose Red Oregano is popular in the Mediterranean countries. So, order this tea today and taste the flavour of the mountain!

АТЦ Лоосе Ред Оригано 40ГР

from $5.00 from 7901159031026
Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea 32GR


Are you a tea-lover? If yes, you cannot resist having this delicious tea! In every package of Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea , there are 20 pieces of them. Keep some in your handbag, share with your friends. This...
Are you a tea-lover? If yes, you cannot resist having this delicious tea! In every package of Koro Ginger and Camomile Tea , there are 20 pieces of them. Keep some in your handbag, share with your friends. This is a perfect gift for your friends and family. Order these teabags today and make your days deliciously elegant.

Koro Ginger and Chamomile Tea 32GR

from $4.88 from 7947474534642
Koro Loose Chamomile Tea 50GR


Enjoy this Koro Loose Chamomile Tea  every day. Prepare it in advance or make a single cup for yourself. Serve it at your next party and your guests will be asking you for more. Just boil hot water...
Enjoy this Koro Loose Chamomile Tea  every day. Prepare it in advance or make a single cup for yourself. Serve it at your next party and your guests will be asking you for more. Just boil hot water and enjoy. Order Koro Loose Chamomile Tea and have a wonder day!

Koro Loose Chamomile Tea 50GR

from $3.99 from 7947475353842