This fun party mix is full of your favorite chocolate and it will make your day delightful! Milka Party Mix has a variety sweet treats, perfect to have any time, anywhere. You can explore delicious recipes with this yummy milk chocolate or make toppings on your favourite ice cream, Milka Party Mix will never disappoint you. Order this package of sweetness and you will definitely order again.

Milka Party Mix 159GR


Milka Party Mix 159GR Milka Party Mix 159GR becomes available.

This fun party mix is full of your favorite chocolate and it will make your day delightful! Milka Party Mix has a variety sweet treats, perfect to have any time, anywhere. You can explore delicious recipes with this yummy milk chocolate or make toppings on your favourite ice cream, Milka Party Mix will never disappoint you. Order this package of sweetness and you will definitely order again. Weight: 159g 20 Individually Wrapped Chocolates


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7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR

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Kad vas uhvati glad, počastite se ovim ukusnim zalogajem. 7 Days čokoladni kroasan napravljen je od tijesta i bogatog čokoladnog nadjeva. Ovaj genetski modificirani kroasan bez organizama topit će vam se u ustima, a pogodite što slijedi! Pucanje...
When hunger bites, treat yourself with this mouthwatering snack. 7 Days chocolate croissant is made of dough and rich chocolate filling. This croissant will melt in your mouth, and guess what happens next! A burst of chocolate inside. A single bite of this chocolate croissant will leave a sweet taste in your mouth. So, make your every day better with 7 Days Chocolate Croissant.

7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR

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7 dana kroasan od vanilije 75 gr


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The rich creamy vanilla filling inside makes this 7Days croissant soft and delicious. You will find a burst of sweetness in every bite and make your days yummier than ever. This is a perfect snack from morning to evening, with or without a cup of coffee. You can try this alone or with your friends, anywhere, on any occasion. So don’t wait, order this package of happiness now!

7 dana kroasan od vanilije 75 gr

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Alb okus krem ​​karamela 500GR

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Balconi Torta Tiramisu 400GR


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Balconi Torta Tiramisu 400GR

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Balconi Torta Bečka marelica i čokolada 400GR

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