Looking for some sweet delight? Try this yummy Zvecevo Milk Chocolate with Rasberry once and you cannot resist ordering it again! This delicious chocolate bar is filled with creamy raspberry. Put it as a topping on your favourite ice cream or keep it in your bag for munching anywhere. A perfect treat besides your evening refreshment. Order right now and experience the taste of this Croatian delicacy.

Zvecevo Mlijecna Cokolada sa Malinom (Samo Ti Malina) 100GR


Zvecevo Mlijecna Cokolada sa Malinom (Samo Ti Malina) 100GR Zvecevo Mlijecna Cokolada sa Malinom (Samo Ti Malina) 100GR becomes available.

Tražite slatki užitak? Probajte jednom ovu ukusnu Zvečevo mliječnu čokoladu s malinama i nećete moći odoljeti da je ne naručite opet! Ova ukusna čokoladica punjena je kremastim malinama. Stavite ga kao preljev na omiljeni sladoled ili ga držite u torbi za žvakanje bilo gdje. Savršena poslastica osim večernjeg osvježenja. Naručite odmah i osjetite okus ove hrvatske delicije.Težina: 100gMliječna čokolada s nadjevom od malinaUkusan desert


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7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR

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7 dana kroasan od vanilije 75 gr


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The rich creamy vanilla filling inside makes this 7Days croissant soft and delicious. You will find a burst of sweetness in every bite and make your days yummier than ever. This is a perfect snack from morning to evening, with or without a cup of coffee. You can try this alone or with your friends, anywhere, on any occasion. So don’t wait, order this package of happiness now!

7 dana kroasan od vanilije 75 gr

from $2.22 from 1816194220075
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Balconi mini kiflice sa nadjevom od mareli...

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Balconi mini kiflice sa nadjevom od jagoda 180GR

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Balconi mini kiflice sa nadjevom od jagoda...

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Balconi Mini Tiramisu 300GR

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Softness outside and rich mascarpone cream filling inside, Balconi Mini Tiramisu will give you delicious pleasure in every bite of it. It is a sponge cake, a delight from the kitchen of Italy. You can have it as a sweet treat in your dessert. Enjoy this yummy Balconi Mini Tiramisu alone or with your friends. Hurry up and make your dessert sweeter than ever!

Balconi Mini Tiramisu 300GR

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