Sve grickalice

Sve grickalice
Čajno pecivo Kraš Zlatka 220GR


Prekrasna poslastica, slađa s mlijekom, omiljenom hranom vaše djece. Ovaj biskvit možete imati za večernje užine. Napravljen je od pšeničnog brašna, šećera i prirodnih aroma. Ovo hrskavo čajno pecivo Kras bogatog je okusa limuna i anisa, u svakom zalogaju osjetit...
A delightful treat, sweeter when you have it with milk, a favourite food of your kids. You can have this biscuit for your evening snacks. It is made of wheat flour, sugar and natural flavours. This crunchy Kras Tea Biscuits has a rich flavour of lemon and anise, in every bite, you will get a burst of sweetness in your mouth. Order these Kras Tea Biscuits and enjoy with your favourite drink.

Čajno pecivo Kraš Zlatka 220GR

from $3.00 from 1079429726251
Lino Lada Duo Namaz 350GR

Sold Out

Ukusan namaz na vaš kruh ili sendviče. Lino Lada Duo namaz ima izvrstan okus lješnjaka. Umočite svoje omiljene kolačiće u njega ili napravite slatka jela za desert, vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u ovaj nevjerojatan čokoladni namaz. Možete ga piti...
A yummy spread on your bread or sandwiches. Lino Lada Duo Spread has a delicious hazelnut flavour. Dip your favourite cookies in it or make sweet dessert dishes, your kids will fall in love with this amazing chocolate spread. You can also have it with your preferred ice cream or simply have it on its own! Order Lino Lada Duo Spread and explore its culinary possibilities.

Lino Lada Duo Namaz 350GR

from $6.67 from 7901148053746
Manamim napolitanke prelivene čokoladom 400GR


Dvostruko iznenađenje! Napolitanke prelivene čokoladom, punjene bogatom čokoladnom kremom, slasna poslastica za vas i vaše prijatelje. Uzmite ga samog ili umočite u svoju omiljenu kremu, ovaj hrskavi slatki užitak učinit će vašu sreću dvostrukom u svakom zalogaju! Možete ga koristiti...
Double surprise! Chocolate covered wafers, filled with rich chocolate cream, delicious treat for you and your friends. Have it on its own or dip in your favourite cream, this crunchy sweet delight will make your happiness double in every bite! You can also use this as a topping on your preferred ice cream. Hurry and order soon. Manamim Chocolate Coated Wafers is an all-time favourite for any age group.

Manamim napolitanke prelivene čokoladom 400GR

from $6.00 from 7878210552050
Mido Domaće Puslice 200GR


Ukusna slatka poslastica, domaće meringe Mido Domace Puslice odlikuje se hrskavom ljuskom izvana i mekoćom iznutra. Ovi ukusni kolačići savršeni su uz šalicu kave. Naručite jednom ovaj slatki užitak i vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u njega! Možete ga imati...
A yummy sweet treat, Mido Domace Puslice Homemade Meringues features crispy shell outside and softness inside. These delicious cookies are perfect to have a cup of coffee with. Order this yummy delight once and your kids will fall in love with it! You can have it in your home or at work, flavoured cookies, always satisfying your cravings for snacks.

Mido Domaće Puslice 200GR

from $1.99 from 7432854634738
Milka čips Ahoy 100GR


Savršen spoj uz mlijeko ili kavu. Milka Chips Ahoy kolačić. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u njega. Vaši će gosti biti oduševljeni ovim ukusnim kolačićima uz šalicu tople kave. Također možete napraviti slatke deserte mrvljenjem ovih...
A perfect match for milk or coffee. Milka Chips Ahoy Cookie. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with it. Your guests will be amazed to have these delicious cookies with a cup of hot coffee. You can also make sweet desserts by crumbling these cookies over your favorite ice cream.

Milka čips Ahoy 100GR

from $2.75 from 7525900026098
Milka Choc Jaffa čokoladni mousse 128GR

Sold Out

Savršen spoj uz mlijeko ili kavu. Milka Choc Jaffa čokoladni mousse. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u njega. Vaši će gosti biti oduševljeni ovim ukusnim kolačićima uz šalicu tople kave. Također možete napraviti slatke deserte mrvljenjem...
A perfect match for milk or coffee. Milka Choc Jaffa Chocolate Mousse . Order this once and your kids will fall in love with it. Your guests will be amazed to have these delicious cookies with a cup of hot coffee. You can also make sweet desserts by crumbling these cookies over your favorite ice cream.

Milka Choc Jaffa čokoladni mousse 128GR

from $3.75 from 7526003015922
Milka Choco Grain 126GR


Crunchy cookies! Have this Milka Choco Grain for evening delight with a cup of hot coffee and you will feel amazing with every bite of it. These sweet cookies are made of wheat flour, whey powder and cocoa...
Crunchy cookies! Have this Milka Choco Grain for evening delight with a cup of hot coffee and you will feel amazing with every bite of it. These sweet cookies are made of wheat flour, whey powder and cocoa powder. You can also crumble these cookies to make mouth-melting desserts for your guests.

Milka Choco Grain 126GR

from $2.99 from 8025707643122
Milka čokolada sa jogurtom od jagode 100GR


Slatko žvakanje, savršeno za večernje zalogaje ili ponoćne želje. Milka čokolada s jogurtom od jagode slastan je užitak nakon svakog obroka. Ova mliječna čokolada prekrasan je izvor kalorija, puna bogatog jogurta od jagode, u svakom zalogaju pronaći ćete nalet kreme...
Sweet munch, perfect for evening snacks or midnight cravings. Milka Chocolate With Strawberry Yogurt is a delicious delight after every meal. This milk chocolate is a wonderful source of calories, filled with rich strawberry yogurt, in every bite, you will find a burst of strawberry cream inside your mouth. Surprise your kids in their lunchbox or make mouth-melting desserts with Milka Chocolate With Strawberry Yogurt.

Milka čokolada sa jogurtom od jagode 100GR

from $2.75 from 1371344437291
Milka Cookie Loop 132GR


Savršen spoj uz mlijeko ili kavu. Milka Cookie Loop napravljen je od pšeničnog brašna i najfinijih sastojaka, prekriven komadićima čokolade. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u njega. Vaši će gosti biti oduševljeni ovim ukusnim kolačićima uz...
A perfect match for milk or coffee. Milka Cookie Loop  is made of wheat flour and the finest ingredients, covered with chocolate chips. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with it. Your guests will be amazed to have these delicious cookies with a cup of hot coffee. You can also make sweet desserts by crumbling these cookies over your favourite ice cream.

Milka Cookie Loop 132GR

from $5.49 from 7873974239474
Milka krema od malina 100GR

Sold Out

Raskošna čokoladica ispunjena raskošnom kremom od malina učinit će vaš dan uvijek ugodnim. Možete ga imati sami ili podijeliti s prijateljima. Ukusna Milka krema od malina slatki je užitak koji možete pojesti kad god poželite. Ovo će se svidjeti i...
A sumptuous chocolate bar filled with luxurious nougat cream will make your day always delightful. You can have it alone or share it with your friends. Delicious Milka Nuts Nougat is a sweet delight that you can have whenever you like. Your kids will also love this. Yummy chocolate coating outside and nougat cream inside, you can explore your culinary skills with it. Order today and enjoy it with your family.

Milka krema od malina 100GR

from $6.99 from 7920288235762
Milka Party Mix 159GR

Sold Out

This fun party mix is full of your favorite chocolate and it will make your day delightful! Milka Party Mix has a variety sweet treats, perfect to have any time, anywhere. You can explore delicious recipes with this yummy milk...
This fun party mix is full of your favorite chocolate and it will make your day delightful! Milka Party Mix has a variety sweet treats, perfect to have any time, anywhere. You can explore delicious recipes with this yummy milk chocolate or make toppings on your favourite ice cream, Milka Party Mix will never disappoint you. Order this package of sweetness and you will definitely order again.

Milka Party Mix 159GR

from $6.99 from 8038279708914
Milka čokolada sa jogurtom od jagode 100GR

Sold Out

Slatko žvakanje, savršeno za večernje zalogaje ili ponoćne želje. Milka čokolada s jogurtom od jagode slastan je užitak nakon svakog obroka. Ova mliječna čokolada prekrasan je izvor kalorija, puna bogatog jogurta od jagode, u svakom zalogaju pronaći ćete nalet kreme...
Sweet chocolate with a fun surprise inside! One side of the treasure chest contains a small toy! Milka Secret Box  is a delicious delight after every meal. This milk chocolate is a wonderful source of sweetness. Surprise your kids in their lunchbox or make mouth-melting desserts with Milka Secret Box.

Milka čokolada sa jogurtom od jagode 100GR

from $3.29 from 7920290005234