Sve grickalice

Sve grickalice
Casali Choco Banana 300GR


Delicious chocolate, filled with banana cream. In every bite of this, you will have a burst of chocolate and banana inside your mouth! Casali Choco Banana will provide you a delicious evening snack. Grab one whenever you are...
Casali Choco Banana 300GR

Casali Choco Banana 300GR

from $7.77 from 8032342704370
Casali Rum Kokos 300GR


Pravi užitak za ljubitelje kokosa i čokolade, Casali Rum Kokos je slatka poslastica za vas u svakoj prilici. Ovaj rum kokos sadrži čokoladni nadjev preliven rumom i listiće kokosa unutar svake kuglice. U svakom zalogaju dobit ćete trunčicu čokolade s...
A true delight for coconut and chocolate lovers, Casali Rum Kokos is a sweet treat for you at any occasion. This rum kokos contain rum-coated chocolate filling and flakes of coconut inside every ball. In each bite, you will get a burst of chocolate with coconut that will make your day sweeter. Have it alone or enjoy with your friends, order Casali Rum Kokos today and give yourself a yummy treat!

Casali Rum Kokos 300GR

from $15.55 from 7481885458674
Cheetos Dracoulinia 100GR

Sold Out

Omiljeni za sva vremena vaše djece, hrskavi čips, ukusan s okusom sira i rajčice. Cheetos Dracoulinia napravljeni su od svježeg krumpira s prepoznatljivom mješavinom okusa sira. Ukusan večernji zalogaj za vas i vašu obitelj. Ovo također možete pojesti kad god...
An all-time favorite of your kids, crunchy potato chips, delicious with cheese and tomato flavor. Cheetos Dracoulinia are made of fresh potatoes with a signature blend of cheesy flavors. A yummy evening snack for you and your family. You can also have this whenever you are hungry, great munchies. Order to enjoy with your family on the movie nights!

Cheetos Dracoulinia 100GR

from $4.44 from 6747924988084
Chipsy kečap štapići 90 GR

Sold Out

Omiljeni za sva vremena vaše djece, hrskavi čips od krumpira, ukusan s kečapom od rajčice. Chipsy Ketchup štapići napravljeni su od svježeg krumpira s prepoznatljivom mješavinom pikantnih okusa. Ukusan večernji zalogaj za vas i vašu obitelj. Možete ga umočiti i...
An all-time favourite of your kids, crunchy potato chips, delicious with tomato ketchup. Chipsy Ketchup Sticks are made of fresh potatoes with a signature blend of spicy flavours. A yummy evening snack for you and your family. You can also have it dipped in creamy cheese. You can also have this whenever you are hungry, great munchies. Order to enjoy with your family on the movie nights!

Chipsy kečap štapići 90 GR

from $3.00 from 6632251949236
Chipsy rebrasti čili čips 90 GR

Sold Out

Savršen međuobrok u hladnim zimskim večerima, od 100% prirodnog svježeg krumpira, s okusom čilija i začina. Možete ga umočiti u kečap od rajčice ili kremasti sir. To je vječni favorit svih dobnih skupina. Možete ga jesti i u ručku kao...
A perfect snack in chilly winter evenings, made of 100% natural fresh potatoes, with a chili flavour of spices. You can have it by dipping it in tomato ketchup or creamy cheese. It is an all-time favourite of any age group. You can also have it in your lunch as a crunchy side dish. Order this yummy and crispy Chipsy Ribbed Chilli Chips and enjoy it with your friends and family on any occasion.

Chipsy rebrasti čili čips 90 GR

from $3.00 from 6885878169780
Chipsy Tzatziki čips 40GR

Sold Out

Savršen međuobrok, možete ga pojesti tako da ga umočite u ukusni umak. To je vječni favorit svih dobnih skupina. Možete ga jesti i u ručku kao hrskavi prilog. Naručite ovaj ukusni i hrskavi Chipsy Tzatziki čips i uživajte u njemu...
A perfect snack, you can have it by dipping it in a delicious dip. It is an all-time favorite of any age group. You can also have it in your lunch as a crunchy side dish. Order this yummy and crispy Chipsy Tzatziki Chips and enjoy it with your friends and family on any occasion.

Chipsy Tzatziki čips 40GR

from $2.00 from 7815154401522
Chupa Chups Strawberry Love Lollipop (5kom)


Pravi užitak za ljubitelje slatkiša. Ove lizalice od jagoda ono su o čemu ste sanjali! Slatka poslastica za svako dijete i omiljena za sve dobne skupine. Možete ih pojesti dok ste u pokretu kada poželite nešto slatko. Naručite ove Chupa...
A true delight for candy-lovers. These Chupa Chups Bubble Gum Lollipops are what you have ever dreamed of! A sweet treat with a fun bubble gum center, for every kid and an all-time favorite for any age group. You can have these on the go when your craving something sweet. Order these Chupa Chups Bubble Gum Lollipops  today and make your kid’s smile sweeter!

Chupa Chups Strawberry Love Lollipop (5kom)

from $5.00 from 7920292921586
Chupa Chups Mega Lollipop (10 kom unutra)

Sold Out

Pravi užitak za ljubitelje slatkiša. Ove lizalice su ono o čemu ste ikada sanjali! Slatka poslastica za svako dijete i omiljena za sve dobne skupine. Možete ih pojesti dok ste u pokretu kada poželite nešto slatko. Naručite ove Chupa Chups...
A true delight for candy-lovers. These lollipops are what you have ever dreamed of! A sweet treat for every kid and an all-time favourite for any age group. You can have these on the go when your craving something sweet. Order these Chupa Chups Mega Lollipop today and make your kid’s smile sweeter!

Chupa Chups Mega Lollipop (10 kom unutra)

from $18.00 from 1687294738475
Chupa Chups Strawberry Love Lollipop (5kom)

Sold Out

Pravi užitak za ljubitelje slatkiša. Ove lizalice od jagoda ono su o čemu ste sanjali! Slatka poslastica za svako dijete i omiljena za sve dobne skupine. Možete ih pojesti dok ste u pokretu kada poželite nešto slatko. Naručite ove Chupa...
A true delight for candy-lovers. These Chupa Chups Sour Lollipops  are what you have ever dreamed of! A sweet and sour treat for every kid and an all-time favorite for any age group. You can have these on the go when your craving something sweet. Order these Chupa Chups Sour Lollipops today and make your kid’s smile sweeter!

Chupa Chups Strawberry Love Lollipop (5kom)

from $5.00 from 7920291873010
Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 150GR

Sold Out

Ne dopustite da vas više grize glad! Uzmite ove ukusne kolačiće poput kolača, punjene želeom od naranče i slojem čokolade kako biste se slatko poslastili kad god ste gladni. Ovi ukusni kolačići napravljeni su od pšeničnog brašna, jaja, kakaa u...
Don’t let hunger bite you anymore! Have these delicious cake-like cookies, filled with orange jelly and a layer of chocolate to give yourself a sweet treat whenever you are hungry. These delicious cookies are made of wheat flour, eggs, cocoa powder, sugar, and syrup. Order these yummy Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Orange to make your evening snacks sweeter and don’t forget to share!

Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 150GR

from $3.00 from 1713075486763
Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 300GR

Sold Out

Ukusan užitak za utaživanje gladi u bilo kojem trenutku. Ukusni troslojni kolačići nalik kolačima, spužvasti sloj izvana, žele od naranče obložen slojem čokolade iznutra daju vam slatki njam-njam u svakom zalogaju. Odličan je večernji međuobrok uz toplu ili hladnu kavu....
A yummy delight to satisfy your hunger at any time. Delicious three-layered cake-like cookies, spongy layer outside, orange jelly coated with a chocolate layer inside gives you a sweet yum-yum in every bite. It is an excellent evening snack with hot or cold coffee. Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Orange is made of wheat flour, cocoa powder, syrup, eggs and sugar. Enjoy this and make your days sweeter!

Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 300GR

from $5.55 from 1026921463851
Donia Bakehouse čajno pecivo 350GR

Sold Out

Savršena poslastica uz jutarnji čaj. Ovi Donia Bakehouse čajni kolačići su slasni i ukusni. Keksi u obliku prstena, pečeni na točno određenoj temperaturi. Klasičan spoj za čaj. Ove kekse možete pojesti i za večernje užine ili bilo gdje u bilo...
A perfect treat with your morning tea. These Donia Bakehouse Tea Biscuits are delicious and tasty. Ring-shaped biscuits, baked at the exact right temperature. A classic match for tea. You can also have these biscuits for your evening snacks, or anywhere at anytime. Have it alone or share it with your friends, these biscuits will satisfy your hunger in a yummy way. Hurry and order soon!

Donia Bakehouse čajno pecivo 350GR

from $4.00 from 7440154394866