
Podravka Vegeta Vrećica (Bez MSG) 500GR


Napravite slana jela samo tako da svojim omiljenim receptima dodate Podravka Vegetu. Pripremite salate, tjestenine, juhe ili bilo koji recept koji sadrži meso, pospite Vegetom tijekom kuhanja i osjetit ćete slastan okus u svom obroku. Ovo možete dodati svakom receptu...
Make savoury dishes just by adding Podravka Vegeta to your favourite recipes. Prepare salads, pasta, soup or any recipes containing meat, sprinkle Vegeta while cooking and you will experience a mouthwatering taste in your meal. You can add this to any recipe and your preparations will be yummier! Podravka Vegeta Bag does not contain any artificial flavour enhancer.

Podravka Vegeta Vrećica (Bez MSG) 500GR

from $10.29 from 1026002845739
Fructal Borovnica Aron Superior 1L


Doživite ovaj slatki užitak uz jutarnji doručak. Fructal Borovnica Aron Superior napravljena je od 100% prirodnih svježih borovnica i izvrsnog je okusa. Uzmite ga za svoju večernju poslasticu uz lagane zalogaje i osvježite se. Fructal Borovnica Aron...
Experience this sweet delight with your morning breakfast. Fructal Blueberry Aron Superior is made of 100% natural fresh blueberries and has a delicious taste. Have it for your evening treat with light snacks and refresh yourself. Fructal Blueberry Aron Superior will quench your thirst instantly. It has several nutritional benefits too, like vitamins and minerals. You can also use it as the base of your morning smoothie.

Fructal Borovnica Aron Superior 1L

from $6.67 from 1026066382891
Zdenka Sleeve Sir Classic 140GR

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države MOLIMO ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE** Namažite ga na hrskavi kruh ili napravite ukusne sendviče s ovim ukusnim kremastim sirom. Zdenka Sleeve Cheese Classic hrvatski...
Spread it on crusty bread or make delicious sandwiches with this mouthwatering creamy cheese. Zdenka Sleeve Cheese Classic is a Croatian delight. Prepare yummy recipes with it like pasta or you can make different types of salads with this classic condiment. This sleeve cheese is full of vital nutrients like proteins, calcium and minerals. Order soon and explore the culinary possibilities of Zdenka Sleeve Cheese Classic.

Zdenka Sleeve Sir Classic 140GR

from $3.99 from 1026728656939
Podravka Vegeta Vrećica (Bez MSG) 250GR


Napravite slana jela samo tako da svojim omiljenim receptima dodate Podravka Vegetu. Pripremite salate, tjestenine, juhe ili bilo koji recept koji sadrži meso, pospite Vegetom tijekom kuhanja i osjetit ćete slastan okus u svom obroku. Ovo možete dodati svakom receptu...
Make savoury dishes just by adding Podravka Vegeta to your favourite recipes. Prepare salads, pasta, soup or any recipes containing meat, sprinkle Vegeta while cooking and you will experience a mouthwatering taste in your meal. You can add this to any recipe and your preparations will be yummier! Podravka Vegeta Bag does not contain any artificial flavour enhancer.

Podravka Vegeta Vrećica (Bez MSG) 250GR

from $4.99 from 7543967219954