
Chipsy Tzatziki čips 40GR

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Savršen međuobrok, možete ga pojesti tako da ga umočite u ukusni umak. To je vječni favorit svih dobnih skupina. Možete ga jesti i u ručku kao hrskavi prilog. Naručite ovaj ukusni i hrskavi Chipsy Tzatziki čips i uživajte u njemu...
A perfect snack, you can have it by dipping it in a delicious dip. It is an all-time favorite of any age group. You can also have it in your lunch as a crunchy side dish. Order this yummy and crispy Chipsy Tzatziki Chips and enjoy it with your friends and family on any occasion.

Chipsy Tzatziki čips 40GR

from $2.00 from 7815154401522
Pileća rolada Brat & Sestra (Pileća Sunkarica) 1LB


**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Ukusan lagani obrok za one koji su u žurbi ili trče s pretrpanim rasporedom. Ovaj bogati izvor proteina užitak...
A delicious easy on-the-go meal for those who are in a hurry or run with busy schedules. This rich source of protein is a delight on its own or you can have it with creamy cheese spread. You can have this mouthwatering chicken roll for breakfast or for quick lunch. Brother & Sister Chicken Roll is cooked food, so must be stored in a cool place. Order this yummy chicken roll right now and enjoy your meal!

Pileća rolada Brat & Sestra (Pileća Sunkar...

from $8.88 from 6873322913972
Joker Trilece Mix- Tres Leches 800GR

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Sada je izrada raskošne karamel torte puno lakša s ovom Joker Trilece mješavinom. Samo pomiješajte i dodajte svoje omiljene začine i slatki trilece je spreman za posluživanje! Možete ga preliti karamel umakom da dodate okus. Ukusan desert koji će se...
Now making sumptuous caramel cake is much easier with this Joker Trilece Mix. Just mix and add your favourite condiments to it and mouthwatering trilece is ready to serve! You can pour caramel sauce on it to add flavour. A delicious dessert that will be loved by all. You can have it for any meal of the day or relish it with your evening coffee. Order Joker Trilece Mix today and enjoy with your friends and family.

Joker Trilece Mix- Tres Leches 800GR

from $8.00 from 6106507837620
Kras Nougat Napolitanke 330GR

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Ovaj slatki užitak savršen je za žvakanje kad god poželite grickalice! Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke rade se od pšeničnog brašna, kakaovog praha, šećera i nugata. Možete ga imati takvog kakvog jest ili probati ovo sa sladoledom koji preferirate. Ove nevjerojatne...
This sweet delight is perfect to munch whenever you are craving snacks! Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke is made with wheat flour, cocoa powder, sugar and nougat. You can have it as it is or try this with your preferred ice cream. These amazing wafers will satisfy your hunger and leave a sweet aftertaste within you! Order Kras Nougat Wafers Napolitanke today and enjoy the experience.

Kras Nougat Napolitanke 330GR

from $3.33 from 1647903834155
Fructal Blueberry Nectar Glass 200ML


Delicious fruit nectar, perfect for a cocktail mixer. It has many vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. A refreshing drink that will quench your thirst instantly. You can have this for your morning refreshment or have it...
Delicious fruit nectar, perfect for a cocktail mixer. It has many vital nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. A refreshing drink that will quench your thirst instantly. You can have this for your morning refreshment or have it outside at your work. This is a perfect drink for summer evenings with pastries and cookies. Fructal Blueberry Nectar Glass is an all-time favourite of any age group. So order it today and enjoy it with your friends.

Fructal Blueberry Nectar Glass 200ML

from $2.22 from 1026059730987
Kras Frondi Maxi napolitanka vanilija 250GR


Ako volite hrskave napolitanke, probajte ovu ukusnu Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla napolitanku. Najbolji je međuobrok, punjen bogatom kremom od vanilije, savršen za večernju kavu. Možete ga napraviti i kao preljev na svom omiljenom sladoledu. Ne zaboravite podijeliti ovaj dvostruki užitak...
If you like crunchy wafers, try this yummy Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla Wafer. It is the best snack, filled with rich vanilla cream, a perfect match for your evening coffee. You can also make it a topping on your favourite ice cream. Don’t forget to share this dual delight with your friends. Order Kras Frondi Maxi Vanilla Wafer once and you will definitely make a space in your pantry for it forever!

Kras Frondi Maxi napolitanka vanilija 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734119927988
Brian's Macedonian Kocanski Rice 1LB

Sold Out

Pripremite ukusne recepte s makedonskom kočanskom rižom. Napravite ukusna jela za svoju djecu i prijatelje, iznenadite ih rižotom i još mnogo recepata. Istražite sve svoje kulinarske sposobnosti s ovom rižom. Naručite makedonski koćanski riž već danas i napravite mjesto u...
Prepare delicious recipes with Macedonian Kocanski Rice. Make yummy dishes for your kids and friends, surprise them with risotto and many more recipes. Explore all your culinary abilities with this rice. Order Macedonian Kocanski Rice today and make a place in the pantry.

Brian's Macedonian Kocanski Rice 1LB

from $4.44 from 4503497801803
Kraš Mocha napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

Sold Out

Tražite hrskave i slatke zalogaje? Probajte jednom ove Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke i uljepšajte svoju večer uz šalicu kave ili omiljenog napitka. Slojevi oblatni punjeni su ukusnom kremom s okusom čokolade i kave. I vaša će djeca biti zadivljena, spakirajte...
Searching for crunchy and sweet snacks? Try this Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke once and make your evening wonderful with a cup of coffee or your favourite beverage. Layers of wafers are filled with delicious chocolate and coffee flavoured cream. Your kids will be amazed too, pack it in their lunchbox for an after-meal delight. Order Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke right now and put a crunchy topping on your dessert!

Kraš Mocha napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

from $3.33 from 1038564327467
Bambi Lane Posno Keksi 300GR

Sold Out

Ovaj savršeni međuobrok za bilo koju dobnu skupinu, a posebno za djecu. Ukusna Bambi Lane plazma je hrskava i ukusnija kada se poslužuje s mlijekom ili sokom. Vaša djeca mogu jesti ovaj ukusni međuobrok u bilo koje doba dana. Naručite...
This perfect snack for any age group, especially for kids. Yummy Bambi Lane Plazma is crunchy and yummier when served with milk or juice. Your kids can have this delicious snack at any time of the day. Order this tasty Bambi Lane Plazma and make your kid’s snack sweeter!

Bambi Lane Posno Keksi 300GR

from $5.00 from 7869252206834
Podravka Vegeta Organic 280GR

Sold Out

Pripremite ukusne recepte samo dodavanjem Podravka Vegete Organic svojim omiljenim jelima. Napravite salate, tjestenine, juhe ili bilo koje recepte koji sadrže meso, posipajte Vegetom tijekom kuhanja i doživite prirodne okuse svojih recepata. Sastoji se od 30% sušenog povrća poput mrkve,...
Prepare mouthwatering recipes just by adding Podravka Vegeta Organic to your favorite dishes. Make salads, pasta, soup or any recipes containing meat, sprinkle Vegeta while cooking and experience the natural tastes of your recipes. It consists of 30% dried vegetables like carrots, onions, leeks and garlic. Podravka Vegeta Organic does not contain any artificial flavor enhancer.

Podravka Vegeta Organic 280GR

from $10.10 from 7593229779186
Vipa Origano Čips 140GR

Sold Out

Počastite se ovim hrskavim zalogajima kad god ogladnite! Vipa Origano čips napravljen je od svježeg krumpira i začinjen origanom. Savršen međuobrok za vaš večernji užitak. Probajte ovo jednom i nećete moći odoljeti naručiti ponovo. Ovaj čips ima sladak i ljut...
Treat yourself with these crunchy munchies whenever you feel hungry! Vipa Oregano Potato Chips are made of fresh potatoes and seasoned with oregano. A perfect snack for your evening delight. Try this once and you cannot resist ordering it again. These potato chips have a sweet and spicy flavour. Munch it with your favourite beverage. Order Vipa Oregano Potato Chips soon to experience the best quality chips!

Vipa Origano Čips 140GR

from $2.69 from 7530575331570
Vava paradajz paprike punjene kupusom 900GR

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Ovaj pikantni recept ionako će dodati okus vašim jelima. Vava predstavlja ukusan pripravak, napravljen od svježe paprike rajčice, punjen listovima kupusa i začinjen jedinstvenom mješavinom začina. Krenite u obilazak okusa s ovom ukusnom ponudom Vave. S ovim punjenim paprikama možete...
This spicy recipe will add flavour to your meals anyway. Vava presents a yummy preparation, made with fresh tomato peppers, filled with cabbage leaves and seasoned with a unique mix of spices. Take a tour of taste with this mouthwatering offering of Vava. You can prepare amazing recipes with these stuffed peppers or relish them with salads. Vava Tomato Peppers are full of antioxidants and essential nutrients.

Vava paradajz paprike punjene kupusom 900GR

from $8.39 from 6106557939892