Proizvodi za kuhanje i pečenje

Proizvodi za kuhanje i pečenje
Ponekad je izvan mreže jednostavno preteško nabaviti prave proizvode za pečenje za recept. Točnije, nabava "pravih" proizvoda može biti nevjerojatno teška, pogotovo ako želite reproducirati balkanski recept koji zahtijeva prave žitarice ili proizvode od brašna.

Ako tražite najbolje potrepštine za pečenje na internetu za balkanske recepte, trebali biste znati da sve sastojke za pečenje možete nabaviti online od BalkanFresh-a. Od graha online, preko tjestenine online, do slasnih projekata kruha, naša trgovina za kuhanje dostupna je online kad god želite ponovno stvoriti duh Balkana u ukusnom pečenom obroku.

Naručivanje brašna online nije teško, ali sada je naručivanje pravog brašna postalo jednostavnije!
Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac (3 paketa) 21 GR


Pravite ukusne i ukusne kolače, od sada sami! Naručite Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac za brzu pripremu vaših kolača. Ovaj suhi kvasac je upravo spreman za miješanje s brašnom i ostalim začinima, i pogodite što, vaš kolač je spreman! Napravite ukusna...
Make delicious and yummy cakes, from now on your own! Order Dr. Oetker Dry Yeast to prepare your cakes quickly. This dry yeast is just ready to mix with flour and other condiments, and guess what, your cake is ready! Make yummy pastries or large cakes with Dr. Oetker Dry Yeast. You do not need to dissolve the condiments previously, this instant yeast makes your work easier!

Dr. Oetker suhi kvasac (3 paketa) 21 GR

from $2.22 from 4670912462923
Melisa kus-kus 500GR


Iznenadite svoje goste ovom nevjerojatnom grčkom delicijom! Ova sušena tjestenina u obliku sfere savršen je sastojak za juhe, priloge i salate. Pripremite ukusnu pileću juhu ili talijansku juhu, Melissa Couscous učinit će vaše recepte ukusnijima. Možete ga i tostirati te...
Surprise your guests with this amazing Greek delicacy! This sphere-shaped dried pasta is a perfect ingredient for soups, side dishes and salads. Prepare delicious chicken soup or Italian soup, Melissa Couscous will make your recipes yummier. You can also toast it and serve it with mushroom and cheese. Order Melissa Couscous today and enjoy your meals.

Melisa kus-kus 500GR

from $2.22 from 4497902731339
Dr. Oetker prašak za pecivo 16 GR (10 pak.)

Sold Out

Ako imate strast prema pečenju kolača, to je savršen sastojak za kojim tražite. Dr. Oetker Prašak za pecivo ne sadrži gluten i izvrsno je sredstvo za dizanje raznih recepata. Sadrži kukuruzni škrob, natrijeve karbonate i difosfate. Ovaj prašak za pecivo...
If you have a passion for baking cakes, it is the perfect ingredient that you are searching for. Dr. Oetker Baking Powder is gluten-free and an excellent raising agent for various recipes. It contains maize starch, sodium carbonates, and diphosphates. You can use this baking powder to bake pastries and cakes. Order Dr. Oetker Baking Powder today and prepare yummy delicious recipes.

Dr. Oetker prašak za pecivo 16 GR (10 pak.)

from $4.44 from 6573575405748
Korca Bijeli Grah (Fasule) 1KG

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Pripremite ukusne juhe ili druge recepte s ovim bijelim grahom. Bijeli grah Korca pun je mogućnosti. Koristite ih za juhe ili ih pripremite kao prilog jelima. Naručite Korca bijeli grah s orašastim okusom i pripremite ukusna jela za sebe i...
Prepare yummy soups or other recipes with these white beans. Korca White Beans are full of possibilities. Use them for soups or prepared them as a side dish. Order nutty flavoured Korca White Beans and make delicious meals for you and your family.

Korca Bijeli Grah (Fasule) 1KG

from $8.88 from 7496799420658
Teuta Bijeli Grah (Fasule) 1KG

Sold Out

Teuta predstavlja hranjivu deliciju Balkana, bijeli grah je skladište vlakana, vitamina i proteina. Ove mahune sadrže i magnezij. S Teutom bijelim grahom možete pripremiti tradicionalnu srpsku supu ili pečenje. Također pomaže u održavanju razine šećera u krvi u vašem tijelu....
Teuta presents a nutritious delicacy of the Balkans, white beans are storehouses of fibre, vitamins and proteins. These beans also contain magnesium. You can prepare traditional Serbian soup or baked recipes with Teuta White Beans. It also helps to maintain the level of blood sugar in your body. Order Teuta White Beans right now and make healthy dishes for your close ones.

Teuta Bijeli Grah (Fasule) 1KG

from $9.99 from 6591187288244
Reis Crveni Grah (Barbunya) 1KG


Ako ste vegetarijanac, crveni grah Reis savršen je za obroke bogate proteinima. Ove mahune pune su vitamina, minerala poput kalija i fosfora. Također su bogati izvori antioksidansa i vlakana. Crveni grah Reis pomaže u smanjenju tjelesne težine i njezi probavnog...
If you are vegetarian, Reis Red Kidney Beans are perfect to provide you high protein meals. These beans are full of vitamins, minerals like potassium and phosphorus. They are also rich sources of antioxidants and fiber. Reis Red Kidney Beans are helpful to reduce weight and take good care of your digestive tract. Order today and make healthy meals for your family.

Reis Crveni Grah (Barbunya) 1KG

from $12.99 from 4512865714251
Dari Petit Plomb tjestenina 500GR


Izvrstan izvor vlakana i ugljikohidrata, napravljen od 100% prirodnih sastojaka, Dari Petit Plomb tjestenina pravi je užitak za vaša glavna jela. S ovom tjesteninom zlatne boje možete kuhati ukusna jela. Savršen dodatak za svaku priliku. Naručite ovu ukusnu tjesteninu Dari...
An excellent source of fibre and carbohydrates, made with 100% natural ingredients, Dari Petit Plomb Pasta is a true delight for your main course recipes. You can cook delicious dishes with this golden coloured pasta. A perfect staple for any occasion. Order this yummy Dari Petit Plomb Pasta today and make your favourite mouthwatering recipes with it.

Dari Petit Plomb tjestenina 500GR

from $4.44 from 4525367361611
Teuta Gold dugog zrna (Parboiled) 1KG


Izvrstan izvor ugljikohidrata i drugih bitnih nutrijenata, Teuta riža dugog zrna savršena je za pripremu ukusnih jela za vaše goste. S ovom aromatičnom i ukusnom rižom dugog zrna možete pripremiti biriyani ili svoje omiljene recepte s rižom. Od ove zdrave...
An excellent source of carbohydrates and other essential nutrients, Teuta Long Grain Rice is perfect to make delicious cuisines for your guests. You can prepare biriyani or your favourite recipes of rice with this aromatic and flavoursome long grain rice. You can also make puffed rice and prepare heartwarming desserts with this healthy grain. Order Teuta Long Grain Rice today and explore your culinary skills.

Teuta Gold dugog zrna (Parboiled) 1KG

from $5.89 from 7436003803378
Riža Reis Baldo 1 kg


Doživite aromatičan okus ove talijanske riže, a turska varijanta ove riže ima kremastu teksturu. Ova ukusna riža bogata je ugljikohidratima i odličan je izvor zdravih nutrijenata. Napravite s njim ukusne recepte, birijane ili rižoto, vaši će gosti biti iznenađeni vašim...
Experience the aromatic flavour of this Italian rice, and the Turkish variety of this rice has a creamy texture. This delicious rice is rich in carbohydrates and an excellent source of healthy nutrients. Make yummy recipes with it, biriyani or risotto, your guests will be surprised with your culinary skills. Reis Baldo Rice is also beneficial for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

Riža Reis Baldo 1 kg

from $8.29 from 4512860667979
Jami djelomično pečeni filo listovi 450 GR-**SAMO NY, NJ, CT, MA dostava**

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države MOLIMO ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Vaša djeca će obožavati ove filo listove, punjene sirom i kikirikijem i prelivene medom! Od ovih tankih listova...
Your kids will love these phyllo sheets, filled with cheese and groundnuts, and drenched in honey! You can also make pies and pastries, or crispy bureks with these thin sheets of unleavened dough. With Jami Partially Baked Phyllo Sheets the possibilities are endless. Order today to explore your culinary skills and surprise your guests with savory and yummy dishes!

Jami djelomično pečeni filo listovi 450 GR...

from $4.44 from 7648858046706
Dijamantno pšenično brašno za burek 1KG

Sold Out

Nezaobilazan sastojak za pripremu bureka! Zadivite svoju obitelj pripremajući one posebne obiteljske recepte. Dijamantno pšenično brašno za burek savršena je namirnica za smočnicu. Stoga naručite ovo danas i oduševite svoju obitelj tijekom sljedećeg okupljanja.Težina: 1kgBrašno za burek
Albanian wheat flour Diamond Wheat Flour for Burek 1KG

Dijamantno pšenično brašno za burek 1KG

from $4.00 from 7530641096946
Lloshi pečeno (ručno) filo pecivo 300 GR- **SAMO NYC dostava**

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Istražite svoje kulinarske vještine uz Lloshi pečeno (ručno) filo pecivo. Ovi filo listovi su tanki i napravljeni od tijesta, bez dizanja i kvasca, posebno pripremljenog za baklavu. Od jufke možete napraviti i ukusna i slatka jela. Ove listove možete puniti...
Explore your culinary skills with Lloshi Baked (Handmade) Filo Pastry. These filo sheets are thin and made of dough, without raising agent or yeast, specially prepared for baklava. You can also make delicious and sweet dishes with jufka. You can fill these sheets with chopped pistachios and walnuts, pour honey on them, make yummy desserts for your friends and family.

Lloshi pečeno (ručno) filo pecivo 300 GR- ...

from $8.00 from 7530678747378