When hunger bites, treat yourself with this mouthwatering snack. 7 Days chocolate croissant is made of dough and rich chocolate filling. This croissant will melt in your mouth, and guess what happens next! A burst of chocolate inside. A single bite of this chocolate croissant will leave a sweet taste in your mouth. So, make your every day better with 7 Days Chocolate Croissant.

7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR


7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR 7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR becomes available.

Kad vas uhvati glad, počastite se ovim ukusnim zalogajem. 7 Days čokoladni kroasan napravljen je od tijesta i bogatog čokoladnog nadjeva. Ovaj genetski modificirani kroasan bez organizama topit će vam se u ustima, a pogodite što slijedi! Pucanje čokolade unutra. Jedan jedini zalogaj ovog čokoladnog kroasana vratit će vam energiju, a vi ćete biti sposobni za rad cijeli dan. Stoga, uljepšajte svaki svoj dan uz 7 Days Chocolate Croissant. Težina: 2,65 OZ (75 g) Tijesto i čokolada Bez GMO-a


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Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 300GR

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Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 150GR

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Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 150GR

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Kral Kadayif Kizarmis Lux 400G

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