Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Konzervirana i Jared hrana
Ponekad jednostavno nemamo vremena otići do supermarketa po ono što nam je potrebno, a ponekad nam je raspored čak prenatrpan da pripremimo svježe namirnice.

Konzervirana hrana, u ovim slučajevima, može biti pravi spas. Zapravo, postoji i nekoliko recepata koji zahtijevaju upotrebu konzervirane i pakirane robe za najbolji rezultat.

S druge strane, ako tražite balkanski konzervirani grah i konzervirano povrće, BalkanFresh je najbolja internetska platforma za nabavku dobrih balkanskih konzerviranih proizvoda za rekreaciju autentičnog recepta uz autentični balkanski osjećaj.

Ako tražite ukusna balkanska jela u konzervama, povrće u teglama i konzerviranu robu, onda nema drugog mjesta osim BalkanFreshovog internetskog tržišta za opskrbu svime što vam treba.
Podravka džem od miješanog voća 360GR

Sold Out

Sada dodajte malo okusa u svoj doručak naručite Podravka džem od miješanog voća i namažite ga na kruh, palačinke ili kroasan, oduševit će vas dirljivi okusi svježeg voća! Ovaj ukusni džem napravljen je od 100% prirodnih i svježih sastojaka. Uz...
Podravka džem od miješanog voća 360GR

Podravka džem od miješanog voća 360GR

from $4.99 from 6813300326580
Berrak Cabbage Pickles 720ML


If you like traditional recipes, try Berrak Cabbage Pickles, marinated in brine. The exactly right amount of flavoured cabbage leaves will make your dishes more delicious. You can fill these cabbage leaves with meat...
If you like traditional recipes, try Berrak Cabbage Pickles, marinated in brine. The exactly right amount of flavoured cabbage leaves will make your dishes more delicious. You can fill these cabbage leaves with meat and onion, or you can make vegetarian dishes, with quinoa and tomato paste. So, give a classic surprise to your friends and family with these savoury cabbage leaves!

Berrak Cabbage Pickles 720ML

from $4.49 from 8039364395250
Vava ljuti kupus (Kimchi) 490 GR


Ukusan, sušeni kiseli krastavac od svježeg bijelog kupusa s mješavinom začina u ulju daje dodatan okus svakom vašem obroku. Uzmite ga uz glavna jela i učinite svoju hranu ukusnijom nego ikad. Ne zaboravite ovo podijeliti sa svojim prijateljima. Također ga...
A delicious, cured pickle, made of fresh white cabbage with a blend of spices in oil, adds extra flavor to your every meal. Have it with your main dishes and make your foods tastier than ever. Don’t forget to share this with your friends. You can also have it in sandwiches and toast. This yummy, savory pickle can be used to cook different recipes for adding flavors. So don’t wait, order it today and relish with your meals.

Vava ljuti kupus (Kimchi) 490 GR

from $5.99 from 7845093900530
Brother & Sister Chicken Lunch Loaf (Pileci Narez) 200GR


Apsolutno savršen za one koji vode užurban način života, lagani obrok u pokretu, bogati izvori proteina i ugljikohidrata. Brother & Sister Chicken Lunch Loaf je kuhana konzervirana hrana, možete je jesti za ručak ili brzi doručak. U ovom ukusnom receptu...
Absolutely perfect for those who lead a busy lifestyle, easy on-the-go meal, rich sources of protein and carbohydrates. Brother & Sister Chicken Lunch Loaf is a cooked canned food, you can have it for your lunch or quick breakfast. You can enjoy this yummy recipe on its own or you can also have a side dish with it. Order this Brother & Sister Chicken Lunch Loaf now and have a delicious treat with your family.

Brother & Sister Chicken Lunch Loaf (Pilec...

from $5.00 from 6915801743540
Knorr krem juha od brokule 50GR


Nevjerojatan užitak u večerima prohladne zimske sezone! Ova ukusna krem juha može se pripremiti vrlo brzo. Ovo možete imati i za doručak. Knorr krem juha od brokule ima različite vrste okusa u jednom pakiranju. Možete kušati meso i birano povrće,...
An amazing delight in the evenings of the chilly winter season! This delicious cream soup can be prepared very quickly. You can also have this for your breakfast. Knorr Cream Of Broccoli Soup has different kinds of flavours in one single package. You can taste meat and selected vegetables, a special blend of spices and noodles. Order Knorr Cream Of Broccoli Soup right now and experience the taste of it!

Knorr krem juha od brokule 50GR

from $5.00 from 6896188194996
Vava vatra pečena crvena paprika 350GR


Krenite u obilazak okusa s ovim pikantnim pečenim papričicama! Vava pečena crvena paprika dodat će pikantan okus i crvenu boju vašim receptima. Ove paprike sadrže prirodne pojačivače okusa i pune su nutritivnih prednosti. Pečene paprike sadrže vitamine, vlakna, kalcij i...
Take a tour of taste with these spicy roasted peppers! Vava Fire Roasted Red Peppers will add a savoury flavour and red colour to your recipes. These peppers contain natural flavour enhancers and are full of nutritional benefits. Roasted peppers contain vitamins, fibre, calcium and potassium. Try them with different recipes, like toppings on pizza or fill them in burgers.

Vava vatra pečena crvena paprika 350GR

from $6.99 from 6613724725428
Tamek pasta od rajčice 830GR (konzerva)


Dodajte okus i boju svojim omiljenim receptima s Tamek pastom od rajčice. Ova ukusna pasta od rajčice napravljena je od svježih rajčica i najkvalitetnijih sastojaka. Neizostavan je začin turskih kuhinja. Hranjiva pasta od rajčice Tamek sadrži vitalne hranjive tvari poput...
Add flavour and colour to your favourite recipes with Tamek Tomato Paste. This yummy tomato paste is made with fresh tomatoes and the finest quality ingredients. It is an indispensable condiment for Turkish cuisines. Nutritious Tamek Tomato Paste contains vital nutrients like vitamin A, B-complex, C and lycopene. It is full of natural antioxidants. Try this flavoursome tomato paste once and you will definitely order it again!

Tamek pasta od rajčice 830GR (konzerva)

from $4.99 from 4383359893579
Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Sarmu) 60GR


Now, prepare amazing recipes like chefs at your home! Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls is there to help you prepare quick meals. Make heartwarming dishes easily and quickly. Mix it with lukewarm water and stir to cook...
Now, prepare amazing recipes like chefs at your home! Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls is there to help you prepare quick meals. Make heartwarming dishes easily and quickly. Mix it with lukewarm water and stir to cook with meat. Your recipe is ready to serve with cabbage rolls. Order Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls today and surprise your guests with your creativity.

Aroma Mix for Stuffed Cabbage Rolls (Sarmu...

from $1.99 from 7947477811442
Brian's mljevena ljuta paprika 100 GR

Sold Out

Odličan pojačivač okusa, ljuta paprika se može koristiti za pripremu raznih jela. Hrani daje nježnu crvenu boju, a svojom slatkoćom hranu čini ukusnijom. Brian's Crushed Hot Paprika napravljena je od crvene paprike vrhunske kvalitete. Ima razinu ljutih začina, ali pomaže...
Excellent flavor enhancer, hot paprika can be used to cook various food items. It provides a gentle red colour to the food and it's sweetness makes the food yummier. Brian's Crushed Hot Paprika is made of premium quality red peppers. It has a Hot spice level but helps to cook delicious food with the right amount. So order this Brian's Crushed Hot Paprika today and make your food yummier!

Brian's mljevena ljuta paprika 100 GR

from $5.00 from 7878741688562
Ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje Berati Olive Ranch 1LT

Sold Out

Dodajte okus svojim jelima koristeći ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje Berati Olive Ranch! S ovim ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljem možete napraviti ukusne salate od povrća i razne recepte. S ovim kvalitetnim maslinovim uljem mogućnosti su beskrajne. Izrađen je od najkvalitetnijih maslina....
Add flavor to your meals using Berati Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil! You can make delicious vegetable salads and different recipes with this Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The possobilities are endless with this quality olive oil. It is made of the finest quality olives. Order today and impress your guests!

Ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje Berati O...

from $20.00 from 7875488383218
Brianove smokve s orasima 720GR


Izuzetno ukusne i pune okusa, ove smokve s orasima učinit će doručak još ukusnijim. Brianove smokve s orasima natjerat će vaše goste da traže još! Ukusna slatkoća smokava i hrskavost oraha. Naručite danas i uživajte u Brianovim smokvama s orasima...
Extremely delicious and full of taste, this figs with walnut will make breakfast even more delicious. Brian's Figs with Walnuts will have your guests asking for more! The delicious sweetness of the figs and crunch of the walnuts. Order today and enjoy Brian's Figs with Walnuts all day long!

Brianove smokve s orasima 720GR

from $12.22 from 6558954782900
Aneta sojina pašteta sa crvenom paprikom 100GR


Doživite ukusno iskustvo namažući paštetu od crvene paprike sa sojom na kruh. Ova ukusna povrtna pašteta napravljena je od 100% svježe crvene paprike, MSG-a, proteina soje i začinjena posebnom mješavinom začina. Od jutra do večeri možete jesti ovu ukusnu paštetu...
A perfect appetizer, experience this olive pate with crackers or spread it on your favourite dish. Aneta Soy Pate with Red Pepper has a meaty texture and is seasoned with the finest quality ingredients. Try making out-of-box recipes with this delicious preparation. Also, this olive pate is easy to take on the go. Order Aneta Soy Pate with Red Pepper and take a tour of taste with it!

Aneta sojina pašteta sa crvenom paprikom 1...

from $3.00 from 6613913796788