Konzervirana i Jared hrana

Konzervirana i Jared hrana
Ponekad jednostavno nemamo vremena otići do supermarketa po ono što nam je potrebno, a ponekad nam je raspored čak prenatrpan da pripremimo svježe namirnice.

Konzervirana hrana, u ovim slučajevima, može biti pravi spas. Zapravo, postoji i nekoliko recepata koji zahtijevaju upotrebu konzervirane i pakirane robe za najbolji rezultat.

S druge strane, ako tražite balkanski konzervirani grah i konzervirano povrće, BalkanFresh je najbolja internetska platforma za nabavku dobrih balkanskih konzerviranih proizvoda za rekreaciju autentičnog recepta uz autentični balkanski osjećaj.

Ako tražite ukusna balkanska jela u konzervama, povrće u teglama i konzerviranu robu, onda nema drugog mjesta osim BalkanFreshovog internetskog tržišta za opskrbu svime što vam treba.
MAMA's Blagi Ajvar 550GR

Sold Out

Prekrasan MAMA-in blagi ajvar, ukusno je jelo koje dolazi iz zemlje Makedonije. Napravljen je od svježe paprike babure i patlidžana koji su pečeni i pečeni na roštilju do savršenstva, a zatim pasterizirani za svježinu. Najbolji dio? U ovom receptu za...
The wonderful MAMA's Mild Roasted Peper Salsa, is a delicious dish that hails from the land of Macedonia. It is made with fresh bell peppers and eggplants that are roasted and grilled to perfection. MAMA's Mild Roasted Peper Salsa  is perfect for any meal, whether you're having it for lunch, as a dip, or as an easy on-the-go meal. You can even serve it as a main dish or a side one to complement your favorite meals.

MAMA's Blagi Ajvar 550GR

from $13.33 from 7920290824434
Sejega Extra kornišoni 560GR


Ovi ukusni Sejega Extra kornišoni začinjeni su prstohvatom začina. Ovi slani kornišoni su izuzetno ukusni i možete ih jesti uz svako jelo. Poboljšava okus vaših jela i možete ga koristiti za dodavanje okusa različitim receptima. Ovi ukusni Sejega Extra kornišoni...
These delicious Sejega Extra Gherkins are seasoned with delicious spices. These savoury gherkins are extremely delicious and you can have them with any of your meals. It enhances the flavour of your meals and you can use it to add taste to different recipes. This yummy Sejega Extra Gherkins have a sweet and tangy taste. So, hurry and order Sejega Extra Gherkins today to make your meals tastier!

Sejega Extra kornišoni 560GR

from $8.59 from 7911592952050
Balkan Valley punjeni listovi kupusa sa rizom 300GR konzerva


Ukusni punjeni listovi kupusa, napravljeni od vrhunskih sastojaka, poput suncokretovog ulja, soli, začinskog bilja i ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja. Možete jesti u različito doba dana. Utolite glad kao glavno jelo ili ga uzmite kao predjelo. Ovi punjeni listovi kupusa su...
Delicious stuffed cabbage leaves, made of premium ingredients, like sunflower oil, salt, herbs and extra-virgin olive oil. You can have this at different times of the day. Satisfy your hunger as the main dish or take it as an appetizer. These stuffed cabbage leaves are yummy with a tangy flavour in them. To enjoy with your family and friends, order Balkan Valley Stuffed Cabbage Leaves with Rice soon and make your meal tastier!

Balkan Valley punjeni listovi kupusa sa ri...

from $4.00 from 7878197149938
Vava Domaci Blagi Ajvar Sa Sirom 520GR


Tradicionalni užitak iz zemlje Makedonije napravljen od svježih patlidžana, paprike, feferona i češnjaka, začinjen mješavinom začina. Namažite ga na hrskavi tost ili sendviče, ili možete pripremiti gotove recepte s ovim slanim pripravkom. Probajte ovaj domaći ajvar od pečene paprike uz...
A traditional delight from the land of Macedonia made with fresh eggplants, peppers, fefferoni and garlic, seasoned with a blend of spices. Spread it on crusty toast or sandwiches, or you can make out-of-box recipes with this savoury preparation. Try this homemade roasted pepper ajvar with meat and cheese or as a side dish. Order this flavoursome Vava Homemade Mild Ajvar With Cheese today and make your meals yummier!

Vava Domaci Blagi Ajvar Sa Sirom 520GR

from $13.99 from 7875485106418
Takovo Posni Grasak 300g


Vegetarijanska poslastica od svježeg graška. Možete ga jesti uz rižu ili recepte za tjesteninu. Ovaj ukusni Takovo Posni Grašak bogat je proteinima i vlaknima. Napravljen je od posebne mješavine koja poboljšava okus recepta. Vaši će gosti biti zadivljeni nakon što...
A vegetarian delicacy made with fresh peas. You can have it with rice or pasta recipes. This delicious Takovo Posni Grasak is rich in proteins and fibre. It is made of a special blend that enhances the flavour of the recipe. Your guests will be amazed after having this savoury dish at your house party! Order Takovo Posni Grasak today and explore your culinary skills.

Takovo Posni Grasak 300g

from $4.49 from 7857735467250
Vava Spicy Original Pinjur 530GR


Klasičan namaz za tost i krekere, Vava Spicy Original Pinjur može se koristiti za pripremu pečenog mesa ili kobasica od povrća. Možete ga jesti i s kruhom i sirom, omiljenim receptom Balkana. Napravljen je od svježe rajčice, suncokretovog ulja, luka,...
A classic spread for toast and crackers, Vava Spicy Original Pinjur can be used to make roasted meat or vegetable sausages. You can also have it with bread and cheese, a favorite recipe of the Balkans. It is made of fresh tomatoes, sunflower oil, onion, carrots and 100% natural roasted red peppers. Order Vava Spicy Original Pinjur right now and prepare mouthwatering recipes!

Vava Spicy Original Pinjur 530GR

from $12.99 from 7707733197042
Vava Original Pinjur 530GR


Klasičan namaz za tost i krekere, Vava Original Pinjur može se koristiti za pripremu pečenog mesa ili kobasica od povrća. Možete ga jesti i s kruhom i sirom, omiljenim receptom Balkana. Napravljen je od svježe rajčice, suncokretovog ulja, luka, mrkve...
A classic spread for toast and crackers, Vava Original Pinjur can be used to make roasted meat or vegetable sausages. You can also have it with bread and cheese, a favorite recipe of the Balkans. It is made of fresh tomatoes, sunflower oil, onion, carrots and 100% natural roasted red peppers. Order Vava Original Pinjur right now and prepare mouthwatering recipes!

Vava Original Pinjur 530GR

from $12.49 from 7707729461490
Sahadi fava grah (Foul Mudammas) 580 GR


Nedostaje vam zdrava i hranjiva hrana zbog vašeg pretrpanog rasporeda? Ne brinite ako imate Sahadi fava grah. Ove kuhane mahune savršene su za obrok u pokretu, odličan su izvor dijetalnih vlakana, proteina i ugljikohidrata. Ovaj nevjerojatni recept napravljen je od...
Lacking healthy and nutritious food for your busy schedules? Do not worry if you have Sahadi Fava Beans. These cooked beans are perfect for an on-the-go meal, an excellent source of dietary fiber, proteins and carbohydrates. This amazing recipe is made with the finest quality beans and the best condiments. Try this savory recipe once and you will fall in love with it!

Sahadi fava grah (Foul Mudammas) 580 GR

from $2.59 from 7672799920370
Zanae špinat sa rižom 280GR konzerva


Imate strast prema tradicionalnim receptima? Naručite Zanae špinat s rižom već danas! To je grčka poslastica napravljena od riže i špinata. Zdrav i ukusan obrok, savršen za one koji imaju užurban život. Također je omiljeni za sva vremena ljubiteljima fitnessa....
Have a passion for traditional recipes? Order Zanae Spinach With Rice today! It is a Greek delicacy made with rice and spinach. Healthy and flavoursome meal, perfect for those who have a busy lifestyle. It is also an all-time favourite for fitness enthusiasts. A great source of antioxidants, fibre and minerals, Zanae Spinach With Rice is the main staple in many cultures.

Zanae špinat sa rižom 280GR konzerva

from $4.99 from 6698062151860
Desina Ballkan marmelada od jabuka 800GR


Napravite ukusan doručak s ovom slatkom Desina Ballkan marmeladom od jabuka. Napravljen je od 100% prirodnih i svježih jabuka. Vaša djeca će se zaljubiti u ovaj slatki džem. Možete ga namazati na kruh, palačinke ili kroasane, a možete pokušati s...
Make a delicious breakfast with this sweet Desina Ballkan Apple Marmalade. It is made of 100% natural and fresh apples. Your kids will fall in love with this sweet jam. You can spread it on bread, pancakes or croissant, you can also try to prepare some mouthwatering desserts with it. Desina Ballkan Apple Marmalade is a yummy treat that you can relish with different snacks.

Desina Ballkan marmelada od jabuka 800GR

from $5.00 from 7584261439730
Granny Secret Wild Strawberry Preserve 375GR


This traditional recipe of jam will bring happiness to your breakfast table. Your kids will be delighted of having Granny Secret Wild Strawberry Preserve on their bread or ice cream. This delicious jam is made of 100% natural and fresh...
This traditional recipe of jam will bring happiness to your breakfast table. Your kids will be delighted of having Granny Secret Wild Strawberry Preserve on their bread or ice cream. This delicious jam is made of 100% natural and fresh ingredients. You can prepare mouthwatering dessert dishes with this and make your snacks sweeter. Order today and enjoy with your family.

Granny Secret Wild Strawberry Preserve 375GR

from $7.00 from 8038295044338
Podravka Mixed Vegetable Salad 660GR


Relish this tasty combination of vegetables to make your day special. This mixed salad is ready to serve at your next party. Try this on its own or beside a savoury meat recipe. Podravka Mixed Vegetable Salad is...
Relish this tasty combination of vegetables to make your day special. This mixed salad is ready to serve at your next party. Try this on its own or beside a savoury meat recipe. Podravka Mixed Vegetable Salad is prepared with a mix of vegetables. So, order this salad and add some flavour to your regular meals.

Podravka Mixed Vegetable Salad 660GR

from $5.49 from 8038289244402