Make a delicious breakfast with this creamy chocolate with hazelnut flavour. You can spread it on crusty toast or make yummy sandwiches with this Milka Hazelnut Spread. It is also a perfect confectionary with wafers or crunchy biscuits. Explore this sumptuous chocolate cream’s taste with different kinds of dessert. Order Milka Hazelnut Spread today and enjoy the experience.

Milka namaz od lješnjaka 600GR


Milka namaz od lješnjaka 600GR Milka namaz od lješnjaka 600GR becomes available.

Napravite ukusan doručak s ovom kremastom čokoladom s okusom lješnjaka. Možete ga namazati na hrskavi tost ili napraviti ukusne sendviče s ovim Milka namazom od lješnjaka. Također je savršena slastica uz napolitanke ili hrskave kekse. Istražite okus ove raskošne čokoladne kreme uz različite vrste slastica. Naručite Milka namaz od lješnjaka već danas i uživajte u iskustvu.Težina: 600gČokoladni namazOkus lješnjaka


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Povezani proizvodi

Takovo Eurocrem Lešnik Namaz 1KG


Pripremite ukusan doručak s ovom kremastom čokoladom s okusom lješnjaka i vanilije. Namažite ga na hrskavi tost ili napravite sendviče koji se tope u ustima s ovim Takovo Eurocrem namazom od lješnjaka. Također je savršena slastica uz napolitanke ili hrskave...
Prepare a mouthwatering breakfast with this creamy chocolate with hazelnut and vanilla flavour. Spread it on crusty toast or make melt-in-mouth sandwiches with this Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread. It is also a perfect confectionary with wafers or crunchy biscuits. Explore this exotic chocolate cream’s taste with different kinds of dessert. Order Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread today and experience the taste.

Takovo Eurocrem Lešnik Namaz 1KG

from $16.99 from 1048555159595
Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 500GR

Sold Out

Učinite svoj doručak slatkim uz ovaj ukusni Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lješnjaka. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili napraviti bogate kremaste sendviče za svoju djecu. Također možete istražiti kulinarske mogućnosti ovog ukusnog užitka. Pripremite nevjerojatne slastice i iznenadite svoje goste...
Make your breakfast sweeter with this yummy Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread. You can spread it on bread or make rich creamy sandwiches for your kids. You can also explore the culinary possibilities of this mouthwatering delight. Prepare amazing desserts and surprise your guests with your creativity. Order Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread now and enjoy a sweet meal.

Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 500GR

from $8.99 from 1027204284459
Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 200GR


Ako ste u potrazi za slatkim užitkom uz napolitanke ili kekse, odmah naručite Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lješnjaka. Ovaj ukusni namaz od mliječne čokolade ima dvostruki okus lješnjaka i vanilije. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili pripremiti ukusne deserte. Istražite...
If you are searching for a sweet treat with wafers or biscuits, order Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread immediately. This yummy milk chocolate spread has a dual flavour of hazelnut and vanilla. You can spread it on bread or prepare mouthwatering dessert recipes. Explore your culinary abilities with this delicious sweet delight. Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread is also a rich source of calories.

Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 200GR

from $3.59 from 1636833329195
Nutella namaz od čokolade i lješnjaka 950GR


Ukusan namaz na vaš kruh ili sendviče. Nutella čokoladni namaz od lješnjaka ima izvrstan okus lješnjaka. Umočite svoje omiljene kolačiće u njega ili napravite slatka jela za desert, vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u ovaj nevjerojatan čokoladni namaz. Možete ga...
A yummy spread on your bread or sandwiches. Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread has a delicious hazelnut flavour. Dip your favourite cookies in it or make sweet dessert dishes, your kids will fall in love with this amazing chocolate spread. You can also have it with your preferred ice cream or simply have it on its own! Order Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and explore its culinary possibilities.

Nutella namaz od čokolade i lješnjaka 950GR

from $14.44 from 1266800066603
Uvozna talijanska Nutella čokolada (staklo) 725GR

Sold Out

Ukusan namaz na vaš kruh ili sendviče. Nutella čokoladni namaz od lješnjaka ima izvrstan okus lješnjaka. Umočite svoje omiljene kolačiće u njega ili napravite slatka jela za desert, vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u ovaj nevjerojatan čokoladni namaz. Možete ga...
A yummy spread on your bread or sandwiches. Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread has a delicious hazelnut flavour. Dip your favourite cookies in it or make sweet dessert dishes, your kids will fall in love with this amazing chocolate spread. You can also have it with your preferred ice cream or simply have it on its own! Order Nutella Chocolate Hazelnut Spread and explore its culinary possibilities.

Uvozna talijanska Nutella čokolada (staklo...

from $20.00 from 7544897732850
Lino Lada Duo Namaz 350GR

Sold Out

Ukusan namaz na vaš kruh ili sendviče. Lino Lada Duo namaz ima izvrstan okus lješnjaka. Umočite svoje omiljene kolačiće u njega ili napravite slatka jela za desert, vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u ovaj nevjerojatan čokoladni namaz. Možete ga piti...
A yummy spread on your bread or sandwiches. Lino Lada Duo Spread has a delicious hazelnut flavour. Dip your favourite cookies in it or make sweet dessert dishes, your kids will fall in love with this amazing chocolate spread. You can also have it with your preferred ice cream or simply have it on its own! Order Lino Lada Duo Spread and explore its culinary possibilities.

Lino Lada Duo Namaz 350GR

from $6.67 from 7901148053746