
Karolina Moto Čokolada 360GR


Pravi užitak iz jugoistočne Europe! Karolina Moto čokoladni kolačići su slatki i ukusni, možete ih piti uz mlijeko ili kavu. Ovi ukusni kolačići napravljeni su od dva biskvita s okusom vanilije i spojeni najkvalitetnijom čokoladnom kremom. Savršeni zalogaji za vaše...
A true delight from Southeastern Europe! Kras Moto Cocoa cookies are sweet and yummy, you can have them with milk or coffee. These delicious cookies are made of two vanilla-flavoured biscuits and joined with the finest quality chocolate cream. Perfect snacks for your evening munchies! Order them today and enjoy Kras Moto Cocoa with your family and friends.

Karolina Moto Čokolada 360GR

from $4.99 from 1026926739499
Evropa Krem Banana Box (35 komada) 595g


Savršen međuobrok za vaše večernje želje! Evropa Krem Banana Box sadrži ukusne marshmallowe. U svakom zalogaju osjetit ćete marshmallowe s okusom banane prelivene čokoladom. Napravljene su od praha pravog voća i 100% prirodne boje. Slatki užitak za sve dobne skupine....
Perfect snack for your evening cravings! Evropa Krem Banana Box contains delicious marshmallows. In every bite, you will taste chocolate-coated banana flavoured marshmallows. These are made of real fruit powder and 100% natural colour. A sweet delight for all age groups. Order this yummy Evropa Krem Banana Box today and share happiness with your friends.

Evropa Krem Banana Box (35 komada) 595g

from $11.11 from 1773476806699
Jaffa Munchmallow Classic (plava) 105GR

Sold Out

Mekani i ukusni kolačići, preliveni čokoladnim slojem i sljezom, orasi, punjenje od sezama unutra. Savršen spoj uz jutarnju ili večernju kavu. Ovaj slatki užitak napravljen je od pšeničnog brašna, sojinog lecitina, bjelanjka, kakaa u prahu i biljne masti. Ove ukusne...
Soft and delicious cookies, coated with chocolate layer and marshmallow, nuts, sesame filling inside. A perfect match for your morning or evening coffee. This yummy sweet delight is made of wheat flour, soya lecithin, egg white, cocoa powder and vegetable fat. You can have these tasty cookies at any time of the day. Order it today to enjoy with your family and friends. Crvenka Munchmallow Classic (Blue) may contain preservatives.

Jaffa Munchmallow Classic (plava) 105GR

from $2.22 from 1027134750763
Ulker Biskrem Kakao 205g

Sold Out

Utažite svoju glad ovim ukusnim i hrskavim užitkom! Ulker Biskrem kakao napravljen je od najfinijih sastojaka kao što su pšenično brašno, biljno ulje, lješnjaci, jaja i kakao prah. Doživite okus ovih hrskavih kolačića, punjenih bogatom čokoladnom kremom. Ove kekse možete...
Satisfy your hunger with this yummy and crunchy delight! Ulker Biskrem Cocoa is made of the finest ingredients like wheat flour, vegetable oil, hazelnuts, eggs and cocoa powder. Experience the taste of these crunchy cookies, filled with rich chocolate cream. You can also use these biscuits to make ice cream or your favourite desserts. Try this once and you will fall in love with its sweetness!

Ulker Biskrem Kakao 205g

from $2.99 from 1643809669163
Milka čokolada sa jogurtom od jagode 100GR


Slatko žvakanje, savršeno za večernje zalogaje ili ponoćne želje. Milka čokolada s jogurtom od jagode slastan je užitak nakon svakog obroka. Ova mliječna čokolada prekrasan je izvor kalorija, puna bogatog jogurta od jagode, u svakom zalogaju pronaći ćete nalet kreme...
Sweet munch, perfect for evening snacks or midnight cravings. Milka Chocolate With Strawberry Yogurt is a delicious delight after every meal. This milk chocolate is a wonderful source of calories, filled with rich strawberry yogurt, in every bite, you will find a burst of strawberry cream inside your mouth. Surprise your kids in their lunchbox or make mouth-melting desserts with Milka Chocolate With Strawberry Yogurt.

Milka čokolada sa jogurtom od jagode 100GR

from $2.75 from 1371344437291
Rocher Raffaello Almond Coconut poslastica 150g

Sold Out

Doživite divan užitak uz hrskavu Rocher Raffaello Almond Coconut Treat. Ove ukusne hrskave napolitanke punjene su bademima, listićima kokosa i vrhnjem. Možete ga imati kod kuće ili vani, savršen je spoj za vaše večernje zalogaje. Vašoj će se djeci također...
Experience a delightful pleasure with crunchy Rocher Raffaello Almond Coconut Treat. These delicious crunchy wafers are filled with almonds, coconut flakes and cream. You can have it at home or outside, a perfect match for your evening snacks. Your kids will also love it. Don’t forget to share with your friends. Order Rocher Raffaello Almond Coconut Treat today and enjoy crunchy happiness.

Rocher Raffaello Almond Coconut poslastica...

from $10.49 from 6753584906420
Takovo Kutija Banana 252GR

Sold Out

Nevjerojatan užitak za vaše večernje poslastice uz šalicu tople kave ili vašeg omiljenog napitka. Takovo Banana Box punjen je mousseom od banane prelivenim čokoladom koji će se topiti u ustima. Možete jesti kad god ogladnite ili pripremiti ukusne deserte s...
An amazing delight for your evening treats beside a cup of hot coffee or your favourite beverage. Takovo Banana Box is filled with chocolate-coated banana mousse that will melt in your mouth. You can have it whenever you feel hungry or prepare delicious desserts with these chocolaty bananas. Order Takovo Banana Box today and experience the double delight!

Takovo Kutija Banana 252GR

from $4.99 from 6919105544372
Milka Sensation 156GR

Sold Out

Hrskavi kolačići izvana, prekriveni komadićima čokolade i bogata čokoladna krema iznutra čine ukusnu mješavinu sreće! Uzmite ovu Milka Sensation za večernji užitak uz šalicu tople kave i osjećat ćete se fantastično sa svakim zalogajem. Ovi slatki kolačići napravljeni su od...
Crunchy cookies outside, covered with chocolate chips and rich chocolate cream inside makes a delicious blend of happiness! Have this Milka Sensation for evening delight with a cup of hot coffee and you will feel amazing with every bite of it. These sweet cookies are made of wheat flour, whey powder and cocoa powder. You can also crumble these cookies to make mouth-melting desserts for your guests.

Milka Sensation 156GR

from $4.99 from 6928202399924
Zvecevo Volim Višnja, Jagoda & Malina 100GR


Klasična čokoladica, punjena svježom i prirodnom višnjom, jagodom i malinom. Ova mliječna čokolada koja grije srce izuzetno je ukusna i hranjiva za zdravlje. Sadrži proteine, minerale, vitamine i ugljikohidrate. Možete ga jesti kad god ogladnite. Omiljeni za sva vremena za...
A classic chocolate bar, filled with fresh and natural cherry, strawberry and raspberry. This heartwarming milk chocolate is extremely delicious and nutritious for health. It contains proteins, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. You can also prepare yummy desserts with Svecevo Volim Cherry & Strawberry With Raspberry.

Zvecevo Volim Višnja, Jagoda & Malina 100GR

from $3.00 from 6931479953588
Zvecevo Volim ljesnjak,badem & karamela 100GR


Tradicionalni užitak s područja Hrvatske, Svečevo predstavlja ukusnu čokoladicu punjenu lješnjacima, bademima i karamelom. Možete ga jesti kad god ogladnite. Omiljeni za sva vremena za sve dobne skupine. Ova ukusna čokoladica napravljena je od najfinijih sastojaka i sadrži nekoliko vitalnih...
A traditional delight from the land of Croatia, Svecevo presents a delicious chocolate bar filled with hazelnuts, almonds and caramel. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. This yummy chocolate bar is made with the finest ingredients and contains several vital nutrients like proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates. You can also prepare mouthwatering desserts with Svecevo Volim Hazelnut with Almond & Caramel.

Zvecevo Volim ljesnjak,badem & karamela 100GR

from $3.00 from 6931481788596
Zvecevo mlijecna cokolada sa jagodama (Samo Ti Jagoda) 100GR


Počastite svoje sladokusce ovim klasičnim užitkom iz Hrvatske. Zvečevo mliječna čokolada s jagodama slatka je poslastica koju možete grickati kad god ogladnite. Napravljen je od najkvalitetnijih sastojaka i savršeno odgovara vašem omiljenom sladoledu. Možete ga jesti i nakon ručka ili...
Indulge your sweet tooth with this classic delight from the land of Croatia. Zvecevo Milk Chocolate with Strawberry is a sweet treat that you can munch whenever you feel hungry. It is made of the finest quality ingredients and a perfect match for your favourite ice cream. You can also have it after your lunch or dinner. Order this milk chocolate bar and experience the double delight of chocolate and strawberry!

Zvecevo mlijecna cokolada sa jagodama (Sam...

from $3.00 from 6931483295924
Zvecevo mlijecna cokolada sa ljesnjakom (Samo Ti Ljesnjak) 100GR


Ako ste ljubitelj slatkog, odmah prestanite skrolati! Ovo je savršeni desert koji ste oduvijek tražili! Zvečevo predstavlja ovu mliječnu čokoladu punjenu ukusnom kremom od lješnjaka. Jedite ga kad god ogladnite ili ga stavite kao preljev na svoj omiljeni sladoled. Naručite...
If you have a sweet tooth, stop scrolling right now! This is the perfect dessert you have always searched for! Zvecevo presents this milk chocolate bar, filled with yummy hazelnut cream. Have it whenever you feel hungry or put it as a topping on your favourite ice cream. Order Zvecevo Milk Chocolate with Hazelnut today and experience this Croatian delicacy.

Zvecevo mlijecna cokolada sa ljesnjakom (S...

from $3.00 from 6931484049588