
Todorić Dimljeni svinjski dimljeni but 3,1 LB

Sold Out

**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Učinite svoju kućnu zabavu posebnom uz ovu Todorić ponudu. Kraški Suhi Svinjski Vrat napravljeni su od najkvalitetnijeg svinjskog mesa...
Make your house party special with this offering of Todoric. Kraski Suhi Svinjski Vrat is made of the best quality pork and seasoned with a spicy blend. You can prepare heartwarming recipes with this juicy and soft, smoked meat. If you run a busy lifestyle, this excellent source of proteins is perfect to cook quick meals. Try this once and it will be a permanent item in your pantry.

Todorić Dimljeni svinjski dimljeni but 3,1 LB

from $46.50 from 6873342574772
Kraš čokoladna krema Napolitanke 330GR

Sold Out

Hrskave napolitanke izvana i bogato čokoladno punjenje iznutra, ove Kraševe napolitanke s čokoladnom kremom utažit će vašu glad u svakom trenutku! Također je savršen uz toplu čokoladu ili kavu. Možete ga imati sami ili uživati u njemu sa svojim najbližima....
Crunchy wafers outside and rich chocolate filling inside, this Kras Chocolate Cream Napolitanke will satisfy your hunger anytime! It is also perfect with hot chocolate or coffee. You can have it on your own or enjoy it with your close ones. This yummy sweet delight will make you happy after a single bite! Kras Chocolate Cream Napolitanke is made of wheat flour, chocolate and natural flavour.

Kraš čokoladna krema Napolitanke 330GR

from $4.44 from 1026757427243
Kraš Dorina Lješnjaci (Ljesnak) 220GR


Volite li čokoladu više od svega? Ako da, naručite ovu ukusnu mliječnu čokoladu danas i okusite njenu slatkoću. Dorina Ljesnak sadrži priličnu količinu kalorija koje će vam dati energiju. Možete ga imati bilo kada i bilo gdje. Držite ga kod...
Do you love chocolate more than anything? If yes, order this yummy milk chocolate today and taste the sweetness of it. Dorina Ljesnak contains a fair amount of calories which will give you energy. You can have it anytime and anywhere. Keep it with yourself if you have a busy schedule. Don’t forget to share this sweet delight with your close ones. Hurry and order soon!

Kraš Dorina Lješnjaci (Ljesnak) 220GR

from $6.00 from 1647967404075
Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer 250GR

Sold Out

Uživajte u ovom hrskavom užitku kad god želite, ukusan desert nakon svakog obroka! Hrskava oblatna, punjena nougat kremom, udvostručit će vašu sreću svakim zalogajem. Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer je ukusan užitak i svidjet će ga se i vašoj djeci....
Have this crunchy pleasure whenever you like, a delicious dessert after every meal! Crispy wafer, filled with nougat cream will make your happiness double with every bite. Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer is a yummy delight and your kids will love it too. You can have it topping on ice cream or have it on its own. Order Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer today and enjoy your evening snacks.

Kras Frondi Maxi Nougat Wafer 250GR

from $4.00 from 6734116389044
Kras Čajni kolutići kakao čajni kolutići 350GR


Ovi kolačići u obliku prstena preliveni čokoladom učinit će vaš čaj slađim i ukusnijim! Možete ga piti uz bilo koji napitak, ali savršeno pristaje uz topli čaj. Imajte ga bilo kada, gdje god želite. Ovi keksići se prave od pšeničnog...
These chocolate-covered, ring-shaped cookies will make your tea sweeter and flavourful! You can also have it with any kind of beverage, but a perfect fit with hot tea. Have it anytime, anywhere you like. These cookie biscuits are made of wheat flour, water, sugar and cocoa. You can have it dipped in creamy cheese or have it on its own. Order Kras Chocolate Covered Tea Rings Cajni Kolutici today and enjoy your drink!

Kras Čajni kolutići kakao čajni kolutići 3...

from $5.00 from 1780183695403
Čajno pecivo Kraš Zlatka 220GR


Prekrasna poslastica, slađa s mlijekom, omiljenom hranom vaše djece. Ovaj biskvit možete imati za večernje užine. Napravljen je od pšeničnog brašna, šećera i prirodnih aroma. Ovo hrskavo čajno pecivo Kras bogatog je okusa limuna i anisa, u svakom zalogaju osjetit...
A delightful treat, sweeter when you have it with milk, a favourite food of your kids. You can have this biscuit for your evening snacks. It is made of wheat flour, sugar and natural flavours. This crunchy Kras Tea Biscuits has a rich flavour of lemon and anise, in every bite, you will get a burst of sweetness in your mouth. Order these Kras Tea Biscuits and enjoy with your favourite drink.

Čajno pecivo Kraš Zlatka 220GR

from $3.00 from 1079429726251
Kraš Čokoladne Napolitanke 250GR

Sold Out

Dvostruko iznenađenje! Napolitanke prelivene čokoladom, punjene bogatom čokoladnom kremom, slasna poslastica za vas i vaše prijatelje. Uzmite ga samog ili umočite u svoju omiljenu kremu, ovaj hrskavi slatki užitak učinit će vašu sreću dvostrukom u svakom zalogaju! Možete ga koristiti...
Double surprise! Chocolate covered wafers, filled with rich chocolate cream, delicious treat for you and your friends. Have it on its own or dip in your favourite cream, this crunchy sweet delight will make your happiness double in every bite! You can also use this as a topping on your preferred ice cream. Hurry and order soon. Kras Chocolate Napolitanke is an all-time favourite for any age group.

Kraš Čokoladne Napolitanke 250GR

from $4.44 from 6595896836276
Todorićeva dimljena svinjska rebra 1 komad Težina varira


**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO DOSTAVA KRENOM** Sve ostale države ODABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NE SNOSIMO ODGOVORNOST ZA POKVARENE PROIZVODE**Trčite s pretrpanim rasporedom? Napravite brze recepte s ovim ukusnim dimljenim svinjskim rebarcima iz kuće Todorić. Svinjska rebarca pripremljena...
Running with a busy schedule? Make quick recipes with these delicious smoked pork ribs from the house of Todoric. Svinjska Rebra is prepared with the finest quality pork ribs and a special mix of spices. A great source of proteins, Todoric Smoked Pork Ribs are absolutely healthy and make heartwarming cuisines. Order soon to surprise your guests with various recipes.

Todorićeva dimljena svinjska rebra 1 komad...

from $29.99 from 6873328812212
Kras Dorina mliječna čokolada 250GR


Ako ste u potrazi za ukusnim zalogajima, Kraš Dorina mliječna čokolada bit će najbolji izbor! Ova ukusna mliječna čokolada će vam se topiti u ustima i to je najslađi osjećaj o kojem ste ikada sanjali! S ovom mliječnom čokoladom također...
If you are in search of delicious snacks, Kras Dorina Milk Chocolate will be the best to choose! This yummy milk chocolate will melt in your mouth and it is the sweetest feeling that you have ever dreamed of! You can also prepare mouthwatering recipes with this milk chocolate, make brownie or ice cream, these desserts will amaze your guests. Order Kras Dorina Milk Chocolate and experience the delight.

Kras Dorina mliječna čokolada 250GR

from $4.00 from 1048474976299
Podravka Lino Frutolino 200GR

Sold Out

Razveselite svoje mališane uz Podravka Lino Frutolino. Samo prokuhajte u vodi i zdrav obrok za vaše dijete je spreman! Podravka Lino Frutolino sadrži vitamine, folnu kiselinu, niacin i kalcij. Sadrži kašu svježeg voća poput jabuke i breskve, punomasno mlijeko u...
Make a happy meal for your kids with Podravka Lino Frutolino. Just boil in water and a healthy meal for your kid is prepared! Podravka Lino Frutolino contains vitamins, folic acid, niacin and calcium. It contains a mash of fresh fruits like apple and peach, whole milk powder and wheat semolina. This yummy and healthy meal is perfect for your kid’s growth and development.

Podravka Lino Frutolino 200GR

from $5.99 from 1225986965547
Slatkiši od jagoda Kraš 275G (vrećica)


Ukusna sreća zamotana u ovaj sočni Kraš slatkiš od jagode. Zadivite svoju djecu ovim ukusnim slatkišima, napravljenim od prirodnih sastojaka. Ovaj slatkiš je uvijek omiljen za djecu, možete ga i vi kušati i izmamiti si slatki osmijeh na lice. Također,...
Delicious happiness wrapped inside this juicy Kras Strawberry Candy. Amaze your kids with this yummy candy, made with natural ingredients. This candy is an all-time favourite for kids, you can also taste this and bring a sweet smile to your face. Also, you can prepare amazing dessert recipes with these candies. Order Kras Strawberry Candy today and enjoy anytime with this flavoured sweet delight.

Slatkiši od jagoda Kraš 275G (vrećica)

from $3.33 from 1647961636907
Spektar Šećer u kocki 750GR (Šećer Kocka Lomljena)


Najkvalitetnije kocke šećera koje ste oduvijek tražili! Spektar šećerne kocke izrađene su tradicionalno i daju prirodne okuse vašim receptima. Naručite ovaj paket Šećer kocke lomljene kako bi vaši napitci bili slađi nego ikad. Pravi je pojačivač okusa kada se koristi...
The finest quality sugar cubes you have always searched for! Spektar Sugar Cubes are made traditionally and provide natural flavours to your recipes. Order this package of Secer Kocka Lomljena to make your beverages sweeter than ever. It is a real taste enhancer when used in sweet recipes. Spektar Sugar Cubes are made of pure saccharose. To enjoy a flavourful drink order it right now.

Spektar Šećer u kocki 750GR (Šećer Kocka L...

from $6.99 from 1144337727531