
Kraš Mocha napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

Sold Out

Tražite hrskave i slatke zalogaje? Probajte jednom ove Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke i uljepšajte svoju večer uz šalicu kave ili omiljenog napitka. Slojevi oblatni punjeni su ukusnom kremom s okusom čokolade i kave. I vaša će djeca biti zadivljena, spakirajte...
Searching for crunchy and sweet snacks? Try this Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke once and make your evening wonderful with a cup of coffee or your favourite beverage. Layers of wafers are filled with delicious chocolate and coffee flavoured cream. Your kids will be amazed too, pack it in their lunchbox for an after-meal delight. Order Kras Mocha Wafers Napolitanke right now and put a crunchy topping on your dessert!

Kraš Mocha napolitanke Napolitanke 330GR

from $3.33 from 1038564327467
Kraš Frondi Maxi čokolada i vanilija vafel 250GR


Hrskava čokoladna vafla izvana i bogata krema od vanilije iznutra, savršen međuobrok za svako doba. Ovu ukusnu oblatnu možete imati kod kuće ili na radnom mjestu. Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate & Vanilla Vafer napravljen je od pšeničnog brašna, šećera, biljnog...
Crunchy chocolate wafer outside and rich vanilla cream inside, a perfect snack for any time. You can have this yummy wafer at home or at your workplace. Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate & Vanilla Wafer is made of wheat flour, sugar, vegetable oil, cocoa powder and vanilla cream. Share it with your friends or have it alone. Order  Kras Frondi Maxi Chocolate & Vanilla Wafer and enjoy this amazing delight.

Kraš Frondi Maxi čokolada i vanilija vafel...

from $3.33 from 6734125334708
Podravka Vegeta Organic 280GR

Sold Out

Pripremite ukusne recepte samo dodavanjem Podravka Vegete Organic svojim omiljenim jelima. Napravite salate, tjestenine, juhe ili bilo koje recepte koji sadrže meso, posipajte Vegetom tijekom kuhanja i doživite prirodne okuse svojih recepata. Sastoji se od 30% sušenog povrća poput mrkve,...
Prepare mouthwatering recipes just by adding Podravka Vegeta Organic to your favorite dishes. Make salads, pasta, soup or any recipes containing meat, sprinkle Vegeta while cooking and experience the natural tastes of your recipes. It consists of 30% dried vegetables like carrots, onions, leeks and garlic. Podravka Vegeta Organic does not contain any artificial flavor enhancer.

Podravka Vegeta Organic 280GR

from $10.10 from 7593229779186
Franck Šipak (Šipak) Čaj u vrećicama 60GR


Ako volite različite okuse čaja, probajte jednom Franck Rose Hip i više nećete moći odoljeti! Franck vrećice čaja od šipka postat će nezaobilazan proizvod u vašoj smočnici. Naručite sada i pijte svaki dan.Težina: 60gOkus šipka
If you love different flavours of tea, try Franck Rose Hip once and you cannot resist another drink of it! Franck Rose Hip Tea Bags will become a staple in your pantry. Order it now and drink daily.

Franck Šipak (Šipak) Čaj u vrećicama 60GR

from $2.22 from 6915808198836
Podravka Tea Time pašteta 100GR

Sold Out

Savršena kombinacija goveđeg i svinjskog mesa, začinjena mješavinom začina, ova ukusna pašteta ono je o čemu ste sanjali za svoje tostove ili sendviče. Ova Podravka Tea Time pašteta korisnija je kada morate imati naporan raspored. Napravite svoja jela brzo, možete...
A perfect combination of beef and pork meat, seasoned with a spicy blend, this mouthwatering pate is what you have ever dreamed of for your toasts or sandwiches. This Podravka Tea Time Pate is more useful when you have to maintain a busy schedule. Make your meals quickly, you can also have it as an appetizer. Zero added colours and full of rich ingredients. Order this delicious Podravka Tea Time Pate today and spread happiness in your meals!

Podravka Tea Time pašteta 100GR

from $2.29 from 6919102562484
Zvecevo Volim Višnja, Jagoda & Malina 100GR

Sold Out

Klasična čokoladica, punjena svježom i prirodnom višnjom, jagodom i malinom. Ova mliječna čokolada koja grije srce izuzetno je ukusna i hranjiva za zdravlje. Sadrži proteine, minerale, vitamine i ugljikohidrate. Možete ga jesti kad god ogladnite. Omiljeni za sva vremena za...
A classic chocolate bar, filled with fresh and natural cherry, strawberry and raspberry. This heartwarming milk chocolate is extremely delicious and nutritious for health. It contains proteins, minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. You can also prepare yummy desserts with Svecevo Volim Cherry & Strawberry With Raspberry.

Zvecevo Volim Višnja, Jagoda & Malina 100GR

from $3.00 from 6931479953588
Podravka namaz od šipka 360GR

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Naručite ovaj ukusni namaz već danas i napravite omiljena slatka jela s Podravka pekmezom od šipka. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili pripremiti biskvit za svoje goste. Ovaj ukusni voćni namaz ne samo da će vaše recepte učiniti slasnijim, već...
Order this delicious spread today and make your favorite sweet dishes with Podravka Rose Hip Jam. You can also have it spreading on bread or prepare sponge cake for your guests. This yummy fruity spread will not only make your recipes yummier but is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Podravka Rose Hip Jam is made of natural and fresh fruits with zero added flavors and colors.

Podravka namaz od šipka 360GR

from $4.99 from 7698187485426
Kraš Bajadera Čokolada 200GR

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Ako u čokoladi nalazite sreću, ovo je najbolja i najfinija o kojoj ste sanjali! Kraš Bajadera čokolada slatkog je i ukusnog okusa, omiljena svim dobnim skupinama. Počastite se njime kad god ogladnite! S njim možete napraviti i ukusne deserte. Kraš...
If you find happiness in chocolate, this is the best and finest one you have ever dreamed of! Kras Bajadera Chocolate tastes sweet and delicious, a favorite for all age groups. Treat yourself with it whenever hunger bites! You can also make yummy desserts with it. Kras Bajadera Chocolate is full of calories. Hurry and order soon to enjoy it with your friends or alone!

Kraš Bajadera Čokolada 200GR

from $10.00 from 7653738512626
Kras jednorog bombon punjen voćem 275GR


Raširite slatke osmijehe s ovim ukusnim slatkim bombonima! Ovi bomboni s čvrstim premazom punjeni su želeom i izvrsnog su okusa. Kras Unicorn Fruit Filled Candy ima različite okuse bombona, prednost za sve dobne skupine. Možete napraviti ukusne deserte s ovim...
Spread sweet smiles with these yummy sweet candies! These solid coated candies are filled with jelly and have a delicious taste. Kras Unicorn Fruit Filled Candy has different flavors of candies, a preference for all age groups. You can make tasty desserts with these flavored candies or have your evening delight with your favorite drink. Don’t forget to share! Order Kras Unicorn Fruit Filled Candy today.

Kras jednorog bombon punjen voćem 275GR

from $4.00 from 1027160178731
Cedevita GO Lemon Drink 345ML


Ovaj Cedevita GO Lemon Drink pravi je užitak za ljubitelje sokova. Ovo zabavno piće postat će omiljeno i vašoj djeci. Naručite ga danas i vaša će vam djeca biti zahvalna! Isprobajte ovaj ukusni napitak od limuna i utažite svoju žeđ.
This  Cedevita GO Lemon Drink is atrue delight for juice-lovers. This fun drink will also become your childrens favorite. Order it today and your kids will thank you! Try this delicious lemon drink and satisfy your thirst.

Cedevita GO Lemon Drink 345ML

from $3.33 from 1861520162859
Vegeta Natur Začinska mješavina za krumpir 60GR


Iznenadite svoje goste nevjerojatnim domaćim receptima uz dodatak Vegete Natur mješavine začina za krumpir! Pripremite jela s ovom nevjerojatnom mješavinom začina koja će poboljšati okus vaših recepata. Vegeta Natur začinska mješavina za krumpir sadrži prepoznatljivu mješavinu začina koja će vaše...
Surprise your guests with amazing homemade barbecue recipes, just by adding Vegeta Natur Seasoning Mix for Potato! Prepare dishes with this amazing seasoning mix will enhance the flavor of your recipes. Vegeta Natur Seasoning Mix for Potato contains a signature blend of spices that make your recipes flavorsome! Order today and enjoy heartwarming dishes.

Vegeta Natur Začinska mješavina za krumpir...

from $4.49 from 7802845266162
Gavrilović Svinjska štruca za ručak 150GR

Sold Out

Otkrijte svoje kulinarske vještine uz ovu ukusnu svinjsku štrucu Gavrilović. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili uz sendviče, uz povrće i meso ili preljev na salate, možete isprobati neke ukusne recepte s njim. Naručite Gavrilovic Pork Luncheon Loaf već danas...
Discover your culinary skills with this mouthwatering Gavrilovic Pork Luncheon Loaf. You can spread it on bread or have it with sandwiches, also have it with veggies and meats or topping on salads, you can try some delicious recipes with it. Order Gavrilovic Pork Luncheon Loaf today and make your meal yummier!

Gavrilović Svinjska štruca za ručak 150GR

from $5.55 from 4503477026891