Delicious and nutritious rosehip spread can be used in different recipes. Your kids will love it in their breakfast by putting them on toast or sandwiches. It is an excellent source of vitamin C. Brians Wild RoseHip Spread is also good for those who have rheumatoid arthritis, decreases the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It has a sweet and mild sour taste. So, hurry and order this yummy rosehip spread today and spread happiness on your bread!

Brianov namaz od divljeg šipka 640GR


Brianov namaz od divljeg šipka 640GR Brianov namaz od divljeg šipka 640GR becomes available.

Ukusan i hranjiv namaz od šipka može se koristiti u različitim receptima. Vaša će ga djeca obožavati u svom doručku stavljajući ih na tost ili sendviče. Briansov namaz od divljeg šipka također je dobar za slatke poslastice. Stoga, požurite naručiti već danas ovaj ukusni namaz od šipka i namažite sreću na svoj kruh!Težina: 640gSavršen za doručak


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Povezani proizvodi

Podravka namaz od šipka 360GR

Sold Out

Naručite ovaj ukusni namaz već danas i napravite omiljena slatka jela s Podravka pekmezom od šipka. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili pripremiti biskvit za svoje goste. Ovaj ukusni voćni namaz ne samo da će vaše recepte učiniti slasnijim, već...
Order this delicious spread today and make your favorite sweet dishes with Podravka Rose Hip Jam. You can also have it spreading on bread or prepare sponge cake for your guests. This yummy fruity spread will not only make your recipes yummier but is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Podravka Rose Hip Jam is made of natural and fresh fruits with zero added flavors and colors.

Podravka namaz od šipka 360GR

from $4.99 from 7698187485426
Podravka namaz od šipka 670GR

Sold Out

Naručite ovaj ukusni namaz već danas i napravite omiljena slatka jela s Podravka pekmezom od šipka. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili pripremiti biskvit za svoje goste. Ovaj ukusni voćni namaz ne samo da će vaše recepte učiniti slasnijim, već...
Order this delicious spread today and make your favorite sweet dishes with Podravka Rose Hip Jam. You can also have it spreading on bread or prepare sponge cake for your guests. This yummy fruity spread will not only make your recipes yummier but is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Podravka Rose Hip Jam is made of natural and fresh fruits with zero added flavors and colors.

Podravka namaz od šipka 670GR

from $8.29 from 7698188271858
Podravka namaz od šljiva 350G

Sold Out

Hrvatski užitak, Podravka maslačni namaz od šljiva vječni je favorit svih dobnih skupina. Namažite ga na kruh ili napravite pudinge, pite i razne slatke recepte koji će vaš obrok upotpuniti slatkom notom. Ovaj ukusni namaz od šljiva napravljen je od...
A Croatian delight, Podravka Plum Butter Spread is an all-time favourite for any age group. Spread it on bread or make pudding, pies and different sweet recipes that will complete your meal with a sweet note. This delicious plum butter spread is made of fresh fruit and no added preservatives. Have it alone or enjoy it with your friends and family. Podravka Plum Butter Spread is a storehouse of carbohydrates.

Podravka namaz od šljiva 350G

from $6.99 from 4537408061515
Podravka Plum Butter Spread 660G


A Croatian delight, Podravka Plum Butter Spread is an all-time favourite for any age group. Spread it on bread or make pudding, pies and different sweet recipes that will complete your meal with a sweet note. This delicious...
A Croatian delight, Podravka Plum Butter Spread is an all-time favourite for any age group. Spread it on bread or make pudding, pies and different sweet recipes that will complete your meal with a sweet note. This delicious plum butter spread is made of fresh fruit and no added preservatives. Have it alone or enjoy it with your friends and family. Podravka Plum Butter Spread is a storehouse of carbohydrates.

Podravka Plum Butter Spread 660G

from $10.00 from 8035231924466
Podravka džem od višanja Extra 320GR

Sold Out

Za malo okusa svom doručku naručite Podravka Extra džem od višanja i namažite ga na kruh, palačinke ili kroasan, dobit ćete nalet svježeg džema od višanja u usta! Ovaj ukusni džem napravljen je od 100% prirodnih i svježih sastojaka. Uz...
To add a little flavour to your breakfast order Podravka Sour Cherry Spread  and spread it on your bread, pancakes or croissant, you will get a burst of fresh cherry jam inside your mouth! You can also prepare yummy desserts with this sweet delight. Order Podravka Sour Cherry Extra Jam today and make your kid’s breakfast tastier!

Podravka džem od višanja Extra 320GR

from $6.29 from 7433676390642
Podravka Forest Fruit Spread 320GR


Now add a little flavour to your breakfast order Podravka Forest Fruit Spread  and spread it on your bread, pancakes or croissant, you will be amazed by the heartwarming flavours of fresh fruits! You can also prepare yummy...
Now add a little flavour to your breakfast order Podravka Forest Fruit Spread  and spread it on your bread, pancakes or croissant, you will be amazed by the heartwarming flavours of fresh fruits! You can also prepare yummy desserts with this sweet delight. Order Podravka Forest Fruit Spread today and make your kid’s breakfast tastier!

Podravka Forest Fruit Spread 320GR

from $4.99 from 8038294356210