Experience this yummy cocktail vegetable dish and make your day healthy. This delicious offering of Vava presents a combination of fresh vegetables, marinated and brined in vinegar. This vegetable mix contains carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, peppers and gherkins. Vava Vegetable Cocktail is a great source of essential nutrients like proteins, fibre, minerals and vitamins.

Vava koktel od povrća 1000GR

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Vava koktel od povrća 1000GR Vava koktel od povrća 1000GR becomes available.

Doživite ovo ukusno koktel jelo od povrća i učinite svoj dan zdravim. Ova ukusna Vavina ponuda predstavlja kombinaciju svježeg povrća, mariniranog i salamurenog u octu. Ova mješavina povrća sadrži mrkvu, rajčicu, cvjetaču, papriku i kornišone. Vava Vegetable Cocktail izvrstan je izvor esencijalnih nutrijenata poput proteina, vlakana, minerala i vitamina.Težina: 1000gMješavina svježeg povrćaPun hranjivih tvari


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Povezani proizvodi

MAMA's Blagi Ajvar 550GR


Prekrasan MAMA-in blagi ajvar, ukusno je jelo koje dolazi iz zemlje Makedonije. Napravljen je od svježe paprike babure i patlidžana koji su pečeni i pečeni na roštilju do savršenstva, a zatim pasterizirani za svježinu. Najbolji dio? U ovom receptu za...
The wonderful MAMA's Mild Ajvar, is a delicious dish that hails from the land of Macedonia. It is made with fresh bell peppers and eggplants that are roasted and grilled to perfection. MAMA's Mild Ajvar spread is perfect for any meal, whether you're having it for lunch, as a dip, or as an easy on-the-go meal. You can even serve it as a main dish or a side one to complement your favorite meals.

MAMA's Blagi Ajvar 550GR

from $13.33 from 1704325840939
Evropa Krem Banana Box (35 komada) 595g

Sold Out

Savršen međuobrok za vaše večernje želje! Evropa Krem Banana Box sadrži ukusne marshmallowe. U svakom zalogaju osjetit ćete marshmallowe s okusom banane prelivene čokoladom. Napravljene su od praha pravog voća i 100% prirodne boje. Slatki užitak za sve dobne skupine....
Perfect snack for your evening cravings! Evropa Krem Banana Box contains delicious marshmallows. In every bite, you will taste chocolate-coated banana flavoured marshmallows. These are made of real fruit powder and 100% natural colour. A sweet delight for all age groups. Order this yummy Evropa Krem Banana Box today and share happiness with your friends.

Evropa Krem Banana Box (35 komada) 595g

from $11.11 from 1773476806699
Vitaminka Stobi Flips 40GR

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Ako više volite okus kikirikija, probajte već jednom ove hranjive i ukusne grickalice! Vitaminka Stobi Flips napravljeni su od kukuruzne krupice, kikirikija, suncokretovog ulja i soli. Izvrsna zamjena za prerađene grickalice i čips. Ne sadrži gluten i savršeno je zdrav...
If you prefer the flavour of peanuts, try these nutritious and delicious snacks once! Vitaminka Stobi Flips are made of corn grits, peanuts, sunflower oil and salt. A great substitute for processed snacks and chips. It is gluten-free and perfectly healthy for your kids. Munch these crunchy delights whenever you feel hungry. Vitaminka Stobi Flips are storehouses of vitamin B.

Vitaminka Stobi Flips 40GR

from $1.05 from 1048565874731
Baš Domaći Blagi Ajvar 290GR


Prekrasno glavno jelo iz zemlje Makedonije učinit će vaš dan ukusnijim nego ikada. Ovo ukusno jelo priprema se od svježe paprike babure i patlidžana, pečenih i pečenih na žaru, pasteriziranih. To je domaći recept i apsolutno bez kemikalija. Možete ga...
A wonderful main course dish from the land of Macedonia will make your day yummier than ever. This delicious dish is made of fresh bell peppers and eggplants, roasted and grilled, pasteurized. It is a homemade recipe and absolutely chemical-free. You can have it for your lunch, easy on-the-go meal, take it as a main dish or a side one, nutritious food. So, why waiting? Order Bash Homemade Mild Ajvar and add flavour to your meals!

Baš Domaći Blagi Ajvar 290GR

from $8.88 from 1648613490731
Vitaminka Stobi Flips 85GR

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Ovi prženi kikiriki vrhunske kvalitete savršeno su zdravi za bilo koju dobnu skupinu. Možete ga imati u svom domu ili na poslu, Vitaminka Stobi Flips će sigurno utažiti vašu glad u trenu. Ovi slasni zalogaji bogati su vitaminima i apsolutno...
These peanut snacks are the go to for any age group. You can have it in your home or at work, Vitaminka Stobi Flips will definitely satisfy your hunger. These yummy munchies are everyones favorite savory snack. Your kids will also love it. Order today to experience the taste of Vitaminka Stobi Flips.

Vitaminka Stobi Flips 85GR

from $2.19 from 1666216263723