
Ako ste ih probali, onda znate da su bosanski i srpski zalogaji jednostavno ukusni! Isto vrijedi i za turske i neke poznate hrvatske zalogaje. Jedini je problem što ih je teško pronaći čak i ako grickalice želite kupovati online. Istina je da u SAD-u nema toliko proizvoda - osim ako grickalice ne naručite online putem platforme BalkanFresh.

U tom smislu, jeste li probali turske slatkiše? Ako želite naručiti slatkiše online, morate ih probati! I srećom, možete ih nabaviti upravo ovdje, s naše web stranice.

Uživajte u bogatom okusu i ukusnoj teksturi ovih europskih grickalica – nabavite ih uz pomoć samo nekoliko klikova putem naših platformi. Online kupovina grickalica nikada nije bila jednostavnija.

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A ako želite zadovoljiti svoje sladokusce, imamo veliki izbor ukusnih europskih slatkiša s Balkana koje jednostavno morate imati s vremena na vrijeme. Tako su dobri!

BalkanFresh je vaš najbolji izbor za autentične slatkiše kada je u pitanju online dostava slatkiša u SAD.
Jaffa Napolitanke napolitanke s kremom i kokosom 187GR


Savršen spoj uz vašu večernju kavu, Jaffa Napolitanke Creme & Coconut Wafers napravljene su od pšeničnog brašna, sirutke u prahu, sojinog lecitina i kakaa. Ovaj hranjivi međuobrok sadrži vlakna, proteine i ugljikohidrate. Možete uživati sami ili podijeliti s prijateljima. Ove...
A perfect match for your evening coffee, Jaffa Napolitanke Creme & Coconut Wafers  are made of wheat flour, whey powder, soya lecithin, and cocoa. This nutritious snack contains fibre, proteins, and carbohydrates. You can enjoy it alone or share it with your friends. These delicious wafers will satisfy your hunger instantly. Order this once and it will definitely get a permanent place in your pantry!

Jaffa Napolitanke napolitanke s kremom i k...

from $2.22 from 7648863420658
Mido Domaće Puslice 200GR


Ukusna slatka poslastica, domaće meringe Mido Domace Puslice odlikuje se hrskavom ljuskom izvana i mekoćom iznutra. Ovi ukusni kolačići savršeni su uz šalicu kave. Naručite jednom ovaj slatki užitak i vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u njega! Možete ga imati...
A yummy sweet treat, Mido Domace Puslice Homemade Meringues features crispy shell outside and softness inside. These delicious cookies are perfect to have a cup of coffee with. Order this yummy delight once and your kids will fall in love with it! You can have it in your home or at work, flavoured cookies, always satisfying your cravings for snacks.

Mido Domaće Puslice 200GR

from $1.99 from 7432854634738
Jaffa Triple Choco Donuts 58GR

Sold Out

Mekane krafne, divan užitak za svako doba. Jaffa Donuts Triple Choco je savršen međuobrok za vaše popodnevne želje. Možete ga pojesti i nakon ručka ili večere, uz sladoled po želji. Vaša djeca će također voljeti ove ukusne mekane čoko krafne....
Soft donuts, lovely delight for any time. Jaffa Donuts Triple Choco is a perfect snack for your afternoon cravings. You can also have it after your lunch or dinner, with your preferred ice cream. Your kids will also love these yummy soft choco donuts. Order this sweet package and bring a smile to your kid’s face.

Jaffa Triple Choco Donuts 58GR

from $1.11 from 7863530127602
Balconi Torta Bečka marelica i čokolada 400GR

Sold Out

Mekoća izvana i bogato punjenje iznutra, Balconi Torta Viennese Apricot & Chocolate pružit će vam slastan užitak u svakom zalogaju. Riječ je o mekanom čokoladnom biskvitu s džemom od marelica i nadjevom od kakaove kreme, užitku talijanske kuhinje. Možete ga...
Softness outside and a rich filling inside, Balconi Torta Viennese Apricot & Chocolate will give you delicious pleasure in every bite. It is a soft chocolate sponge cake with apricot jam and cocoa cream filling, a delight from the kitchen of Italy. You can have it as a sweet treat in your dessert. Enjoy this yummy Balconi Torta Viennese Apricot & Chocolate alone or with your friends. Hurry up and make your dessert sweeter than ever!

Balconi Torta Bečka marelica i čokolada 400GR

from $6.77 from 6596102619316
Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits 450GR


Now enjoy your tea with these Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits . Crunchy delight with the pleasure of sweet treat with a cup of your favorite drink! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage!...
Now enjoy your tea with these Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits . Crunchy delight with the pleasure of sweet treat with a cup of your favorite drink! It is a combination of cookies and biscuits, a delightful snack for any sort of beverage! A perfect snack for the evening and your kids will also love it. Order Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits  right now to enjoy with your family.

Ulker Double Roasted Tea Biscuits 450GR

from $4.49 from 8039349027058
Mini kutija Europe Cream Banana (30 komada) 300g

Sold Out

Savršen međuobrok za vaše večernje želje! Mini kutija Europe Cream Banana sadrži ukusne marshmallowe. U svakom zalogaju osjetit ćete marshmallowe s okusom banane prelivene čokoladom. Napravljene su od praha pravog voća i 100% prirodne boje. Slatki užitak za sve dobne...
Perfect snack for your evening cravings! Evropa Krem Banana Mini Box contains delicious marshmallows. In every bite, you will taste chocolate-coated banana flavored marshmallows. These are made of real fruit powder and 100% natural color. A sweet delight for all age groups. Order this yummy Evropa Krem Banana Mini Box today and share happiness with your friends.

Mini kutija Europe Cream Banana (30 komada...

from $6.00 from 7707745812722
Hodža kakao halva Premium 350G


Doživite ovaj slatki užitak nakon ručka ili večere ili možete pojesti ovu ukusnu Hodžinu čokoladnu halvu Premium u bilo koje doba dana. Ova ukusna halva se priprema sa šećerom, susamom i čokoladom. Možete ga imati i za večernji međuobrok. Ovo...
Experience this sweet delight after your lunch or dinner, or you can have this delicious Hodja Chocolate Halva Premium at any time of the day. This yummy halva is prepared with sugar, sesame and chocolate. You can also have it for your evening snack. This sweet dish contains several nutrients like vitamin B and E, zinc, phosphorus and calcium. Hodja Chocolate Halva Premium is a rich source of antioxidants.

Hodža kakao halva Premium 350G

from $5.55 from 6609724637364
Vincinni Jumbo rolada švicarska krema prelivena čokoladom 300GR

Sold Out

Ako ste u potrazi za slatkim munchiesima, odmah prestanite skrolati! Ove ukusne švicarske kiflice uvijek su omiljene za sve dobne skupine. Uzmite ga nakon ručka ili večere, zadovoljit će vaše sladokusce sa svakim zalogajem. Ova švicarska rolada puna je kremaste...
If you are searching for sweet munchies, stop scrolling right now! These delicious swiss rolls are an all-time favorite for any age group. Have it after your lunch or dinner, it will satisfy your sweet tooth with every bite. This swiss roll is full of creamy chocolate. Vincinni Chocolate Covered Cream Filled Jumbo Swiss Roll is made of the best quality ingredients. So order today to experience the taste of it.

Vincinni Jumbo rolada švicarska krema prel...

from $3.99 from 6860717588660
Balconi Rollino Kakao (čokolada) 222GR

Sold Out

Mekoće izvana i bogatog čokoladnog punjenja iznutra, Balconi Rollino Cacao Dessert pružit će vam slastan užitak u svakom zalogaju. To je biskvit, užitak talijanske kuhinje, preliven slanom čokoladom. Možete ga imati kao slatkiš u svom desertu. Uživajte u ovom ukusnom...
Softness outside and rich chocolate filling inside, Balconi Rollino Cacao Dessert will give you delicious pleasure in every bite of it. It is a sponge cake, a delight from the kitchen of Italy, topped with savory chocolate. You can have it as a sweet treat in your dessert. Enjoy this yummy Balconi Rollino Cacao Dessert alone or with your friends. Hurry up and make your dessert sweeter than ever!

Balconi Rollino Kakao (čokolada) 222GR

from $4.33 from 7544874467570
Kras Bajadera Chocolate 500GR


If you find happiness in chocolate, this is the best and finest one you have ever dreamed of! Kras Bajadera Chocolate tastes sweet and delicious, a favorite for all age groups. Treat yourself with it whenever hunger bites! You can also...
If you find happiness in chocolate, this is the best and finest one you have ever dreamed of! Kras Bajadera Chocolate tastes sweet and delicious, a favorite for all age groups. Treat yourself with it whenever hunger bites! You can also make yummy desserts with it. Kras Bajadera Chocolate is full of calories. Hurry and order soon to enjoy it with your friends or alone!

Kras Bajadera Chocolate 500GR

from $19.99 from 7940264100082
KIM karamel krema 850GR

Sold Out

Pripremite ukusne deserte s KIM karamel kremom. Pravi se od različitih vrsta otopljenog šećera, savršen preljev na sladoledu. Također ga možete koristiti za poboljšanje okusa vašeg ukusnog pudinga. Naručite KIM karamel kremu kako bi vaše slastice bile ukusnije. Ova kutija...
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with KIM Caramel Cream. It is made of different kinds of melted sugar, perfect topping on ice cream. You can also use it to enhance the flavour of your delicious pudding. Order KIM Caramel Cream to make your desserts yummier. This box of sweetness adds flavour to any sweet dish. Make sumptuous recipes and surprise your guests.

KIM karamel krema 850GR

from $10.10 from 7910864421106
Milka Nježni Moo kolači 140GR

Sold Out

Savršen spoj uz mlijeko ili kavu. Milka Moo kolači su ukusni i zabavni za jelo. Naručite ovo jednom i vaša će se djeca zaljubiti u njega. Lagana užina za put i za vašu djecu! Vaši će gosti biti zadivljeni ovako...
A perfect match for milk or coffee. Milka Moo Cakes are delicious and fun to eat. Order this once and your kids will fall in love with it. Your guests will be amazed to have these delicious they are with a cup of hot coffee. Easy on the go snack for your kids too!

Milka Nježni Moo kolači 140GR

from $5.79 from 7903924060402