
Ako ste ih probali, onda znate da su bosanski i srpski zalogaji jednostavno ukusni! Isto vrijedi i za turske i neke poznate hrvatske zalogaje. Jedini je problem što ih je teško pronaći čak i ako grickalice želite kupovati online. Istina je da u SAD-u nema toliko proizvoda - osim ako grickalice ne naručite online putem platforme BalkanFresh.

U tom smislu, jeste li probali turske slatkiše? Ako želite naručiti slatkiše online, morate ih probati! I srećom, možete ih nabaviti upravo ovdje, s naše web stranice.

Uživajte u bogatom okusu i ukusnoj teksturi ovih europskih grickalica – nabavite ih uz pomoć samo nekoliko klikova putem naših platformi. Online kupovina grickalica nikada nije bila jednostavnija.

Naša internetska dostava grickalica je mjesto na kojem možete riješiti slane crteže ako tražite autentične balkanske poslastice.

A ako želite zadovoljiti svoje sladokusce, imamo veliki izbor ukusnih europskih slatkiša s Balkana koje jednostavno morate imati s vremena na vrijeme. Tako su dobri!

BalkanFresh je vaš najbolji izbor za autentične slatkiše kada je u pitanju online dostava slatkiša u SAD.
Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 200GR


Ako ste u potrazi za slatkim užitkom uz napolitanke ili kekse, odmah naručite Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lješnjaka. Ovaj ukusni namaz od mliječne čokolade ima dvostruki okus lješnjaka i vanilije. Možete ga namazati na kruh ili pripremiti ukusne deserte. Istražite...
If you are searching for a sweet treat with wafers or biscuits, order Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread immediately. This yummy milk chocolate spread has a dual flavour of hazelnut and vanilla. You can spread it on bread or prepare mouthwatering dessert recipes. Explore your culinary abilities with this delicious sweet delight. Takovo Eurocrem Hazelnut Spread is also a rich source of calories.

Takovo Eurocrem namaz od lešnika 200GR

from $3.59 from 1636833329195
Zvecevo Mikado 300GR

Sold Out

Doživite okus ovog hrvatskog užitka sami ili u krugu svojih najbližih. Ova mliječna čokolada koja se topi u ustima bogat je izvor ugljikohidrata, minerala, vitamina i proteina. Napravljen je od najkvalitetnijih sirovih sastojaka poput mlijeka i čokolade. Možete ga jesti...
Experience the taste of this Croatian delight alone, or with your close ones. This melt-in-mouth milk chocolate is a rich source of carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and proteins. It is made of the finest quality raw ingredients like milk and chocolate. You can have it whenever you feel hungry. An all-time favourite for any age group. You can also prepare yummy desserts with Svecevo Mikado.

Zvecevo Mikado 300GR

from $8.00 from 1027147890731
Ulker Biskrem Kakao 205g

Sold Out

Utažite svoju glad ovim ukusnim i hrskavim užitkom! Ulker Biskrem kakao napravljen je od najfinijih sastojaka kao što su pšenično brašno, biljno ulje, lješnjaci, jaja i kakao prah. Doživite okus ovih hrskavih kolačića, punjenih bogatom čokoladnom kremom. Ove kekse možete...
Satisfy your hunger with this yummy and crunchy delight! Ulker Biskrem Cocoa is made of the finest ingredients like wheat flour, vegetable oil, hazelnuts, eggs and cocoa powder. Experience the taste of these crunchy cookies, filled with rich chocolate cream. You can also use these biscuits to make ice cream or your favourite desserts. Try this once and you will fall in love with its sweetness!

Ulker Biskrem Kakao 205g

from $2.99 from 1643809669163
Bambi Lane Plazma 300GR

Sold Out

Hranjiv i savršen međuobrok za bilo koju dobnu skupinu, iznimno učinkovit za djecu. Ukusna Bambi Lane plazma je hrskava i ukusnija kada se poslužuje s mlijekom ili sokom. Vaša djeca mogu jesti ovaj ukusni međuobrok u bilo koje doba dana....
This perfect snack for any age group, especially for kids. Yummy Bambi Lane Plazma is crunchy and yummier when served with milk or juice. Your kids can have this delicious snack at any time of the day. Order this tasty Bambi Lane Plazma and make your kid’s snack sweeter!

Bambi Lane Plazma 300GR

from $5.00 from 1026933948459
Kraš Bajadera Čokolada 300GR


Ako u čokoladi nalazite sreću, ovo je najbolja i najfinija o kojoj ste sanjali! Kraš Bajadera čokolada slatkog je i ukusnog okusa, omiljena svim dobnim skupinama. Počastite se njime kad god ogladnite! S njim možete napraviti i ukusne deserte. Kraš...
If you find happiness in chocolate, this is the best and finest one you have ever dreamed of! Kras Bajadera Chocolate tastes sweet and delicious, a favorite for all age groups. Treat yourself with it whenever hunger bites! You can also make yummy desserts with it. Kras Bajadera Chocolate is full of calories. Hurry and order soon to enjoy it with your friends or alone!

Kraš Bajadera Čokolada 300GR

from $13.00 from 1636837359659
7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR

Sold Out

Kad vas uhvati glad, počastite se ovim ukusnim zalogajem. 7 Days čokoladni kroasan napravljen je od tijesta i bogatog čokoladnog nadjeva. Ovaj genetski modificirani kroasan bez organizama topit će vam se u ustima, a pogodite što slijedi! Pucanje...
When hunger bites, treat yourself with this mouthwatering snack. 7 Days chocolate croissant is made of dough and rich chocolate filling. This croissant will melt in your mouth, and guess what happens next! A burst of chocolate inside. A single bite of this chocolate croissant will leave a sweet taste in your mouth. So, make your every day better with 7 Days Chocolate Croissant.

7 Days Čokoladni kroasan 75GR

from $2.22 from 1780673380395
Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 150GR

Sold Out

Ne dopustite da vas više grize glad! Uzmite ove ukusne kolačiće poput kolača, punjene želeom od naranče i slojem čokolade kako biste se slatko poslastili kad god ste gladni. Ovi ukusni kolačići napravljeni su od pšeničnog brašna, jaja, kakaa u...
Don’t let hunger bite you anymore! Have these delicious cake-like cookies, filled with orange jelly and a layer of chocolate to give yourself a sweet treat whenever you are hungry. These delicious cookies are made of wheat flour, eggs, cocoa powder, sugar, and syrup. Order these yummy Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Orange to make your evening snacks sweeter and don’t forget to share!

Crevenka Jaffa Cakes Naranča 150GR

from $3.00 from 1713075486763
Takovo Isleri Eurocrem biskvit 250GR


Sada uživajte u dvostrukim okusima vanilije i lješnjaka u jednom pakiranju. Takovo Isleri eurokrem biskvit savršeno se slaže uz večernju kafu ili čaj. Možete ga imati sami ili podijeliti sa svojim bližnjima. Ovi mekani keksići preliveni čokoladom puni su kalorija....
Now enjoy dual flavours of vanilla and hazelnut in a single package. Takovo Isleri Eurocream Biscuit is a perfect match for your evening coffee or tea. You can have it alone or share it with your close one. These chocolate-coated soft biscuits are full of calories. Have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Takovo Isleri Eurocream Biscuit immediately and experience this sweet delight.

Takovo Isleri Eurocrem biskvit 250GR

from $3.49 from 1048556732459
Pionir Čokoladna Medna Srca 350GR

Sold Out

Pojedite ovaj ukusni užitak nakon svakog obroka, Pionir medena torta prelivena čokoladom ima izvrstan okus koji će u vama ostaviti slatki okus. Ovaj kolač koji se topi u ustima ima sloj čokolade izvana i prirodan okus meda. Savršen spoj za...
Have this yummy delight after every meal, Pionir Chocolate Coated Honey Cake has a delicious flavour that will leave a sweet aftertaste within you. This melt-in-mouth cake has a layer of chocolate outside and a natural honey flavour. A perfect match for your evening treat with a cup of coffee, or you can have it whenever you feel hungry. Order Pionir Chocolate Coated Honey Cake now and enjoy it with your close ones.

Pionir Čokoladna Medna Srca 350GR

from $7.49 from 1780175011883
Kras Bronchi Toffee 100GR


Tražite osvježivače daha? Ako da, Bronhi Toffee je najbolji slatkiš koji tražite. Ima aromu mentola i pomiješan je s mediteranskim biljem. Osvježava dah i podiže samopouzdanje među ljudima. Ovaj toffee također sadrži zaslađeno kondenzirano mlijeko, šećer, karamelu, glukozni sirup i...
Looking for breath fresheners? If yes, Bronhi Toffee is the best candy that you are searching for. It has a menthol aroma and is blended with Mediterranean herbs. It freshens your breath and boosts your confidence among people. This toffee also contains sweetened condensed milk, sugar, caramel, glucose syrup and eggs. Order this yummy candy once and you will never be able to resist ordering again!

Kras Bronchi Toffee 100GR

from $2.00 from 4429286342731
KIM karamel krema - Tres Leches 500GR

Sold Out

Pripremite ukusne deserte s KIM karamel kremom. Pravi se od različitih vrsta otopljenog šećera, savršen preljev na sladoledu. Također ga možete koristiti za poboljšanje okusa vašeg ukusnog pudinga. Naručite KIM karamel kremu kako bi vaše slastice bile ukusnije. Ova kutija...
Prepare mouthwatering desserts with KIM Caramel Cream. It is made of different kinds of melted sugar, perfect topping on ice cream. You can also use it to enhance the flavour of your delicious pudding. Order KIM Caramel Cream to make your desserts yummier. This box of sweetness adds flavour to any sweet dish. Make sumptuous recipes and surprise your guests.

KIM karamel krema - Tres Leches 500GR

from $6.00 from 4609215791179
Podravka Lino lješnjak Chocolino 200GR

Sold Out

Podravka nudi savršen doručak za vaše mališane! Ovaj ukusni Chocolino s lješnjacima sadrži vitamine B-kompleksa, C i E. Ukusne žitne pahuljice, najbolje servirane s mlijekom, zdrav su obrok za djecu od 12 mjeseci i više. Može se brzo pripremiti i...
Podravka is offering the perfect breakfast for your kids! This delicious Hazelnut Chocolino contains vitamin B-complex, C and E. Yummy cereal flakes, best served with milk is a healthy meal for children of 12 months and above. It can be prepared quickly and easy to digest. Podravka Hazelnut Chocolino is an all-time favourite for kids because of its double delight of chocolate and hazelnut flavours!

Podravka Lino lješnjak Chocolino 200GR

from $6.49 from 1717430222891