The rich creamy vanilla filling inside makes this 7Days croissant soft and delicious. You will find a burst of sweetness in every bite and make your days yummier than ever. This is a perfect snack from morning to evening, with or without a cup of coffee. You can try this alone or with your friends, anywhere, on any occasion. So don’t wait, order this package of happiness now!

7 dana kroasan od vanilije 75 gr


7 dana kroasan od vanilije 75 gr 7 dana kroasan od vanilije 75 gr becomes available.

Bogato kremasto punjenje od vanilije iznutra čini ovaj 7Days kroasan mekim i ukusnim. Pronaći ćete dašak slatkoće u svakom zalogaju i učinit ćete svoje dane ukusnijima nego ikad. Ovo je savršen međuobrok od jutra do večeri, uz ili bez šalice kave. Ovo možete isprobati sami ili s prijateljima, bilo gdje, u bilo kojoj prilici. Zato ne čekajte, naručite ovaj paket sreće sada!Težina: 2,65 OZ (75 g)Nadjev od vanilije.


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Povezani proizvodi

Mjesečni Balkan Snack Box (mjesečna pretplata)


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Mjesečni Balkan Snack Box (mjesečna pretplata)

Mjesečni Balkan Snack Box (mjesečna pretpl...

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This perfect snack for any age group, especially for kids. Yummy Bambi Lane Plazma is crunchy and yummier when served with milk or juice. Your kids can have this delicious snack at any time of the day. Order this tasty Bambi Lane Plazma and make your kid’s snack sweeter!

Bambi Plazma Lane 600GR

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This perfect snack for any age group, especially for kids. Yummy Bambi Lane Plazma is crunchy and yummier when served with milk or juice. Your kids can have this delicious snack at any time of the day. Order this tasty Bambi Lane Plazma and make your kid’s snack sweeter!

Bambi Lane Plazma 300GR

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Sold Out

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This perfect snack for any age group, especially for kids. Yummy Bambi Lane Plazma is crunchy and yummier when served with milk or juice. Your kids can have this delicious snack at any time of the day. Order this tasty Bambi Lane Plazma and make your kid’s snack sweeter!

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A perfect match for your morning or evening drinks. Have these Bambi Choco Lane biscuits with your favourite drinks or on their own. These yummy choco lane biscuits are made of plasma lane with a chocolate filling inside. You will find a burst of chocolate in each bite of these crunchy biscuits. Order these delicious Bambi Choco Lane today and don’t forget to share with your friends!

Bambi Choco Lane 135GR

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Bambi Lane Ground (Plazma Mljevena) 300GR

Sold Out

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Bambi Lane Ground (Plazma Mljevena) 300GR

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