A wonderful main course dish from the land of Macedonia will make your day yummier than ever. This delicious dish is made of fresh bell peppers and eggplants, roasted and grilled, pasteurized. It is a homemade recipe and absolutely chemical-free. You can have it for your lunch, easy on-the-go meal, take it as a main dish or a side one, nutritious food. So, why waiting? Order Bash Homemade Mild Ajvar and add flavour to your meals!

Bash Domaći blagi ajvar 290GR


Bash Domaći blagi ajvar 290GR Bash Domaći blagi ajvar 290GR becomes available.

Divno glavno jelo iz zemlje Makedonije učiniće vaš dan ukusnijim nego ikad. Ovo ukusno jelo je napravljeno od svježih paprika i patlidžana, pečenih i pečenih na roštilju, pasteriziranih. To je domaći recept i apsolutno bez hemikalija. Možete ga jesti za ručak, lagan obrok u pokretu, uzeti ga kao glavno jelo ili prilog, hranljivu hranu. Pa, zašto čekati? Naručite Bash domaći blagi ajvar i dodajte ukus svojim jelima! Težina: 290g Makedonsko glavno jelo Domaće


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Biljana Ajvar blagi namaz 670GR

Sold Out

Slana poslastica iz zemlje Makedonije napravljena od svježih patlidžana i paprika, začinjena mješavinom začina. Možete ga jesti samostalno ili ga namazati na tost ili sendviče. Ukusna hrana bez hemikalija, jednostavan obrok u pokretu, posebno koristan za one koji...
A savoury treat from the land of Macedonia made with fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with a blend of spices. You can have it on its own or spread it on toast or sandwiches. Chemical-free, delicious food, easy on-the-go meal especially useful for those who have a busy lifestyle. You can also use it to cook different recipes. Order this mouthwatering Biljana Ajvar Mild Spread today and make your meals yummier!

Biljana Ajvar blagi namaz 670GR

from $10.00 from 1027225026603
MAMA's blagi ajvar 550GR


Predivan MAMIN blagi ajvar, ukusno je jelo koje potiče iz zemlje Makedonije. Pravi se od svježih paprika i patlidžana koji su pečeni i pečeni na roštilju do savršenstva, a zatim pasterizirani za svježinu. Najbolji dio? U ovom receptu...
The wonderful MAMA's Mild Ajvar, is a delicious dish that hails from the land of Macedonia. It is made with fresh bell peppers and eggplants that are roasted and grilled to perfection. MAMA's Mild Ajvar spread is perfect for any meal, whether you're having it for lunch, as a dip, or as an easy on-the-go meal. You can even serve it as a main dish or a side one to complement your favorite meals.

MAMA's blagi ajvar 550GR

from $13.33 from 1704325840939
MAMA's Hot Ajvar 550GR


Recept za ukusno glavno jelo iz zemlje Makedonije. Ovaj ukusni ljuti ajvar napravljen je od svježih patlidžana i paprika, začinjen prepoznatljivom mješavinom ljutih začina. Jednostavan obrok u pokretu, ovaj ukusan recept bez hemikalija možete jesti kao glavno...
Mouthwatering main course recipe from the land of Macedonia. This delicious hot Ajvar is made of fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with a signature blend of hot spices. Easy on-the-go meal, you can have this chemical-free, yummy recipe as a main course or as a side dish, at any time from morning to evening. Flavourful MAMA's Hot Ajvar is nutritious too. To enjoy alone or with your friends, order soon!

MAMA's Hot Ajvar 550GR

from $13.33 from 1704325021739
Vava Domaća blago pečena paprika ajvar 520GR

Sold Out

Tradicionalni užitak iz zemlje Makedonije napravljen od svježih patlidžana, paprike, feferona i bijelog luka, začinjen mješavinom začina. Namažite ga na hrskavi tost ili sendviče, ili možete napraviti recepte izvan kutije s ovim slanim pripravkom. Probajte ovaj domaći ajvar...
A traditional delight from the land of Macedonia made with fresh eggplants, peppers, fefferoni and garlic, seasoned with a blend of spices. Spread it on crusty toast or sandwiches, or you can make out-of-box recipes with this savoury preparation. Try this homemade roasted pepper ajvar with meat and cheese or as a side dish. Order this flavoursome Vava Homemade Mild Roasted Pepper Ajvar today and make your meals yummier!

Vava Domaća blago pečena paprika ajvar 520GR

from $13.99 from 1624811733035
Biljana Ljuti ajvar 670GR

Sold Out

Napravljeno od kvalitetnih, svježih patlidžana i paprika, začinjenih mješavinom ljutih začina. Ukusna poslastica vašim receptima, ovaj vrući ajvar može se koristiti za kuhanje različitih recepata kako biste dodali ukuse. Možete ga koristiti i kao namaz na hrskavi...
Made with high-quality, fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with a blend of hot spices. A savoury treat to your recipes, this hot Ajvar can be used to cook different recipes in order to add flavours. You can also have it as a spread on crusty toast or bread. It’s an on-the-go meal for those who run with busy schedules. Try this delicious Macedonian food once and you will order it again.

Biljana Ljuti ajvar 670GR

from $7.77 from 1027226665003
Bash Domaći blagi ajvar 680GR

Sold Out

Ukusni makedonski recept, domaći i apsolutno bez hemikalija. Bash domaći blagi ajvar učiniće vaš dan ukusnijim. Uzmite ga za ručak ili večeru, lagani obrok u pokretu, posebno koristan za one koji imaju naporan način života. Proizvedeno od...
Yummy Macedonian recipe, homemade and absolutely chemical-free. Bash Homemade Mild Ajvar will make your day tastier. Have it for lunch or dinner, easy on-the-go meal, especially useful for those who have a busy lifestyle. Made of fresh eggplants and bell peppers, seasoned with mild spicy blend, pasteurized. This delicious Homemade Mild Ajvar can be taken as a main dish or a side one. Order it today and make your meals special!

Bash Domaći blagi ajvar 680GR

from $12.22 from 1866808262699