
Products orignating from Albania
Sale Amita nektar breskve 1L
Amita nektar breskve 1L

$5.55 $6.99

Zaista užitak za ljubitelje sokova, ovaj ukusni nektar breskve napravljen je od zrelih breskvi iz zemlje Grčke. Možete ga koristiti kao slanu bazu za jutarnji smoothie od jogurta ili voćni smoothie. Amita...
Indeed a delight for juice lovers, this delicious peach nectar is made of ripened peaches from the land of Greece. You can use it as the savory base for your morning yogurt smoothie or fruit smoothie. Its sweetness adds a different piquancy to the juice that you will love.

Amita nektar breskve 1L

from $5.55 from 1086079926315
Alb aroma žute paprike sa svježim sirom 540GR

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Uživajte u ovom klasičnom užitku samostalno ili ga kušajte kao prilog mesu sa roštilja. Žuta paprika sa svježim sirom je puna esencijalnih nutrijenata poput proteina, vitamina i minerala. Ove punjene paprike također sadrže antioksidanse i smanjuju slobodne...
Enjoy this classic delight on its own or relish it as a side dish of grilled meat. Yellow Peppers With Cottage Cheese is full of essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins and minerals. These stuffed peppers also contain antioxidants and reduce free radicals from your body. If you have a busy lifestyle, it is a perfect recipe to save your precious time. Order Yellow Peppers With Cottage Cheese right now to enjoy its delicious flavour.

Alb aroma žute paprike sa svježim sirom 540GR

from $10.10 from 2179803316267
Gjirofarm ovčiji sir 360GR

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**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Ako volite malo ljutkastog ukusa sira, naručite Gjirofarm ovčiji feta sir. Ukusna je i ima izrazitu aromu....
If you like a little tangy flavor in cheese, order Gjirofarm Sheep Feta Cheese. It is delicious and has a distinct aroma. This cheese is derived from the fresh and 100% natural milk of sheep in Gjirokastra region. Prepare yummy Albanian recipes and your favorite dishes with Gjirofarm Sheep Feta Cheese.

Gjirofarm ovčiji sir 360GR

from $11.11 from 2179801972779
Amita Višnja 1L

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Zdrav sok se sastoji od vitalnih nutrijenata, poput vitamina C i antioksidansa. Amita višnja također pomaže u sprječavanju upale i poznata je kao pojačivač sna. Ovo je hranljivi užitak od trešanja sa mediteranskog tla...
Amita sour cherry will become your new favorite drink. This delight from the cherries of the Mediterranean soil of Greece. You can have it on its own and it is also delightful with a splash of sparkling water or in iced tea or lemonade or as a base of the cocktail mixer. You can offer this sweet happiness to your guests on any occasion.

Amita Višnja 1L

from $5.55 from 1086085234731
ATC Mountain Tea 40GR


Ovaj odličan planinski čaj izuzetno je hranljiv. Ima nekoliko ljekovitih svojstava i održava vas zdravim. Ako ste ljubitelj čaja, probajte ovaj ukusni, aromatični čaj. 100% organski, bez dodanih hemikalija, ovaj planinski čaj pomaže u regulaciji metabolizma vašeg...
If you are a tea-lover, try this delicious, aromatic tea. Premium quality, ATC mountain tea is popular in the Mediterranean countries. Enjoy it on a cold evening or serve it to your guests. Just boil some hot water and enjoy. So, order this tea today and taste the flavour of the mountain!

ATC Mountain Tea 40GR

from $4.00 from 1432693342251
GjiroFarm kozji sir 900GR

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**NY, NJ, CT, MA UPS SAMO ISPORUKA NA ZEMLJI** Sve ostale države MOLIMO IZABERITE BRZU DOSTAVU. NEĆEMO BITI ODGOVORNI ZA POkvarene PROIZVODE** Umorni ste od monotonih obroka svaki dan? Probajte nešto novo sa ovim ukusnim...
Tired of having monotonous meals every day? Try something new with this delicious GjiroFarm Goat Cheese. It is derived from the fresh and 100% natural milk of goats. You can cut it into pieces to garnish your salad or melt it to prepare yummy dishes. Order GjiroFarm Goat Cheese today and taste the difference.

GjiroFarm kozji sir 900GR

from $26.66 from 4594915835979
Zelene masline Sagelo uvozne (Berat, Albanija) 700GR

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Dodajte ukuse svojim receptima uz Sagelo uvozne zelene masline. Ovo je savršena pratnja koju ste oduvijek tražili. Ove zelene masline postaće vaša nova omiljena grickalica. Naručite već danas i počnite ih ubacivati ​​u svoju salatu. ...
Add flavors to your recipes with Sagelo Imported Green Olives . This is the perfect accompaniment you have always searched for. These green olives will become your new favorite snack. Order today and start tossing them in your salad.

Zelene masline Sagelo uvozne (Berat, Alban...

from $15.99 from 1390691483691
Sale Amita nektar breskve 250 ml
Amita nektar breskve 250 ml

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Ovo je ono o čemu ste ikada sanjali za jutarnji voćni smoothie! Ovaj ukusni sok dobija se od zrelih breskvi iz Grčke. Sadrži bogate minerale i vitamine. Možete ga koristiti i kao osnovu za...
Amita Peach Nectar will become your new favorite drink. This delight is full of peach flavor. You can have it on its own and it is also delightful with a splash of sparkling water or in iced tea or lemonade or as a base of the cocktail mixer. You can offer this sweet happiness to your guests on any occasion.

Amita nektar breskve 250 ml

from $2.22 from 1086088708139
Sale Amita višnja 250 ml
Amita višnja 250 ml

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Bogati sok od trešanja sa tla Grčke je užitak sa ili bez gazirane vode. Ovaj sok od višanja možete i kao podlogu za mikser za koktele ili u limunadi ili uz ledeni čaj. Ukusna...
Rich juice of cherries from the soil of Greece is a delight with or without sparkling water. You can also this sour cherry juice as a base of a cocktail mixer or in lemonade or with iced tea. Delicious Amita sour cherry adds sweetness in any occasion. So order this right now and share it with your friends and family!

Amita višnja 250 ml

from $2.22 from 1086091821099
Alegria Trahana sa paradajzom i paprikom 400GR

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Ako ste zabrinuti za svoje zdravlje, morate barem jednom probati Alegria trahanu. Ova hranljiva hrana sadrži razne proteine ​​i različite vrste minerala. Dobar izvor vitamina B, trahana vas održava zdravim. Dobar je i za starije osobe, pacijente...
This Alegria Trahana With Tomato & Paprika will become a new favorite in your home. The combination of tomato and paprika provides a delicious flavour to it. Try it in soups or stews. The possibilities are endless. Order it today and get the yummiest version of nutritious food!

Alegria Trahana sa paradajzom i paprikom 4...

from $5.00 from 4548239229003
Usta Berati ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje 1LT

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Bogat izvor polifenola, ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje iz Berata održava vaše srce zdravim sprječavajući nekoliko srčanih bolesti. Sadrži i nekoliko vitamina i minerala i održava uravnoteženu tjelesnu težinu. Sa ekstra djevičanskim maslinovim uljem Berat, koje je napravljeno od...
A rich source of polyphenol, Extra Virgin Olive Oil From Berat keeps your heart healthy by preventing several heart diseases. It also contains several vitamins and minerals and maintains balanced body weight. You can make delicious vegetable salads and different recipes with Extra Virgin Olive Oil From Berat, which is made of the finest quality olives. Order today to make your diet healthy.

Usta Berati ekstra djevičansko maslinovo u...

from $22.99 from 1862832357419
Ama turska kafa 400GR

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Započnite jutro ovom aromatičnom, ukusnom kafom! Ama turska kafa se pravi od kafe bogatog kvaliteta. Tačno tačna količina kofeina pružit će vam dovoljno energije da možete raditi cijeli dan. Zrna kafe su pržena na savršenoj temperaturi i...
Start your morning with this aromatic, tasty coffee! Ama Turkish coffee is made of rich quality coffee. The exactly right amount of caffeine will provide you sufficient energy so that you can work all day long. The coffee beans are roasted at the perfect temperature and made in Albanian style. The fragrance of this coffee will make your every morning special, so don't wait, order it now!

Ama turska kafa 400GR

from $11.11 from 1862835732523